Organics: State Regulations and Municipal Opportunities
Documents related to the 2018 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium focusing on the implementation of organic waste reduction goals and projects required by state regulations to achieve California’s waste diversion, healthy soils, and renewable fuels goals.
The information contained in the following presentations does not necessarily reflect official EPA policy.
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CBA 2018 Final Agenda (PDF)(2 pp, 554 K,
Final agenda for the 13th Annual California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: "Organics: State Regulations and Municipal Opportunities".
CBA 2018 Speaker/Moderator Bios (PDF)(7 pp, 472 K,
Biographies of speakers and moderators for the 2018 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium.
The Hammer and the Nail Presentation (Session 1): Chris Seney, Republic Services (PDF)(9 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
"Republic Services Presentation"
The Hammer and the Nail Presentation (Session 1): Cindy Liles, Clements Environmental (PDF)(7 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
"Building Organics Recycling Capacity - Permitting Perspective"
The Hammer and the Nail Presentation (Session 1): Floyd Vergara, CARB (PDF)(7 pp, 306 K,
November 2018)
"Senate Bill 1383 and the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy"
The Hammer and the Nail Presentation (Session 1): Hank Brady, CalRecycle (PDF)(13 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
"SB 1383: Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in California"
The Hammer and the Nail Presentation (Session 1): Patrick Nevis, GO-Biz (PDF)(9 pp, 733 K,
November 2018)
"Resources at GO-Biz"
Southern California Presentation (Session 2): Frank R. Caponi - Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (PDF)(28 pp, 5 MB,
November 2018)
"Organics Recycling in Southern California: Challenges and Successes"
Southern California Presentation (Session 2): Isaac Novella, Orange County (PDF)(16 pp, 50 MB,
November 2018)
“Launching a Regional Organics Recycling Program”
Southern California Presentation (Session 2): Bruce Scott, Scott Brother Dairy Farms, and Steve McCorkle, Ag Waste Solutions (PDF)(5 pp, 1 MB,
November 2018)
“Sustainable Collaborations for Organic Waste Management”
Fire Risk Reduction and Remediation (Session 4): Brian Gannon, Biogas Energy (PDF)(15 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
“Fire Risk Reduction and Remediation”
Fire Risk Reduction and Remediation (Session 4): Greg Kester, California Association of Sanitation Agencies (PDF)(15 pp, 916 K,
November 2018)
“Reclamation of Fire Ravaged Lands Using Biosolids"
Central California Presentation (Session 5): John Bouey, Managed Organic Recycling, and Wilson Nolan, Liberty Composting (PDF)(23 pp, 6 MB,
November 2018)
“Starting a New (Expanding/Existing) Compost Operation'
Central California Presentation (Session 5): Errol Villegas, SJVAPCD (PDF)(7 pp, 154 K,
November 2018)
“Composting in the San Joaquin Valley”
Central California Presentation (Session 5): Kevin Barnes (PDF)(7 pp, 743 K,
November 2018)
"Preparing for SB 1383 Organic Waste Recycling"
"Where’s the Money?" Presentation (Session 6): Greg Shipley, Greg Tolle (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
"Financing Hurdles"
"Where’s the Money?" Presentation (Session 6): Andy Lutz - Zynergy Capital (PDF)(5 pp, 1 MB,
November 2018)
“Zynergy Capital For Clean Energy Projects”
"Where’s the Money?" Presentation (Session 6): Janice Tran, Generate Capital (PDF)(5 pp, 670 K,
“Financing Bioenergy Projects”
"Where’s the Money?" Presentation (Session 6): Jim Dunbar, Lystek (PDF)(20 pp, 2 MB,
"Biosolids…. it Smells Like Money to Me"
"Where’s the Money?" Presentation (Session 6): Nancee Trombley, iBank (PDF)(8 pp, 2 MB,
November 2018)
“California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank”
Bioresources InTECHgration (Session 7): Michael Theroux, JDMT (PDF)(9 pp, 1 MB,
November 2018)
"Conversion Systems Integration"
Bioresources Research Update Presentation (Session 8 ): Christopher Simmons, UC Davis Food Science and Technology (PDF)(34 pp, 17 MB,
November 2018)
"Recycling Solid Organic Residues From California Food Processing as Soil Amendments for Biosolarization"
Flash Presentation: Bob Vergura, NORS (PDF)(1 pg, 2 MB,
November 2018)
"National Organics Recycling Systems (NORS): Turn Food Waste Into Revenue"
Flash Presentation: Dan Morash, California Safe Soil (PDF)(1 pg, 601 K,
November 2018)
"Our Vision: Solving the '40% of Food Gets Wasted' Problem with Enzymatic Digestion"
Flash Presentation: Erin Grizard, Bloom Energy (PDF)(1 pg, 313 K,
November 2018)
"Biogas-fed Bloom Energy Server Solution"
Flash Presentation: Hunter Francis, CalPoly (PDF)(1 pg, 196 K,
November 2018)
"Soil Health Dimensions"
Flash Presentation: Jeff Snyder, Aires Clean Energy (PDF)(1 pg, 259 K,
November 2018)
"Aries Clean Energy Gasification Technologies"
Flash Presentations: Tom Hintz, SeaHold (PDF)(1 pg, 138 K,
November 2018)
"Implementing Organics Recycling in Your Community"
Fire Risk Reduction and Remediation Presentation (PDF)(35 pp, 5 MB,
November 2018)
"Fire Risk Reduction and Remediation"
Bakersfield: Preparing for SB 1383 Organic Waste Recycling Presentation (PDF)(7 pp, 735 K,
November 2018)
"Preparing for SB 1383 Organic Waste Recycling"