RSEI Data Dictionary: Disaggregated Microdata
These are the raw Microdata files that contain the most disaggregated data possible. For each 810 meter grid cell, the file contains scores, concentrations, and toxicity-weighted concentrations for each chemical release. There may be multiple records for any one grid cell. Note that if two releases for the same chemical (either from different facilities or one from a stack release and one from a fugitive release from the same facility) affect the same grid cell, there will be separate records for each grid release.
Naming: These annual files are names as microXXXX_YYYY, where XXX is the version number and YYYY is the year of the data contained in the file; for example micro2018_2010 is a data file from Reporting Year 2018, based on emissions data from 2010. There is one annual file for the entire country, which is over 100 GB in size.
Disaggregated Microdata Table |
Field Number | Name | Description |
1 | X | X-coordinate of grid cell |
2 | Y | Y-Coordinate of grid cell |
3 | ReleaseNumber | Internal unique identifier for release (lookup in Release table) |
4 | ChemicalNumber | Internal unique identifier of released chemical (lookup in Chemical table) |
5 | FacilityNumber | Internal unique identifier of releasing facility if media = 1 or 2, then lookup in Facility table if media = 6 or 750 or 754, then lookup in Offsite table |
6 | Media | Code describing media into which chemical is released. (lookup in Media table) |
7 | Conc | Concentration of chemical for release/media at grid cell (µg/m3). |
8 | ToxConc | Concentration multiplied by inhalation toxicity weight |
9 | Score | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population) |
10 | ScoreCancer | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population) using only toxicity values for cancer effects |
11 | ScoreNonCancer | Risk-related score (surrogate dose * toxicity weight * population) using only toxicity values for noncancer effects. |
12 | Pop | Number of people in grid cell (may be interpolated) |