Information related to complaints and petitions for review received by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
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01/28/2019 CAA, NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL, Petition for Review (PDF)(16 pp, 10 MB)
Challenging EPA final action on NSR Project Aggregation.
01/30/2019 SDWA, Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. Complaint (PDF)(43 pp, 174 K)
Performance of nondiscretionary duties of the SDWA.
01/31/2019 CAA, Air Alliance Houston, Petition for Review (PDF)(46 pp, 622 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New Source Performance Standards: Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments.
01/31/2019 CAA, Downwinders at Risk, Petition for Review (PDF)(55 pp, 713 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “Determination Regarding Good Neighbor Obligations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard” at 83 Fed. Reg. 65,878 (Dec. 21, 2018).
01/31/2019 CAA, State of New York, Petition for Review (PDF)(54 pp, 495 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “Determination Regarding Good Neighbor Obligations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard” at 83 Fed. Reg. 65,878 (Dec. 21, 2018).
02/07/2019 CAA, Growth Energy, Petition for Review (PDF)(48 pp, 1 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020, 83 Fed. Reg. 63,704 (Dec. 11, 2018)
02/07/2019 CAA, RFS Power Coalition, Petition for Review (PDF)(49 pp, 451 K)
Petition for review of EPA's Final Rule titled “Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020,” at 83 Fed. Reg. 63,704 (December 11, 2018)
02/08/2019 CAA, Downwinders at Risk, Petition for Review (PDF)(46 pp, 492 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Nonattainment Area State Implementation Plan Requirements
02/08/2019 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity, Petition for Review (PDF)(8 pp, 215 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Clean Air Act Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit Issued to Palmdale Energy LLC for the Palmdale Energy Project” at 83 Fed. Reg. 63,638 (Dec. 11, 2018)
02/12/2019 CAA, MONROE ENERGY, LLC, Petition for Review (PDF)(46 pp, 1 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's final rule entitled Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020 at 83 Fed. Reg. 63,704 (Dec. 11, 2018)
02/12/2019 CAA, SMALL RETAILERS COALITION, Petition for Review (PDF)(47 pp, 589 K)
Petition for review of EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020, 83 Fed. Reg. 63,704 (Dec. 11, 2018)
02/12/2019 CAA, NATIONAL BIODIESEL BOARD, Petition for Review (PDF)(47 pp, 2 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard Program: Standards for 2019 and Biomass-Based Diesel Volume for 2020, 83 Fed. Reg. 63,704 (Dec. 11, 2018)
02/08/2019 CWA, Environmental Law & Policy Center, Complaint (PDF)(33 pp, 244 K)
EPA's approval of Ohio's 2018 Section 303(d) List
- 02/13/2019 CAA, VALERO ENERGY CORPORATION, Petition for Review (PDF)(47 pp, 1 MB)
- 02/13/2019 CAA, AMERICAN FUEL & PETROCHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, Petition for Review (PDF)(47 pp, 1 MB)
02/19/2019 TSCA, Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, Complaint (PDF)(17 pp, 285 K)
Denial of a section 21 petition requesting amendments to the CDR rule under TSCA section 8(a) for additional information on asbestos
- 02/19/2019 TSCA, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Complaint (PDF)(17 pp, 195 K)
02/25/2019 CAA TEXAS ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY SERVICES, Petition for Review (PDF)(54 pp, 481 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “Determination Regarding Good Neighbor Obligations for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard.” at 83 Fed. Reg. 65,878 (Dec. 21, 2018)
03/19/2019 CWA, LandTech Design Group, Inc., Complaint (PDF)(111 pp, 6 MB)
Failure to utilize higher level of service for raw water resources.
03/21/2019 CWA, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Complaint (PDF)(18 pp, 294 K)
Failure to comply with non-discretionary duty to issue worst-case spill regulations under CWA section 311(j)(5)(A)(i)
03/06/2019 CERCLA, WAKEFIELD KENNEDY LLC, Petition for Review (PDF)(6 pp, 734 K)
Complaint to foreclose real property and requesting an order finding that Plaintiff's mortgage is superior to EPA's CERCLA 107(l) lien
03/27/2019 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity, Complaint (PDF)(13 pp, 483 K)
Alleging that EPA failed to perform its mandatory duties to reclassify to serious the West Central Pinal (AZ) 2006 24- hour PM2.5 Nonattainment Area, to promulgate a FIP and impose sanctions for Arizona’s NSR program defects, and to make findings of failure to submit for the Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah serious 2006 24-hour averaging time PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas.
