MARLAP provides guidance for the planning, implementation and assessment phases of projects that require laboratory analysis of radionuclides.
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MARLAP Manual Volume I: Cover (PDF)(1 pg, 405 K)
This is the cover of the MARLAP Manual Volume I.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Title Page (PDF)(57 pp, 3 MB)
This is the title page, foreword, contents, acknowledgements, abstract acronyms, and units information for the MARLAP Manual Volume I.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 1, Introduction to MARLAP (PDF)(19 pp, 1 MB)
MARLAP provides guidance for the planning, implementation, and assessment phases of those projects that require the laboratory analysis of radionuclides.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 2, Project Planning Process (PDF)(24 pp, 590 K)
Efficient environmental data collection activities depend on successfully identifying the type, quantity, and quality of data needed, as well as how the data will be used to support the decision making process. MARLAP recommends the use of a directed or systematic planning process.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 3, Key Analytical Planning Issues and Developing Analytical Protocol Specification (PDF)(38 pp, 970 K)
This chapter provides an overview of key analytical planning issues that should be addressed and resolved during a directed planning process.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 4, Project Plan Documents (PDF)(19 pp, 465 K)
The project plan documents are a blueprint for how a particular project will achieve data of the type and quality needed and expected by the project planning team.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 5, Obtaining Laboratory Services (PDF)(17 pp, 323 K)
This chapter discusses the broad items that should be considered in the development of a procurement for laboratory services.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 6, Selection and Application of an Analytical Method (PDF)(43 pp, 1 MB)
This chapter provides guidance to both the project manager and the laboratory on the selection and application of analytical method. It offers guidance to the project manager on the development of the analytical protocol specifications (APSs) from the laboratory"
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 7, Evaluating Methods and Laboratories (PDF)(34 pp, 1 MB)
This chapter provides guidance for the initial and ongoing evaluation of radioanalytical laboratories and methods proposed by laboratories.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 8, Radiochemical Data Verification and Validation (PDF)(31 pp, 1 MB)
The goal of the data collection process is to produce credible and cost-effective data to meet the needs of a particular project.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Chapter 9, Data Quality Assessment (PDF)(28 pp, 621 K)
This chapter provides an overview of the data quality assessment (DQA) process, the third and final process of the overall data assessment phase of a project.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Appendix A, Directed Planning Approaches (PDF)(17 pp, 190 K)
There are a number of approaches being used for directed planning of environmental operations. Some of these approaches were designed specifically for data collection activities; others are applications of more general planning philosophies
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Appendix B, The Data Quality Objectives Process (PDF)(42 pp, 741 K)
This appendix provides information about the basic framework of the DQO process (ASTM 5792; EPA, 2000; NRC, 1998; MARSSIM, 2000).
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Appendix C, Measurement Quality Objectives for Method Uncertainty and Detection and Quantification Capability (PDF)(17 pp, 543 K)
This appendix expands on issues related to measurement quality objectives (MQOs) for several method performance characteristics which are introduced in Chapter 3, Key Analytical Planning Issues and Developing Analytical Protocol Specifications.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Appendix D, Content of Project Plan Documents (PDF)(32 pp, 1 MB)
Project plan documents were discussed in Chapter 4, Project Plan Documents. This appendix will discuss appropriate content of plan documents.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Appendix E, Contracting Laboratory Services (PDF)(37 pp, 973 K)
This appendix provides general guidance on federal contracting and contracting terminology as used for negotiated procurements.
MARLAP Manual Volume I: Glossary (PDF)(55 pp, 1 MB)
MARLAP Volume 1 Glossary
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Cover (PDF)(1 pg, 404 K)
This is the cover of the MARLAP Manual Volume II.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Title Page (PDF)(31 pp, 2 MB)
This is the title page, foreword, contents, acknowledgements, abstract acronyms, and units information for the MARLAP Manual Volume II.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 10, Field and Sampling Issues that Affect Laboratory Measurements (PDF)(55 pp, 1 MB)
This chapter provides guidance to project managers, planners, laboratory personnel, and the radioanalytical specialists tasked with developing a field sampling plan.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 11, Sample Receipt, Inspection and Tracking (PDF)(13 pp, 298 K)
This chapter provides guidance on laboratory sample receiving and surveying, inspecting, documenting custody, and assigning laboratory tracking identifiers (IDs).
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 12, Laboratory Sample Preparation (PDF)(44 pp, 1 MB)
On first impression, sample preparation may seem the most routine aspect of an analytical protocol.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 13, Sample Dissolution (PDF)(30 pp, 914 K)
The overall success of any analytical procedure depends upon many factors, including proper sample preparation, appropriate sample dissolution, and adequate separation and isolation of the target analyses.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 14, Separation Techniques (PDF)(232 pp, 4 MB)
The methods for separating, collecting, and detecting radionuclides are similar to ordinary analytical procedures and employ many of the chemical and physical principles that apply to their nonradioactive isotopes.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 15, Quantification of Radionuclides (PDF)(117 pp, 3 MB)
This chapter presents descriptions of counting techniques, instrument calibration, source preparations, and the instrumentation associated with these techniques, which will help determine what radioanalytical measurement methods best suit a given need.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 16, Data Acquisition, Reduction, and reporting for Nuclear-Counting instrumentation. (PDF)(45 pp, 664 K)
This chapter provides information and guidance, primarily for laboratory personnel, on data acquisition, reduction, and reporting for nuclear-counting instrumentation processes.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Chapter 17, Waste Management in a Radioanalytical Laboratory (PDF)(18 pp, 374 K)
This chapter presents information on the management of radioactive waste generated during analytical processes.
MARLAP Manual Volume II: Appendix F, Laboratory Subsampling (PDF)(17 pp, 784 K)
In most cases a sample that arrives at the laboratory cannot be analyzed in its entirety. Usually only a small subsample is taken for analysis, and the analyte concentration of the subsample is assumed to be approximately equal to that of the sample itself. Obviously a subsample cannot be perfectly representative of a heterogeneous sample.
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Cover Page (PDF)(1 pg, 406 K)
Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual - Volume III: Chapters 18-20 and Appendix G (Title page)
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Title Page (PDF)(23 pp, 844 K)
This is the title page, foreword, contents, acknowledgements, abstract acronyms, and units information for the MARLAP Manual Volume II.
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Chapter 18, Laboratory Quality Control (PDF)(96 pp, 3 MB)
This chapter addresses internal laboratory quality control (QC), the purpose of which is to monitor performance, identify problems, and initiate corrective action.
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Chapter 19, Measurement Uncertainty (PDF)(111 pp, 4 MB)
This chapter discusses the evaluation and reporting of measurement uncertainty. Laboratory measurements always involve uncertainty, which must be considered when analytical results are used as part of a basis for making decisions.
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Chapter 20, Detection and Quantification Capabilities Overview (PDF)(64 pp, 3 MB)
This chapter discusses issues related to analyte detection and quantification capabilities.
MARLAP Manual Volume III: Appendix G, Statistical Tables (PDF)(11 pp, 164 K)
Appendix G Statistical Tables