RSEI Data Dictionary: Aggregated Microdata
Aggregated Microdata files use the same data as the disaggregated files, but sum the chemical releases over each grid cell. Because the values are summed, unweighted concentrations are not available (the sum of the concentrations of different chemicals would be meaningless).
Naming: These files are named as aggmicroXXXX_YYYY_GCZZ, where XXXX is the reporting year for the data freeze, YYYY is the year of the data contained in the file, and ZZ is the 2-digit grid code .
Aggregated Microdata Table |
Field Number | Name | Description |
1 | X | X-coordinate of grid cell |
2 | Y | Y-Coordinate of grid cell |
3 | NumberOfFacilities | Number of facilities with releases affecting grid cell. |
4 | NumberOfReleases | Number of individual releases affecting grid cell. |
5 | NumberOfChemicals | Number of chemicals with nonzero concentrations for grid cell. |
6 | ToxConc | Concentration multiplied by inhalation toxicity weight, summed over all chemicals impacting cell. |
7 | Score | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population), summed over all chemicals impacting cell. |
8 | Pop | Population of grid cell |
9 | ScoreCancer | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population) using only toxicity values for cancer effects. |
10 | ScoreNonCancer | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population) using only toxicity values for cancer effects. |