CEC Council Sessions

The Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) meets at least once a year to set the CEC’s direction, budget, and activities to be implemented through the Operational Plan. The chairmanship of the Council, and location of the annual Council Session, rotate annually between Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Explore recent Council Sessions and results below.
2020: CEC's 27th Annual Council Session
EPA Administrator Wheeler (top, center) represented the US at the 2020 virtual Council Session of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation.The 27th annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America took place virtually on June 26, 2020. The meeting was hosted by Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson, with participation by Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources’ Víctor Manuel Toledo and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler.
With a theme on Clean Technologies for Resilient Communities, the event included a public session that included a Questions and Answers Section with a variety of leading experts. The meeting also featured a public meeting hosted by the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee that focused on the USMCA & the Environment: A Renewed Commitment for North America.
During the event, the Council adopted the 2021-2025 CEC Strategic Plan, which establishes the CEC's strategic priorities for the coming five years. This plan was developed as a result of ongoing consultations with technical experts across our governments, the Joint Public Advisory Committee, the Traditional Ecological Knowledge Expert Group, the Secretariat, and the North American public.
The Council also announced the winners of the fourth Youth Innovation Challenge Exit, which focused on social entrepreneurship for environmental sustainability.
Learn more about the 2020 Council Session:
- Read the Ministerial Statement (3 pp, 30 K, About PDF)Exit
- Read the full text of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Exit
2019: CEC's 26th Annual Council Session
At the Council Session, Canada’s Alternate Representative Isabelle Bérard, Mexico’s Alternate Representative Norma Munguía, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the Ministerial Statement.The 26th annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America, celebrating its 25th anniversary, took place on June 24–25, 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico. With the theme of Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency, Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources’ Víctor Manuel Toledo hosted Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler.
The Council Session included a public session led by the environment ministers. The meeting also featured a public forum hosted by the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee, focused on advancing Council initiatives on extreme events and building disaster-resilient communities in North America.
During the event, the Council launched the North American EcoInnovation Network to provide the necessary knowledge, resources, and tools to cultivate youth and community leadership in innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.The Council also announced the winners of the third Youth Innovation Challenge, Exitpromoting youth entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development.
Learn more about the 2019 Council Session:
- View EPA press release
- Official website with videos from the 2019 Council Session Exit
- Read the 2019 CEC Council Statement EXIT
2018: CEC's 25th Annual Council Session

The 25th annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America took place June 26-27 in Oklahoma City and Norman, OK. The EPA Administrator hosted Canada and Mexico’s Council representatives, the Secretariat and the Joint Public Advisory Committee, state and local governments, the private sector and members of the public.
The theme of the meeting was “Innovation and Partnerships for Green Growth.” The session showcased partnerships among federal, state and local, indigenous, academic, youth and private sectors that foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological advances to support green growth and environmental protection.
The Council announced three new initiatives on innovation for green growth and preparedness and resilience to extreme events in North America:
- North American Innovation Hub Network: bringing universities in the US, Canada, and Mexico together to develop and enhance Innovation Hubs that provide a resource for innovation and entrepreneurship for green growth.
- North American Extreme Events Advisory Group: bringing experts together to identify and share capacities in interdisciplinary research, early warning, preparedness, response and resilience to extreme events, such as drought, floods, wildfires and extreme temperatures.
- Mapping Extreme Events information on the CEC North American Environmental Atlas: enhancing the mapping of extreme events in North America by bringing experts together to share data and information in the CEC North American Environmental Atlas.
Learn more about the 2018 Council Session:
2017: CEC's 24th Annual Council Session

The 24th annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America took place June 27-28, 2017. Catherine McKenna, Canada’s Minister for Environment and Climate Change, hosted the United States and Mexico’s Council representatives, the Secretariat and the Joint Public Advisory Committee, in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
The Council Session focused on Innovation to Accelerate Clean Growth. The Council approved the Operational Plan 2017-18, announced the winners or the North American Youth Innovation Challenge, and a new round of North American Program for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA).
- View press release from the CEC Exit
- Video: Highlights of Council Session Exit
- Video: 2015-2016 Accomplishments Exit
- Video: 2017 Youth Innovation Challenge Winners Exit
2016: CEC's 23rd Annual Council Session

The 23rd annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America Exit took place September 8-9, 2016. Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, hosted then-U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna, in Mérida, Yucatán.
The Council Session focused on Sustainable Communities and Ecosystems and on Youth and the Environment in North America. In particular, conversations focused on ecosystems, climate change, supporting sustainable communities, and the role of youth in the CEC. A ministerial statement (3 pp, 105 K, About PDF)Exitwas signed by all three ministers highlighting the importance of CEC work and NAPECA grants, and acknowledging the importance of traditional ecological knowledge and youth and the environment in North America.
The meeting included a public town hall session featuring the three environment ministers, and moderated by CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Chair Lindsay Brumwell. During the Town Hall, the Council answered questions about youth engagement from individuals present at the meeting, and online through social media. In addition, on September 8 the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) hosted a public forum on biodiversity and climate change.
The 24th Ministerial Council Session of the CEC will take place next year in Charlotte, Prince Edward Island, Canada, the birthplace of the Canadian Confederation, in celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday.
2015: CEC's 22nd Annual Council Session

