An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »


Data Download: Step 2

The datasets below are the most recent downloadable EnviroAtlas data. For any data not listed below, please contact us.

On this page:

National Data

  • This section contains national-scale datasets. Most of these datasets are for the conterminous United States, but EnviroAtlas has begun to develop data for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 
  • Download this spreadsheet (92 kB) for a complete list of all data layers available in the national metric tables, including additional variables not found in the Interactive Map. This spreadsheet includes file names and field names that can help you find what you are looking for in the data below.
  • For more details about each variable and how they were developed, see the XML metadata files that accompany the downloads below. To learn more about the data, you can access fact sheets for each map layer in the Individual datasets table. 

National data by 12-digit HUC, County, Census Tract, or Census Block Group

Most national-scale datasets in EnviroAtlas are by 12-digit HUC (subwatershed); a few also use counties, census tracts, or census block groups. In this section, these datasets can be downloaded as a collection of tables in a single zip file.

  • To visualize the tables as a map in a GIS, they can be joined to the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) – which can also be downloaded below – using the "HUC_12" field. Because the WBD is updated regularly, and because EnviroAtlas has clipped the 12-digit HUCs to the U.S. border, we recommend downloading the WBD from this page for joining with EnviroAtlas datasets. Using a different version of the WBD might result in errors. Tables ending in NHDPv2_WBD were originally calculated using an older version of the Watershed Boundary Dataset, and were distributed to the new boundaries using areal weighting.
  • Tables with names ending in BGRP10, Tract10, or County10 can be joined to the Census 2010 block group, tract, or county features, which can be downloaded from the Census BureauExit.  
  • Downloading the zip files in this section will give you all of the national-scale EnviroAtlas tabular data. If you wish to download a single dataset, this can be done in the Individual datasets section.
  Metric tables in Esri file geodatabase format Metric tables in CSV format Metadata for metric tables Watershed Boundary Dataset (EnviroAtlas version)
Conterminous United States 150 MB, October 2020, 64 tables 109 MB, October 2020, 64 tables 366 kB, October 2020, 64 metadata files

574 MB, April 2015 

Alaska 546 kB, October 2020, 1 table 708 KB, October 2020, 1 table 4.4, October 2020, 1  metadata file 57 MB, October 2020
Hawaii 21 kB, October 2020, 2 tables 47.2 kB, October 2020, 2 tables 7.9 kB, October 2020,  2 metadata files 1.1 MB, October 2020
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands 55.4 kB, October 2020, 2 tables 29.4 kB, October 2020, 2 tables 12.4 kB, October 2020, 2  metadata files 2.5 MB, October 2020

Ecosystem Markets Data 

Additional National Datasets (raster or polygon)

Data Archive

Some older versions of national datasets are available in the EnviroAtlas Data Archive

Top of Page

Community Data

Download this spreadsheet (89 kB) for a complete list of all data layers available in the Community Table Download, including additional variables not found in the Interactive Map.  This spreadsheet includes file names and field names that can help you find what you are looking for in the data below.  EnviroAtlas has data for 30 communities. Use the links in the table below to download EnviroAtlas community data. To learn more about the data, you can access fact sheets for each map layer in the Individual datasets table. The following files are available for each community: 

