OECD Data Evaluation Record Templates
As part of a cooperative NAFTA project, EPAs Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) and the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)Exit developed standard data evaluation formats, or templates. The templates have been in use by these agencies since 2002 for writing their data evaluation records (DERs) of studies submitted under the U.S. data requirements for pesticide registration (40 CFR, Part 158) and the Canadian data codes (DACOs). The DER that the agencies prepare contains a study profile documenting basic study information such as materials, methods, results, applicant's conclusions and the evaluator's conclusions.
For more information on leveraging OECD DER templates, we have created a presentation that demonstrates the use of the OECD DER templates.
Please visit the study profile templates web page on the use of templates in pesticide study documents for additional information.
Product Characterization
- Product Identity and Analysis (DOCX)(25 pp, 69 K)
Human Health
- Acute Inhalation Toxicity (DOCX)(8 pp, 35 K)
- Acute Dermal Irritation (DOCX)(9 pp, 36 K)
- Acute Dermal Toxicity (DOCX)(11 pp, 36 K)
- Acute Eye Irritation (DOCX)(9 pp, 38 K)
- Acute Injection Toxicity and Pathogenicity (DOCX)(9 pp, 37 K)
- Acute Oral Toxicity and Pathogenicity (DOCX) (9 pp, 37 K)
- Acute Oral Toxicity (DOCX)(9 pp, 35 K)
- Acute Pulmonary Toxicity and Pathogenicity (DOCX)(9 pp, 37 K)
Ecological and Non-target Organism Effects
- Avian Inhalation Testing (DOCX)(18 pp, 56 K)
- Avian Oral Testing (DOCX)(20 pp, 47 K)
- Estuarine and Marine Animal Testing (DOCX)(22 pp, 52 K)
- Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrate Testing (DOCX)(26 pp, 56 K)
- Freshwater Fish Testing (DOCX)(22 pp, 54 K)
- Honey Bee Testing (DOCX)(17 pp, 42 K)
- Nontarget Insect Testing (DOCX)(20 pp, 49 K)
- Nontarget Plant Testing (DOCX)(29 pp, 65 K)
- Wild Mammal Testing (DOCX)(20 pp, 63 K)