Public Participation Guide: Workshops
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency continues to increase its efforts to involve the public in its decision-making process domestically. Internationally, the USEPA works in collaboration with other governments to encourage public participation in environmental decision-making.
Public Participation Workshops have been delivered in many areas of the world. Several have been on a country-specific basis, while others were delivered regionally.
The objectives of these workshops are to:
(1) share the key features and foundations of the U.S. EPA's Public Participation Guide;
(2) share best practices, challenges, and strategies in engaging the public;
(3) discuss different tools and techniques used throughout the country/region; and
(4) build a network of people to help strengthen public participation by creating a community of support and practice.
These workshops usually include expert presentations, interactive discussions, small group break-out sessions on best practices and case studies, and group deliberations on various public participation strategies and tools.
View Former Administrator Jackson's welcome message to workshop participants.
- Regional Public Participation Training – Chile – March 2015
- Regional Public Participation Training for CAFTA-DR Countries - San Salvador, El Salvador - May 2013
- Chile Public Participation Training – Chile – January 2013
- Strengthening Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Building Connections for Africa and the Middle East - Rabat, Morocco - January 7-9, 2013
- Strengthening Public Participation on Environmental Management in Indonesia - Jakarta, Indonesia – July 10-11, 2012
- Air Quality Communications and Public Participation Workshop – San Salvador, El Salvador – April 16-17, 2012
- Chile Public Participation Training – Chile – March 2011
Regional Public Participation Training – Chile – March 2015
EPA organized a regional workshop in Santiago, Chile, on March 10-11, 2015, that provided a platform for USG trading partners in Latin America and the Caribbean, to share successfully applied tools/techniques in engaging civil society, and to discuss how EPA trainings on public participation and the Guide have helped in environmental decision-making processes. This exchange of information provided an opportunity to discuss challenges and/or creative approaches for community engagement, especially in underserved communities, that will enhance current public participation practices in the region. In addition, participants spent a day exchanging information on conflict resolution approaches. Participants included Government and NGO representatives from Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
Available materials:
Download materials from this training.
- Agenda – in English
- Tools and Approaches Manual for the Latin America and Caribbean Region – in English
Regional Public Participation Training for CAFTA-DR Countries - San Salvador, El Salvador - May 2013
EPA organized a regional public participation workshop in El Salvador for the CAFTA-DR countries as part of an EPA small grant program for public participation. The regional workshop provided an opportunity for NGOs to share information, learn from challenges faced by others, exchange innovative ways of involving the community, and discuss ways of developing a regional network for public participation professionals. The participants created a core group which will start the development of the network by establishing a Facebook group. EPA will collaborate by providing guidance via the network. It is expected for this platform to serve as a way to leverage efforts and share experiences with other regions in the Caribbean.
View and print the materials listed below, available in Spanish.
- World Café Questions
- Organizing for Participation
- Identify Stakeholders
- Select level of Participation
- Social Media
- Case Studies
- Public Participation Tools
- Conflict Resolution
- Summary
- Agenda
- YouTube video examples
Chile Public Participation Training – Chile – January 2013

EPA delivered a two-day workshop in Chile, on public participation. The course intended to enable students to increase the level of public impact through the levels of public participation, found on EPA’s Public Participation Guide. The course combined lecture and exercises.
View and print all workshop materials.
- Chile Challenges and Opportunities
- Introduction to Public Participation
- World Café Questions
- Organizing for Participation
- Identifying Stakeholders
- Selecting the Level of Participation
- Wind Reservoir Project Case Study
- Case Study Instructions
- Case Study Exercise Questions
- Public Participation Tools
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution Exercise
Additional Materials:
- Agenda
Strengthening Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Building Connections for Africa and the Middle East - Rabat, Morocco - January 7-9, 2013

EPA conducted this three-day workshop in Rabat, Morocco, in collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment. Ninety-four participants from 23 different countries, mainly from Africa and the Middle East, represented government, NGO, media, academia, and international organizations. This workshop included expert presentations, interactive discussions, small group break-out sessions on best practices and case studies, and group deliberations on various public participation strategies and tools. This workshop was conducted in English, French, and Arabic. The materials below are translated in each of the languages.
View and print presentations from this workshop, available in English, Arabic and French.

- Strengthening Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making: Building Connections for Africa and the Middle East
- EPA Public Participation Guide
- Selecting the Right Level of Public Participation: The Spectrum
- Public Participation Tools and Techniques
View and print all case studies from this workshop.
- Addressing Environmental Challenges through Participation: A Global Overview
- Morocco Case Study
- South Africa Case Study
- Oman Case Study
- Ghana Case Study
- Kenya-NEMA Case Study
- Jordan Case Study
- The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) Case Study
- Uganda Case Study
- Zanzibar Case Study
- Kenya-Kayole Soweto Case Study
- Burkina Faso Case Study

View and print all materials from this workshop.
- Agenda
- Guide for Sectors Working Together
- Reflection Points
- Map and Brain Guidance
- Map Blank Connections Card
- Brain Blank Light Bulb
- Creative Evaluation
Strengthening Public Participation on Environmental Management in Indonesia - Jakarta, Indonesia – July 10-11, 2012

EPA delivered a two-day workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia, which was co-sponsored by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment, USAID, and the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network. The first day of the workshop focused on the EPA Public Participation Guide. The second day of the workshop focused on public participation in the context of environmental impact assessments. Participants included local and national government officials, NGOs, and representatives from academia, as well as international public participation and EIA experts from Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia.
View and print all workshop materials.
Day 1:
- Workshop Introduction
- Introduction to Public Participation
- World Café Questions
- Organizing for Participation
- Identifying Stakeholders
- Selecting the Level of Participation
- Tha Chin River Basin Case Study
- Public Participation Tools
- Indonesia Challenges and Opportunities Dialogue
- Closing Remarks
Key Messages and Learning Points
Day 2:
- Application of Public Participation Principles in EIA
- Public Participation: EIA in the US
Air Quality Communications and Public Participation Workshop – San Salvador, El Salvador – April 16-17, 2012

EPA delivered a two-day workshop in San Salvador, El Salvador, in collaboration with USAID, Central America Commission for Development and Environment (CCAD), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), El Salvador, and Battelle Institute (grantee). The workshop was on Air Quality Communication, and targeted technical and communication staff from the Ministry of Environment, Health and Transportation as well as Municipalities and the media (newspaper and TV). The goal of the workshop was to share experiences, best practices and tools--Public Participation Guide--on how to provide technical data to the general public in a systematic and easy way to understand.
View and print all workshop materials.
- Workshop Overview
- Overview of Particle Air Pollution
- Air Quality Index (AQI)
- Air Quality Outreach Materials
- Basic Principles of Public Participation
- Agenda
- Activity 1: Public Participation Guide
- Activity 2: Press Conference
- Activity 3: Briefings
Chile Public Participation Training – Chile – March 2011

EPA delivered a two-day workshop in Santiago, Chile, on public participation. The course intended to enable students to increase the level of public impact through the levels of public participation, found on EPA’s Public Participation Guide. The course combined lecture and exercises.
View and print all workshop materials.
- Introduction to Workshop
- Introduction to Public Participation
- Public Participation Spectrum (Spanish)
- Public Participation Assessment
- Community Involvement
- Spectrum Collaboration
- Strategic Partnership
- Using Social Media
- Crisis Communication
- Agenda
For additional information on EPA's Public Participation Guide, contact:
Shereen Kandil
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460