03/27/2019 CAA, WILDEARTH GUARDIANS, Complaint (PDF)(22 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to make a determination on whether the Denver Metro-North Front Range Area of Colorado complied with the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone by the attainment date of July 20, 2018
04/15/2019 CAA, State of New York, Complaint (PDF)(80 pp, 4 MB)
Failure to make a finding or deny the 126 Petition from New York to address the interstate transport of ozone pollution.
Challenging the Army CoE and EPA's 2015 Rule defining WOTUS under the CWA.
04/17/2019 CWA/WOTUS, OREGON CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION, Complaint (PDF)(28 pp, 247 K)
04/16/2019 CAA, Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, Complaint (PDF)(24 pp, 264 K)
Failure to perform mandatory duty to review and revise as necessary the 2003 MACT standards for Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks (Subpart CCCCC) and the 2005 MACT standards for Coke Oven Batteries (Subpart L)
02/27/2019 CWA, BLACK WARRIOR RIVER-KEEPER INC., Complaint & Exhibits (PDF)(61 pp, 3 MB)
EPA's approval of Alabama's 2018 303(d) list
04/18/2019 CWA, BOARD OF LUCAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Complaint (PDF)(14 pp, 118 K)
EPA's approval of Ohio's 2018 303(d) List and EPA's alleged failure to disapprove a constructive submission of no TMDL for Lake Erie
04/30/2019 CWA/WOTUS, PETROFF TRUCKING COMPANY, INC., Complaint (PDF)(4 pp, 96 K)
Challenge to the 2015 Clean Water Rule Navigable Waters definition
- 05/20/2019 CAA, ASSOCIATION OF IRRITATED RESIDENTS, Petition for Review (PDF)(3 pp, 116 K)
05/17/2019 CAA, American Forest & Paper Association, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(14 pp, 292 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Regulatory Interpretation for Continuous Monitoring System Downtime and Emission Reporting,” at 84 Fed. Reg. 9783 (March 18, 2019)
- 05/24/2019 CAA, Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Complaint (PDF)(15 pp, 127 K)
05/24/2019 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Environmental Health, Complaint (PDF)(15 pp, 305 K)
Failure to determine which moderate ozone nonattainment areas met the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the July 20, 2018 attainment deadline and reclassify (“bump up”) areas that failed to attain by the attainment deadline
Rule - Methylene Chloride
05/29/2019 FIFRA, NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL, INC., Petition for Mandamus (PDF)(461 pp, 27 MB)
Failure to timely respond to a petition to cancel pet care uses for the pesticide tetrachlrovinphos (TCVP)
06/07/2019 CWA, State of Washington, Complaint (PDF)(13 pp, 176 K)
Challenge to EPA's decision to revise the existing water quality standards for the State of Washington.
06/10/2019 CAA, AMERICAN FUEL & PETROCHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, Petition for Review (PDF)(51 pp, 8 MB)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action entitled, “Modifications to Fuel Regulations to Provide Flexibility for E15.
07/01/2019 TSCA, California, Complaint (PDF)(63 pp, 3 MB)
Denial of a section 21 petition requesting a section 8(a) rule for additional reporting requirements on asbestos manufacturers and processors
07/08/2019 CAA, Poet Biorefining, Petition for Review (PDF)(2 pp, 79 K)
Challenge to Poet CKF letter.
07/09/2019 CAA, American Lung Association, Petition for Review (PDF)(71 pp, 1 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
07/09/2019 CAA, POET Biorefining, LLC, Petition for Review (PDF)(21 pp, 801 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action in promulgating its Guidance on Qualifying an Analytical Method for Determining the Cellulosic Converted Fraction of Corn Kernel Fiber Co-Processed with Starch.
