Opportunities for CMAQ Collaborators
Contribute to the CMAQ System
As a public domain model, CMAQ is the product of contributions from many developers, whose numbers are only expected to increase with the number of users worldwide. The EPA uses the version control system git to manage the cross-community access to this software.
- View source code and scripts available from the CMAQ GitHub online code repository. Exit
- Learn how to download source code and scripts from GitHub from the command line or from your browser.
- Refer to the CMAQ User's Guide for instructions on how to contribute source code to the CMAQ code repository. Exit
Work with Us
Opportunities for students and postdoctoral fellows to work with our team are available through these mechanisms:
- The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Internship/Research Participation Program at the US EPA Exit (postdoc and student)
- The National Academy of Sciences Research Associateship Programs Fellowships Office Exit(postdoc only)
- The EPA Postdoctoral Reserach Program (postdoc only)
- Other Research Fellowships and Scholarships (postdoc and student)
ORISE and NAS positions are available throughout the year while NERL postdoc positions are advertised once a year.
Staff positions, when available, will be advertised through USAJOBS. EXIT
The CMAQ research team also welcomes the opportunity to host visiting scientists interested in the development, application, and evaluation of CMAQ and related models. Visitors travel to EPA/RTP for a day or two to meet with individuals on the CMAQ team. A seminar can also be scheduled and is encouraged if you’re interested in sharing a presentation on your research. Requests for visits should be made at least a week in advance.