Status of EnviroAtlas
Current Status
EnviroAtlas has been publicly available since May 2014 (News Release, May 7, 2014). Development plans for EnviroAtlas extend through 2022, with regular updates taking place as they become available. View the EnviroAtlas Dynamic Data Matrix to search and sort through a list of currently available EnviroAtlas data.
Recent Webinars
- 6/17/20 | Data for Decisions: Using EPA's EnviroAtlas (hosted by NACCHO) Exit
- 4/28/20 | In-depth training on EnviroAtlas
- 2/25/20 | EnviroAtlas Tool Informs Decisions, Research, and Education Webinar for the National Environmental Health Association
- 1/15/20 | Webinar on the Latest EnviroAtlas Updates for EPA Tools and Resources Webinar series
Latest Updates to EnviroAtlas
Latest Publications
- Tsai, W.L., Silva, R.A., Nash, M.S., Cochran, F.V., Prince, S.E., Rosenbaum, D.J., D'Aloisio, A.A., Jackson, L.E., Mehaffey, M.H., Neale, A.C. and Sandler, D.P. (2020). How do natural features in the residential environment influence women's self-reported general health? Results from cross-sectional analyses of a US national cohort. Environmental Research, 109176. Exit
- Woznicki, S. A., Cada, P., Wickham, J., Schmidt, M., Baynes, J., Mehaffey, M., & Neale, A. (2020). Sediment retention by natural landscapes in the conterminous United States. Science of The Total Environment, 745, 140972. Exit
New Data
- Aquatic Species Richness: New national aquatic species richness data layers include:
- Native richness
- Non-native plants and animals, and
- Native rarity and vulnerability indices
- Pollutant Discharges: Summarized pollutant discharges (by HUC-12) from the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) show permitted discharges nationally for:
- metals
- priority pollutants
- solids
- nitrogen
- phosphorus and
- organic enrichment
- Land cover types in estimated floodplains: These national maps are summarized by HUC-12 and include forest, agriculture, developed land in floodplains and more.
- These data replace previous "wet areas" data layers (10 layers total).
- National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) 2014 metrics: These include ambient air toxics concentrations, and derived cancer and non-cancer health risks by Census Tract.
- Roads crossing streams and roads near streams: These national maps are summarized by HUC-12 and are useful for enhanced runoff mitigation planning.
New Web Materials
- Tutorial Videos: Explore our interactive story map to get video tutorials and step-by-step guidance on the functions and features of the EnviroAtlas Interactive Map. Go to our tutorials page.
- New Data Download Access: We have made it easier to download a single dataset for your area of interest. This function is still in beta, so let us know if you have any feedback. Try out our new download data matrix from the Individual Datasets tab.
- Educational Materials: EnviroAtlas most recently released a suite of six mini-lessons on the concept of ecosystem services. All of the lessons are designed to be completed in 30 minutes or less and can be done independently or as a unit. Access all of the new ecosystem services lessons.
New and Updated Tools
- The new Interactive Map Compare My Area tool lets you select a location on the map and view summarized information for your area of interest and compare those values to the surrounding county and state. Access the Compare My Area tool from the Interactive Map.
- Eco-Health Relationship Browser Update: Now compatible with all devices and web browsers! Use the Eco-Heath Browser to explore evidence from over 700 scientific articles on the linkages between ecosystem services and human health.