07/19/2019 CAA, Sierra Club, Petition for Review (PDF)(29 pp, 3 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans
7/29/2019, CAA, Genscape, Petition for Review (PDF)(409 pp, 5 MB)
Challenge to final determination declaring Genscape’s QAP-ed RINs invalid and requiring RIN replacement
7/22/2019, ESA, William Orr, Complaint (PDF)(54 pp, 2 MB)
Failure to comply with ESA insofar as protecting species on Roan Mountain
08/02/2019, APA, A Community Voice, et. al., Petition for Review (PDF)(21 pp, 7 MB)
The final rule entitled "Review of the Dust-Lead Hazard Standards and the Definition of Lead-Based Paint" at 84 Fed. Reg. 32,632 (July 9, 2019)
08/07/2019 FFDCA Section 408, League of United Latin American Citizens, Petition for Review (PDF)(35 pp, 4 MB)
Denial of Objections to Denial of Petition to Revoke Chlorpyrifos Tolerances
08/08/2019 CAA, SMALL RETAILERS COALITION, Petition for Review (PDF)(49 pp, 453 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final rule entitled Modifications to Fuel Regulations to Provide Flexibility for E15
08/12/2019 CWA, Waterkeepers Chesapeake, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(46 pp, 11 MB)
Review of formaal denial letter by EPA responding to Waterkeepers Chesapeake's Petition for Withdrawal of the NPDES Program Delegation from the State of Maryland.
08/13/2019 CAA, Urban Air Initiative, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(55 pp, 815 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Modifications to Fuel Regulations To Provide Flexibility for E15
08/13/2019 CAA, American Petroleum Institute, Petition for Review (PDF)(55 pp, 479 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Modifications to Fuel Regulations To Provide Flexibility for E15
08/14/2019 CAA, Appalachian Mountain Club, Petition for Review (PDF)(75 pp, 558 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final agency action titled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
08/15/2019 CWA/WOTUS, Pierce, Kevin, Complaint (PDF)(30 pp, 448 K)
Challenge to the 2015 CWR
- 08/07/2019 FFDCA Section 408, STATES OF NEW YORK, Petition for Review (PDF)(54 pp, 5 MB)
08/20/2019 ESA, Center For Food Safety, Petition for review (PDF)(203 pp, 2 MB)
Issuance of registration for certain uses of sulfoxaflor.
08/22/2019 CAA, State of NY, et. al., Petition for Review (PDF) (PDF)(78 pp, 555 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final agency action entitled "Repeal of the Clean Power Plan"
08/22/2019 CERCLA, State of New York, Complaint (PDF)(16 pp, 328 K)
Plaintiff brings this action under the APA and the federal Declaratory Judgment Act for a delcaration that EPA's issuance of a Certificate of Completion to GE for the Hudson River Superfund Site is ultra vires, arbitrary, capricious, and unlawful and inconsistent with CERCLA's requirements. Plaintiff seeks vacatur of the Certificate and the covenant not to sue that arises upon the issuance of the Certificate.
08/27/2019 CAA, SINCLAIR WYOMING REFINING COMPANY, Petition for Review (PDF)(8 pp, 218 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action on August 9, 2019 denying small refinery’s petition for exemption from its 2018 RFS obligation
08/13/2019 CAA, Urban Air Initiative, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(35 pp, 455 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled “Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards,” at 79 Fed. Reg. 23,414 (April 28, 2014)
08/30/2019 CAA, CHESAPEAKE BAY FOUNDATION INC., Petition for Review (PDF)(71 pp, 600 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/06/2019 FIFRA, Pollinator Stewardship Council, Petition for Review (PDF)(199 pp, 2 MB)
Challenge to amended registration adding new uses to pesticide sulfoxaflor
09/06/2019 CAA, THE NORTH AMERICAN COAL CORPORATION, Petition for Review (PDF)(73 pp, 603 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/06/2019 CAA, Robinson Enterprises, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(73 pp, 622 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/06/2019 CAA, WESTMORELAND MINING HOLDINGS LLC, Petition for Review (PDF)(70 pp, 613 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/09/2019 CAA, BIOGENIC CO2 COALITION, Petition for Review (PDF)(70 pp, 713 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/06/2019 CAA, City and County of Denver Colorado, Petition for Review (PDF)(69 pp, 528 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/09/2019 CAA, Advanced Energy Economy, Petition for Review (PDF)(70 pp, 529 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan.
09/10/2019 CAA, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(75 pp, 655 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/11/2019 CAA, State of Nevada, Petition for Review (PDF)(69 pp, 499 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final agency action entitled “Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
09/11/2019 CWA, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Complaint (PDF)(88 pp, 593 K)
Complaint alleges EPA and the Corps failed to ensure that CWA 402 and 404 permits for the project comply with the Clean Water Act. The complaint also alleges the tribe was unlawfully denied an opportunity under CWA 401(a)(2) to notice and a hearing on its objections to the CWA 404 permit.
