As part of this work, EPA and its partners convened "Transport and Clean Air," a Circumpolar Workshop held in December 2013. This seminar allowed leading experts to share best practices on reducing emissions of particulates and black carbon from diesel sources in the Arctic. The following presentations are now available from the workshop:
- Health Effects of Particulates and Black Carbon
- Transport emission reduction in a big city: View from Moscow
- Urban air quality and abatement measures in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Environmental Standards for Vehicles in the U.S. and Their Impact on BC Emissions
- Financing Options for Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Projects
- U.S. Diesel Retrofit Program: Incentives to Reduce Large Emitters
- VERT Standards and Procedures for Retrofit to reduce Diesel Engine Emissions
- Fuel and Vehicle Technologies for Air Pollution Reduction
- Murmansk Experience in Selecting Low Emission Buses
Links to Agenda and Presentations
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Agenda: Transport and Clean Air (2013) (PDF)(2 pp, 446 K)
- Health Effects of Particulates and Black Carbon (PDF)(7 pp, 826 K)
- Transport emission reduction in a big city: View from Moscow (PDF)(27 pp, 5 MB)
- Urban air quality and abatement measures in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden (PDF)(17 pp, 1 MB)
- Environmental Standards for Vehicles in the U.S. and Their Impact on BC Emissions (PDF)(12 pp, 388 K)
- Financing Options for Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Projects (PDF)(23 pp, 1 MB)
- U.S. Diesel Retrofit Program: Incentives to Reduce Large Emitters (PDF)(12 pp, 181 K)
- VERT Standards and Procedures for Retrofit to reduce Diesel Engine Emissions (PDF)(41 pp, 3 MB)
- Fuel and Vehicle Technologies for Air Pollution Reduction (PDF)(22 pp, 2 MB)
- Murmansk Experience in Selecting Low Emission Buses (PDF)(11 pp, 2 MB)