Public Participation Guide: Resources
There is a vast amount of resources available on public participation. This section provides information on some of those resources. It includes the following:
Case Studies
Case studies of public participation in Latin American, Middle East and African countries. The level of public participation for each case study is listed next to each link.
- Lower Jordan River Rehabilitation Project (Involve Level)
- Matruh Resource Management Project, Egypt (Collaborate Level)
- Community Involvement in the Management of Environmental Pollution, Tunisia (Involve Level)
- Transvaal Colliery mine reclamation, South Africa (Involve Level)
- Popa Falls proposed hydropower plant, Namibia (Consult Level)
- Skorpion Zinc Mine: siting of mine and refinery facility, Namibia (Consult Level)
- Sasol Natural Gas: siting of trans-boundary natural gas pipeline, Mozambique and South Africa (Involve Level)
- Port of Durban expansion, South Africa (Collaborate Level)
- Municipal Environmental Committees as a mechanism for public participation in the Department of Risaralda, Colombia (Involve Level)
EPA Resources and Examples
Duwamish River (videos)
The following links exit the site Exit
- EPA’s first ever Duwamish Spanish-language Public Meeting
- Duwamish River Serious Play Lego Meeting: Scientists and engineers used 'play things' to describe clean up options
- Duwamish River “Project Wild” youth project interviewing Duwamish fishermen
- Duwamish Tribe member, Jac Trautman, talks about his and the Duwamish Tribe’s connection with the Duwamish River
Browse an annotated list of internet resources on public participation, organized by the following topics:
Public Participation Ethics, Values, and Principles
Benefits of Public Participation
Public Participation Process Design, organized by the following themes:
- Frameworks for Public Participation
- Planning for Public Participation
- Public Participation Process Implementation
- Public Participation Process Evaluation
- Public Participation Skills and Behaviors
Public Participation Guides
Specific Public Participation Tools
Public Participation Case Studies
Public Participation Articles, Papers, and Guidebooks
A glossary of common public participation terms used in this guide
For additional information on EPA's Public Participation Guide, contact:
Shereen Kandil
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460