09/17/2019, CWA, Amigos Bravos, Petition for Review (PDF)(19 pp, 194 K)
EPA's failure to respond to Amigos Bravos' CWA stormwater residual designation authority petition within 90 days (if not a small MS4) or 180 days (if a small MS4), as required by EPA regulations at 40 CFR 122.26(f)(5).
09/24/2019 CAA, BIG WEST OIL LCC, Petition for Review (PDF)(8 pp, 133 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action entitled “Decision on 2018 Small Refinery RFS Exemption Petition – Big West Oil” issued on August 9, 2019 (Susan Stahl)
09/24/2019 CAA, Sinclair Wyoming Refining Company, Petition for Review (PDF)(8 pp, 154 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action entitled “Decision on 2018 Small Refinery RFS Exemption Petition – Big West Oil” issued on August 9, 2019)
09/25/2019 CAA, BIG WEST OIL LLC, Petition for Review (PDF)(7 pp, 155 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action entitled “Decision on 2018 Small Refinery RFS Exemption Petition – Big West Oil” issued on August 9, 2019
09/24/2019 APA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (PDF)(18 pp, 124 K)
Action under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) for review of EPA’s March 1, 2019 determination that the Redwood City Salt Ponds site does not include waters of the United States
09/25/2019 APA, San Francisco Baykeeper, Complaint for Declaratory Relief and Injunctive Relief (PDF)(114 pp, 21 MB)
Challenge to EPA’s March 1, 2019 negative jurisdictional determination for the Redwood City Salt Ponds site as arbitrary and capricious in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act
09/26/2019, CWA, Northwest Environmental Advocates, Complaint (PDF)(29 pp, 184 K)
EPA's approval of Washington's 2012 303(d) List and alleged failure to disapprove a constructive submission of no subsequent lists.
09/30/2019 CAA, Sierra Club, Complaint (PDF)(8 pp, 245 K)
Alleging failure to perform a nondiscretionary duty to make findings of failure to submit Good Neighbor SIPs for the 2015 ozone NAAQS
10/01/2019 APA, David, previously and legally known as Dave J. Forjan, Petition for Review (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB)
All pesticide registration
10/08/2019, APA, Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, Complaint (PDF)(40 pp, 346 K)
Challenge to EPA's withdrawal of proposed determination issued under CWA Section 404(c).
10/09/2019 APA, Trout Unlimited, Complaint (PDF)(55 pp, 743 K)
Withdrawal of Proposed Determination under CWA Section 404(c)
10/09/2019, CWA, SALMONSTATE, Complaint (PDF)(45 pp, 178 K)
Withdrawal of Proposed Determination under Clean Water Action Section 404(c)
10/16/2019, CAA, Ergon-West Virginia, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(9 pp, 208 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action “Denial of a Request for a Small Refinery Exemption Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program for Ergon-West Virginia, Inc.’s Newell, WV Refinery” for compliance year 2016.
10/01/2019, CAA, Renewable Fuels Association, Petition for Review (PDF)(409 pp, 8 MB)
Petition for review of EPA’s denial of the Petitioners petition and petition for reconsideration to modify or amend the Annual Standard Equations submitted on June 4, 2018.
10/17/2019, CAA, Hoosier Environmental Council, Sierra Club, Petition for Review (PDF)(5 pp, 384 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled "National Emmission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Integrated Iron and Steel Manufacturing
10/22/2019, CWA/WOTUS, New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association, Complaint (PDF)(24 pp, 324 K)
Challenges the 1986 regulations and related guidance, as reinstated by the Step 1 rule, as unconstitutional on several grounds, and also challenges specific provisions of the reinstated regs (e.g., tributaries, interstate waters, certain adjacent waters). Plaintiff also argues APA procedural violations, namely lack of opportunity for public comment on the reinstatement of the 1986 regulations.
10/22/2019, RCRA, Environmental Technology Council, Petition for Review (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB)
EPA's revised e-manifest user fees
10/22/2019, CAA, Ergon-West Virginia, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(9 pp, 197 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled: EPA’s “Denial of a Request for a Small Refinery Exemption Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program for Ergon-West Virginia, Inc.’s Newell, WV Refinery” for compliance year 2018.
