Presentations From the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium
"Building California’s Sustainable Bioresource Economy"
Presentations related to the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium "Building California’s Sustainable Bioresource Economy", held November 1 - 2, 2017.
The information contained in the following presentations does not necessarily reflect official EPA policy.
- Program/Agenda
- Opening and Presentation of Award (Video)Exit
Opening Remarks and Honoring of Luana Kiger (10 min) - Case Study Script: From Siting to Permitting to Marketing
- Case Study Presentation and Discussion (Video)Exit
From Siting to Permitting to Marketing – What Does It Take to Profitably Construct and Operate A New Organics Facility in California? (3 hrs) - Case Studies
- Short-lived Climate Pollutants
- Healthy Soils
- Marin Carbon Project
- Healthy People, Healthy Soils
- Bioproducts Portfolio
- Organics Infrastructure
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2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium Program (PDF)(4 pp, 909 K,
California Bioresources Alliance 12th Annual Symposium 2017 Brochure: “Building California’s Sustainable Bioresources Economy”.
Case Studies Script: From Siting to Permitting to Marketing (PDF)(18 pp, 138 K,
What Does It Take to Profitably Construct and Operate A New Organics Facility in California? Moderated by Melissa Fischer, Tulare Lake Compost.
Case Studies: Chris Seney, Denali Water: Permitting a Large Compost Facility in California (PDF)(10 pp, 1 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Case Studies: Jack Broadbent, Caltrans: Using Compost on California Roadsides (PDF)(20 pp, 3 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Short Lived Climate Pollutants: David Mallory, CARB: Short Lived Climate Pollutants Panel Presentation (PDF)(11 pp, 162 K,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Short Lived Climate Pollutants: Dr Crystal Reul-Chen, CalRecycle: SB 1383 - Organics Diversion from Landfills and Methane Emissions (PDF)(13 pp, 631 K,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Short Lived Climate Pollutants: Steve McCorkle, Ag Waste Solutions, and Bruce Scott, Scott Brothers Dairy Farms: SLCP and Related California Dairy Issues (PDF)(14 pp, 3 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Short Lived Climate Pollutants: Andrew Kessler, Danish Trade Council: Applying Danish Best Practices & Core Competencies (PDF)(12 pp, 2 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Healthy Soils: Dr. Jeff Mitchell, UC Davis: California Farm Demonstration Network (PDF)(42 pp, 4 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance 2017 Symposium. - November 1–2, 2017.
Healthy Soils: Dr. Geetika Joshi, CDFA: Healthy Soils Program Update (PDF)(22 pp, 2 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Healthy Soils: Dr. David Crohn, UC Riverside: Healthy Soils, Organics, and Salts (PDF)(19 pp, 760 K,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Healthy Soils: Tony Rolfes, USDA NRCS: Indicators of Soil Health and Field Applications (PDF)(42 pp, 4 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
John Wick and Calla Rose Ostrander: Marin Carbon Project (PDF)(57 pp, 2 MB,
Scaling the Findings of the Marin Carbon Project: Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium
Healthy People, Healthy Soils: Janaki Jagannath: Community Alliance for Agroecology (PDF)(31 pp, 5 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Healthy People, Healthy Soils: Warren Brush, Casitas Valley Farm: Nutrient Recycling with Regenerative Agriculture (PDF)(13 pp, 3 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Healthy People, Healthy Soils: Dave Warner, San Joaquin Valley APCD: Healthy People, Healthy Soils - an Air Quality Perspective (PDF)(10 pp, 1 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: Re-Visioning the Agricultural Paradigm - An Air Quality Perspective.
Healthy People, Healthy Soils: Johnny Gonzales, State Water Resources Control Board: SWRCB Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (PDF)(48 pp, 4 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Bioproducts: Greg Kester, California Association of Sanitation Agencies: Biosolids Markets and Restrictions (PDF)(17 pp, 277 K,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Bioproducts: Dan Noble, Association of Compost Producers: The Biosolids Portfolio Approach (PDF)(44 pp, 2 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: Framework and tools for organics capacity, market expansion planning, and investment.
Bioproducts: Dr. Ruihong Zhang, UC Davis - Digestate Alone and With Compost - Designing for Specific End Uses (PDF)(29 pp, 3 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: Sustainable Biofertilizer Production From Anaerobically Digested Organic Wastes.
Organics Infrastructure: Clarke Pauley, CR&R: Renewable Fuel from Organic Waste Recycling (PDF)(15 pp, 2 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Organics Infrastructure: Jeff Ziegenbein, Inland Empire Utilities Agency: Inland Empire Regional Compost Facility (PDF)(56 pp, 6 MB,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
Organics Infrastructure: Leslie Lukacs, SCS Engineers: Organics Management Infrastructure Planning for AB 876 (PDF)(25 pp, 848 K,
Presentation from the 2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.