Multi-Regional Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Disposal Approvals
EPA reviews applications and issues approvals of alternative technologies and research and development activities for the disposal of PCBs to companies that operate in multiple regions of the United States. Additionally, EPA assesses mobile technologies that have the ability to travel from one site to another. On this page, EPA is providing links to approval documents issued for these technologies, which are applicable on a nationwide basis, for the following companies:
- Arconic, Inc.
- Enviro Jet Technologies
- Environmental Protection Services, Incorporated
- Florida Transformer, Incorporated
- Kurion, Inc.
- National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation
- National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
- National Grid
- Southwest Pipe Services
Arconic, Inc.
In February 2017, EPA granted Arconic, Inc. an approval to conduct research and development tests on the biological degradation of PCB-contaminated wastes. Arconic, Inc. is one of two entities that separated from the former Alcoa Inc. in August 2016. EPA has identified no deficiencies in the request for transferring the approval from Alcoa Inc. to Arconic, Inc.
Enviro Jet Technologies
In June 2018, EPA approved of a modification to the approval issued to Enviro Jet Technologies for use of alternative sampling and decontamination procedures for operation of their Mobile Decontamination Unit's spraying and soaking tank process using Enviro Clean on natural gas pipelines that are destined for reuse.
Environmental Protection Services, Incorporated
In June, 2018, EPA approved of a modification to the final operating approval granted to Environmental Protection Services, Inc. for mobile units that use chemical dechlorination.
Florida Transformer, Incorporated
In April 2015, EPA granted an approval to Florida Transformer, Inc. to operate a chemical dechlorination unit to destroy PCBs in mineral oil dielectric fluid. Florida Transformer submitted to EPA a request to renew this existing alternative to incineration disposal approval for their PCB-1000 mobile disposal unit. The draft approval renewal is currently out for public comment.
Kurion, Inc.
In January 2017, EPA granted a final operating approval to Kurion, Inc. for a mobile unit that uses in-container vitrification to destroy PCBs.
National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation
On December 10, 2015, EPA granted approval to National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation to use alternative sampling site selection procedures for the removal and abandonment of natural gas pipelines.
On December 15, 2015, EPA also granted National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation approval for the use of alternative sampling procedures for determining PCB concentrations in natural gas pipelines that have been decontaminated and are destined for removal for reuse.
On January 8, 2018, EPA granted National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation approval for the use of alternative sampling procedures for the characterization of vertical natural gas pipelines.
National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
On December 10, 2015, EPA granted approval to National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation to use alternative sampling site selection procedures for the removal and abandonment of natural gas pipelines.
On December 15, 2015, EPA granted approval to the National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation to use alternative sampling procedures for determining PCB concentrations in natural gas pipelines that have been decontaminated and are destined for removal for reuse.
National Grid
In September 2017, EPA granted National Grid an approval to decontaminate natural gas pipeline using soaking tanks filled with Enviro Clean.
Southwest Pipe Services
In December 2015, EPA granted Southwest Pipe an approval to use alternative sampling procedures for determining PCB concentrations in natural gas pipelines that have been decontaminated and are destined for removal for reuse.
In April 2017, EPA granted Southwest Pipe Services an approval to use as an alternative decontamination method for PCBs.