10/22/2019, CAA, Ergon-West Virginia, Inc., Petition for Review (PDF)(9 pp, 198 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action entitled: EPA’s “Denial of a Request for a Small Refinery Exemption Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program for Ergon-West Virginia, Inc.’s Newell, WV Refinery” for compliance year 2017
10/24/2019, CWA/WOTUS, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League, Complaint (PDF)(54 pp, 318 K)
Challenge to the Army and EPA’s final rule repealing the 2015 regulatory definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and recodifying the prior regulations. Plaintiffs seek an order vacating the rule as arbitrary and unlawful under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), alleging that the agencies (1) failed to provide a reasoned explanation in support of the rulemaking
10/30/2019, CAA, STATE OF NEW YORK, STATE OF NEW JERSEY and THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Petition for Review (PDF)(41 pp, 328 K)
Petition for review EPA's the final agency action entitled “Response to Clean Air Act Section 126(b) Petition from New York,” 84 Fed. Reg. 56,058 (Oct. 18, 2019)
10/30/2019, CAA, STATE OF NEW JERSEY and STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Complaint (PDF)(15 pp, 515 K)
Failure to issue determinations of failure to submit state implementation plans that comply with the "Good Neighbor" provision of the CAA with respect to the 2015 ozone NAAQS
10/30/2019, CAA, OUR CHILDREN’S EARTH FOUNDATION, Complaint (PDF)(20 pp, 273 K)
Description: for failure to review and revise certain NESHAPs and NSPS every eight years.
10/28/2019, CAA, ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND, Petition for Review (PDF)(15 pp, 275 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action “Adopting Subpart Ba Requirements in Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills,” published at 84 Fed. Reg. 44,547 (Aug. 26, 2019)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action “Adopting Subpart Ba Requirements in Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills,” published at 84 Fed. Reg. 44,547 (Aug. 26, 2019)
10/25/2019, CAA, Renewable Fuels Association, Petition for Review (PDF)(11 pp, 184 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action “Decision on 2018 Small Refinery Exemption Petitions”, August 9, 2019
11/20/2019, CAA, State of California, Petition for Review (PDF)(72 pp, 767 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
11/19/2019, CAA, SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Petition for Review (PDF)(60 pp, 497 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019).
11/26/2019, CAA, Center for Biological Diversity, Petition for Review (PDF)(68 pp, 1 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
11/25/2019, SDWA, Center for Biological Diversity, Complaint (PDF)(17 pp, 328 K)
The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed a complaint against the EPA with regards to EPA’s April 30, 2019 approval of an aquifer exemption under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of the Dollie Sands of the Pismo Formation in the Arroyo Grande Oil Field (“Arroyo Grande aquifer exemption”). The complaint alleges that EPA failed (1) to prepare an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
12/02/2019, CAA, Calpine Corporation, Petition for Review (PDF)(65 pp, 563 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
12/02/2019, CAA, City and County of San Francisco, Petition for Review (PDF)(60 pp, 506 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
12/02/2019, CAA, Advanced Energy Economy, Petition for Review (PDF)(61 pp, 14 MB)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled "The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part One: One National Program.” at 84 Fed. Reg. 51,310-51,363 (September 27, 2019)
12/02/2019, CAA, Sierra Club, Petition for Rewiew (PDF)(30 pp, 522 K)
Petition for review of EPA’s final action entitled “Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans
12/06/2019, CWA/WOTUS, William Murry, Complaint (PDF)(26 pp, 168 K)
Plaintiffs bring this action to annul defendants’ repeal and removal of the Clean Water Rule (2015 Rule) from the Code of Federal Regulations. (40 CFR §230.3). See 84 Federal Register (FR) 56626, (October 22, 2019)
12/12/2019, CAA, State of New Jersey, Complaint (PDF)(13 pp, 2 MB)
Failure to issue determinations of failure to submit state implementation plans that comply with the "Good Neighbor" provision of the CAA with respect to the 2015 ozone NAAQS.
12/04/2019, CWA, Missouri Coalition for the Environment Foundation, Complaint (PDF)(16 pp, 197 K)
This is a Complaint.
12/20/2019, CAA, Air Alliance Houston, Petition for Review (PDF)(97 pp, 618 K)
Petition for review of EPA's final action titled “Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under the Clean Air Act.
12/20/2019, CWA/WOTUS, New York, Complaint (PDF)(29 pp, 252 K)
Challenge to the rule repealing the 2015 definition of "waters of the United States" under the CWA and reinstating the prior regulatory definition.