  • Metadata: A folder of XML documents describing the data and how they were produced
  • Esri FileGDB: An Esri File Geodatabase containing block groups, data tables, and spatially explicit feature classes for all non-raster data for the selected community. This geodatabase contains all community datasets except for the GeoTIFFs listed below (23 files).  The tables in the geodatabase can be joined to the feature class ending with "BG" (Census block groups) using the "bgrp" field.
  • CSV: A folder containing multiple CSV data tables with associated block group shapefiles as well as other indicator shapefiles for all non-raster data for the selected community. This zip file contains all community datasets except for the GeoTIFFs listed below (23 files).  The CSV files can be joined to the shapefile ending with "BG" (Census block groups) using the "bgrp" field.
  • Landcover: A GeoTIFF of 1-meter resolution community landcover 
  • Connectivity: A GeoTIFF of 1-meter resolution tree cover configuration and connectivity (GUIDOS)
  • Intersection Density (Int Dens): A GeoTIFF of 10-meter resolution kernel density of walkable roads
  • Percent Green Space along Walkable Roads (PctStGS): A GeoTIFF of 10-meter resolution representing the percent green space for each city block
  • Percent Tree Cover along Walkable Roads (PctStTC): A GeoTIFF of 10-meter resolution representing the percent tree cover for each city block
Community Metadata Esri FileGDB CSV (with SHP) Landcover Connectivity Int Dens PctStGS PctStTC Changelog
Austin, TX XML [46 MB] [241 MB] [275 MB] [155 MB] [95 MB] [5 MB] [5 MB] TXT
Baltimore, MD XML [66.9 MB] [357 MB] [271 MB] [237 MB] [173 MB] [7.6 MB] [9.6 MB] TXT
Birmingham, AL XML [39.1 MB] [205 MB] [154 MB] [145 MB] [108 MB] [5.4 MB] [5.4 MB] TXT
Brownsville, TX XML [11.9 MB] [78.4 MB] [88.7 MB] [33.5 MB] [18.5 MB] [1.0 MB] [1.0 MB] TXT
Chicago, IL XML [274 MB] [1.3 GB] [1008 MB] [710 MB] [592 MB] [25.4 MB] [25.4 MB] TXT
Cleveland, OH XML [57 MB] [299 MB] [230 MB] [172 MB] [128.5 MB] [6.85 MB] [6.87 MB] TXT
Des Moines, IA XML [22 MB] [122 MB] [89 MB] [44 MB] [39 MB] [2 MB] [2 MB] TXT
Durham, NC XML [20 MB] [89 MB] [90 MB] [20 MB] [28 MB] [1.4 MB] [1.4 MB] TXT
Fresno, CA XML [10 MB] [79 MB] [90 MB] [24 MB] [29 MB] [2 MB] [2 MB] TXT
Green Bay, WI XML [11 MB] [60 MB] [90 MB] [20 MB] [31 MB] [1.2 MB] [1.2 MB] TXT
Los Angeles, CA XML [1.7 GB] [913 MB] [1.3 GB] [582 MB] [298 MB] [18.2 MB] [18.1 MB] TXT
Memphis, TN XML [65 MB] [325 MB] [19 MB] [131 MB] [97 MB] [4 MB] [4 MB] TXT
Milwaukee, WI XML [36 MB] [218 MB] [329 MB] [128 MB] [89 MB] [4.5 MB] [4.4 MB] TXT
Minneapolis / St.Paul, MN XML [70 MB] [420 MB] [320 MB] [183.5 MB] [143 MB] [9.2 MB] [9.2 MB] TXT
New Bedford, MA XML [5 MB] [27 MB] [44 MB] [15 MB] [12 MB] [610 kb] [610 kb] TXT
New Haven, CT XML [26 MB] [128 MB] [108 MB] [89.5 MB] [59.0 MB] [2.7 MB] [2.8 MB] TXT
New York, NY XML [23 MB] [130 MB] [83 MB] [55 MB] [41 MB] [5 MB] [5 MB] TXT
Paterson, NJ XML [1 MB] [4 MB] [7 MB] [1 MB] [1 MB] [152 kb] [142 kb] TXT
Philadelphia, PA  XML [183 MB] [829 MB] [141 MB] [451 MB] [219 MB] [24 MB] [24 MB] TXT
Phoenix, AZ XML [84 MB] [480 MB] [1102 MB] [193 MB] [191 MB] [12 MB] [12 MB] TXT
Pittsburgh, PA XML [34 MB] [179 MB] [192 MB] [123 MB] [86 MB] [5 MB] [5 MB] TXT
Portland, ME XML [13 MB] [59 MB] [76 MB] [34 MB] [24 MB] [1 MB] [1 MB] TXT
Portland, OR XML [50 MB] [266 MB] [197 MB] [120 MB] [83 MB] [5 MB] [5 MB] TXT
Salt Lake City, UT XML [52 MB] [269 MB] [276 MB] [134 MB] [53 MB] [3.5 MB] [3.5 MB] TXT
Sonoma County, CA  XML [49 MB] [170 MB] [347 MB] [283 MB] [188 MB] [4 MB] [4 MB] TXT
St. Louis, MO XML [101 MB] [501 MB] [317 MB] [235 MB] [165 MB] [8.9 MB] [8.8 MB] TXT
Tampa, FL XML [66 MB] [526 MB] [537 MB] [293 MB] [165 MB] [9 MB] [9 MB] TXT
Virginia Beach/ Williamsburg, VA XML [64.3 MB] [410 MB] [226 MB] [188 MB] [112 MB] [7.9 MB] [7.9 MB] TXT
Washington, DC XML [139 MB] [571 MB] [403 MB] [349 MB] [222 MB] [17.4 MB] [17.4 MB] TXT
Woodbine, IA XML [1 MB] [2 MB] [7 MB] [0.7 MB] [710 kb] [30 kb] [30 kb]  TXT

Note: Some data have additional variables not found in the Interactive Map.

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Individual Datasets

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The download individual datasets functionality is in beta. Please contact us with any issues.