On July 14th and 15th, then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy led the U.S. delegation to the 22nd Annual CEC Council Session Exitof the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exit in Boston, MA, USA.
At the Council Session, the Ministers discussed community resilience and adaptation to Climate Change, announced the roster of the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) experts from the US, Mexico, and Canada who will advise the Council on opportunities to apply TEK to CEC’s operations and policy, and announced the 3rd round of the North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA) grants, a community grants program established in 2011 to support flexible, diverse and hands-on projects for low-income, underserved and indigenous communities across North America, thereby encouraging climate related activities and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The Annual Council Session coincided with a public meeting hosted by the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) on “Water and Climate Change: Adaptation through Green Infrastructure, ” where participants discussed how green infrastructure and land-use planning have been used to manage the effects of changing stormwater patterns in urban and rural settings, and how it benefits human health.
The 2015 Session closed with the signing of the Ministerial Statement and the passing of the CEC Council Chair from the United States to Mexico.
- Blog post: CEC Meeting a Win for Public Health in North America (by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy)
- View the Program of Public Events Exit with all presentations
- Explore the North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA). Exit
- Read the CEC Council's Ministerial Statement (3 pp, 21 K, About PDF)Exit
- See the CEC's Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 (24 pp, 2.3 M, About PDF) Exit
- View the 2015-2016 Operational Plan Exit
Strategic Priorities and Cross-Cutting Themes for 2015-2020

The Council presented three priority areas for the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan:
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Green Growth
- Sustainable Communities and Ecosystems
Cooperation initiatives, projects, and actions under these priorities will be guided by three important cross-cutting themes:
- Learning from and assisting vulnerable groups and local and indigenous communities
- Enhancing the alignment of environmental standards and regulations, enforcement, and compliance to promote environmental protection and facilitate trade in North America
- Enhancing information sharing, transparency, capacity building, and communication
Town Hall
In the final session, Council Ministers opened up during a North America town hall questions and comments from across the continent on community resilience and climate change adaptation.
The dialogue allowed for a real-time, two-way exchange between members of the public and the top environmental officials for North America. In addition to questions from the live audience, comments came from participants attending video conference hubs and webcasts in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
Additional Resources and Information:
- Official Website of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exit
- North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) (PDF)(40 pp, 74 K, About PDF)
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
2014: CEC's 21st Annual Council Session

On July 17, 2014, then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy led the U.S. delegation to the 21st Annual CEC Council Session Exitof the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exit in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada, for a two-day dialogue that reflected on 20 years of trilateral accomplishments and a renewed focus on ensuring that trade and economic growth would go hand-in-hand with protection of the environment in North America.

The Annual Council Session coincided with a public meeting hosted by the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) on Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and the important role TEK can play in recognizing, mitigating and adapting to climate change. In the final session, Council Ministers participated in an North American town hall meeting to address questions and comments from across the continent on the incorporation of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) into environmental decision-making. In addition to questions from the live audience, comments came from participants attending video conference hubs and webcasts in Anchorage, Edmonton, Flathead Indian Reservation, Montreal, Mexico City, Vancouver and Washington, DC.
The 2014 Session closed with the signing of the Ministerial Statement and the passing of the CEC Council Chair from Canada to the United States. The United States announced it will host the 21st Annual CEC Council Session in 2015 in Boston, Massachusetts.
2013: CEC's 20th Annual Council Session
At the session, the Council presented the 2013-2014 Operational Plan Exit to the public and acknowledged the success achieved through the 2011-2012 Operational Plan. The 2013-2014 Operational Plan outlines cooperative work to address the strategic priorities of the Council:

- how to more sustainably transport goods across borders,
- how to reduce the impact of transportation, and
- the technological innovations being developed across North America to address these issues.

2012: CEC's 19th Annual Council Session
Outcomes of the Council Session
Public Participation at the Council Session

- Reducing exposure to airborne contaminants in the homes of indigenous communities in Alaska
- Promoting and implementing measures to limit harmful environmental exposures in communities surrounding Lake Chapala in Mexico
- Facilitating action to address climate change adaptation needs in indigenous communities in Canada and the United States
- Responding to ecological disasters in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill
Preparing for the Coming Year
2011: NAPECA grant program launched at 18th CEC Council Session

Additional Resources and Information:
- Read the EPA Press Release
- Read the Council's Ministerial Statement (3 pp, 158 K, About PDF)Exit
- See agenda, presentations and archived videos Exiton the 18th annual Council Session and the Public Forum on Managing E-Waste in North America.
2010: Five Year Strategic Plan Signed at 17th CEC Council Session

- Healthy Communities and Ecosystems - improve the environmental health of children and other vulnerable communities, increasing the resilience of North America’s shared ecosystems, and enhancing environmental and wildlife enforcement and the continental management of chemicals of concern.
- Climate Change – Low-Carbon Economy - improve the comparability of our greenhouse gas emissions data gathering, methodologies, and inventories, and building stronger networks of experts and systems to share climate change information.
- Greening the Economy in North America - work with partners in the private sector to improve the environmental performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises in areas such as state-of-the-art green building design, and the movement of used electronics and other e-waste streams within our borders and beyond.
Additional Resources and Information:
- Official Website of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exit
- Seventeenth Annual Session of the CEC Council Exit
- Ministerial Statement following the 17th Annual Council Session (2 pp, 57 K, About PDF) Exit
2009: New Policy Direction at 16th Annual CEC Council Session

- Read 16th Council Session CEC Ministerial Statement Exit
- Ministerial Statement Following 16th Annual Council Session (2 pp, 36 K, About PDF)Exit
- CEC 2010-2015 Strategic Plan (28 pp, 813 K, About PDF)Exit