America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA)
America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) improves drinking water and water quality, deepens infrastructure investments, enhances public health and quality of life, increases jobs, and bolsters the economy. The AWIA provisions are the most far-reaching changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act since the 1996 Amendments, with over 30 mandated programs. Learn about EPA's current actions under the new law.
Summary of EPA's Current Actions
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
AWIA authorizes the DWSRF to allow extended infrastructure loan terms, requires the provision of additional subsidy to state-defined disadvantaged communities, and expands source water protection-related eligibilities under the Local Assistance set-aside. Review the EPA memorandum to assist the EPA and states in implementing changes to the DWSRF Program.
Community Water System Risk and Resilience Assessments
AWIA requires community water systems serving more than 3,300 people to develop or update risk assessments and emergency response plans (ERPs). The law specifies the components that the risk assessments and ERPs must address, and establishes deadlines by which water systems must certify to EPA completion of the risk assessment and ERP. Find more on Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plans.
Amendments to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
AWIA requires state and tribal emergency response commissions to notify the applicable State agency (i.e., the drinking water primacy agency) of any reportable releases and provide community water systems with hazardous chemical inventory data. This guide provides information for community water systems and state drinking water primacy agencies. Access the guides.
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act Grant Programs
AWIA provides funding to assist public water systems in small and disadvantaged communities with reducing lead in drinking water systems, provides financial assistance to homeowners for lead line replacement and testing drinking water in schools and child care facilities for lead. Find information on EPA's WIIN Grant Programs.
Asset Management and Capacity Development Strategies
States must amend their state capacity development strategies to include a description of how the state will encourage the development of asset management plans that include best practices, training, technical assistance and other activities to help with implementation of those plans. States also must include an update of these activities to encourage asset management practices in the Governor's report. EPA must review and update, if appropriate, asset management documents and trainings every five years. Review EPA's information on asset management.
Upcoming Actions
The Water System Restructuring Rule
AWIA requires that EPA issue a regulation which authorizes primacy agencies to mandate restructuring assessments for public water systems (PWSs) which frequently violate health-based standards, and which have unsuccessfully attempted, or which are unable to attempt, feasible and affordable actions to comply and must describe liability protection for a compliant PWS which is consolidating with an assessed PWS.
Small System Report to Congress
AWIA directs EPA to complete a study no later than two years from the enactment of the Act. As a result, EPA is developing a report to congress that summarizes compliance with National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for public water systems (PWSs) serving fewer than 1,000 persons that have been identified as historically significant non-compliers (HSNCs).