Public Participation Guide: World Cafés
A World Café is a meeting process that involves a series of simultaneous conversations around a particular issue or topic. A World Café typically lasts 2-3 hours and consists of numerous table conversations involving 3-5 persons per table. Each table has a “host” who stays at the table during the entire event and keeps the table discussion on task. During the course of a World Café, participants change tables numerous times and discuss the same general topic with a variety of other participants, delving more deeply into the topic during each subsequent conversation. This enables ideas to flow around the room and participants to connect with a larger group of individuals and hear new perspectives. World Café questions are designed to begin at a general level and move toward more specific questions with each group rotation. Through this process, participants are able to identify common themes or common ground in response to each question.
- Fosters open discussion of an important or meaningful topic
- Allows for obtaining a high quantity of responses from a range of perspectives on specific topics in a short period of time
- Builds community among diverse participants
- Draws participants into information-sharing and problem-solving by virtue of its informal atmosphere and small group dynamics
Challenges to Consider
- Although professional facilitators are not required, table hosts need to have skills to keep groups on task on manage strong emotions
- Not appropriate for obtaining formal comment on proposed plans
Principles for Successful Planning
- Keep in mind the seven principles of World Cafes:
- Set the context
- Create hospitable space
- Explore questions that matter
- Encourage everyone’s contribution
- Cross-pollinate and connect diverse perspectives
- Listen together for patterns, insights, and deeper questions
- Harvest and share collective discoveries
- Prepare compelling question(s) for discussion and prepare copies for each table
- Prepare written instructions for the table hosts about what is to be accomplished at each table during each round of the discussion
- Set up tables with tablecloths and other items to convey a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere
- Put paper on each table to encourage doodling and provide pens, markers, and sticky notes for participants to take notes or record their thoughts
- Situate tables around the room
- Designate a table host for each table and make sure each understands the table host role and instructions
- Welcome the participants and have them take a seat at any table
- Table host welcomes the participants, provides instructions, and facilitates the table conversation
- At designated intervals, participants move to another table
- Instruct participants not to visit any table more than once and are encouraged to mingle with new people during each round
- Participants return to their original tables after a series of conversations and share what they have heard and learned
- At the conclusion, each table can share a common theme with the group at large
Resources Needed
- Person or team to develop discussion questions
- One person to facilitate the overall event
- Number of staff ultimately depends on the number of participants
- Interpreters, if necessary
- Adequate number of small tables that can accommodate up to five persons
- Table decorations (to set a comfortable and inviting environment)
- Paper, pens, markers for participants to record notes, ideas
- Refreshments
- Materials for recording table summaries (flip charts, butcher paper)
- Room large enough to accommodate needed number of tables for expected number of participants.
Planning Time
- World Cafes can be planned over the course of a few weeks. The most time consuming aspect of planning involve securing meeting space, inviting participants, training table hosts, and scripting the sequence of discussion questions.
Implementation Time
- A World Café typically lasts 2-3 hours
Group Size
- Depends on the size of the room.
- The most important factor is to keep each table conversation to no more than four participants plus the table host
- Most significant costs involve facility rental (if necessary) and the cost of an overall event facilitator
Most relevant participation levels
- Involve, Collaborate
For More Information
Explore the full Public Participation Guide.
Shereen Kandil
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460