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America's Children and the Environment (ACE)

ACE Health

The Health indicators present information on children's diseases, conditions, and outcomes that may potentially be influenced by environmental exposures. Many factors contribute to children's health, including genetic inheritance, nutrition, and exercise, among others. The adverse health consequences of some environmental exposures may occur through interactions with these other risk factors, and it is often difficult to determine the extent to which the environment (or any other factor) contributes to children's health outcomes of concern.

The Health section is organized as a series of topics, each topic as a separate page. Each topic is presented separately with Indicator, Background, and Methods navigation tabs. The Indicator tab includes each indicator presented as a figure, followed by a text box describing the characteristics of the data displayed, and bullet points that highlight key data from the indicator. The Background tab includes a discussion of the scope of the issue and a brief snapshot of the relevant scientific literature regarding associations between exposures and health effects. The Methods tab includes a description of the data source and a description of how the indicator is calculated.

The ACE3 Health indicators address the following topics:

Respiratory Diseases

The prevalence of asthma among children, and the frequency with which children experienced asthma or respiratory symptoms resulting in an emergency room visit or hospitalization.

View Respiratory Diseases »

Childhood Cancer

Broad trends in childhood cancer over time, and detailed information about the incidence of specific types of cancer in children.

View Childhood Cancer »

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The prevalence of children reported to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, and intellectual disability.

View Neurodevelopmental Disorders »


The prevalence of obesity among children over time, and the current prevalence of obesity by race/ethnicity and family income.

View Obesity »

Adverse Birth Outcomes

The rates of preterm birth and term low birth weight over time.

View Adverse Birth Outcomes »