RSEI Data Dictionary: Facility Data
The facility table contains data for reporting facilities, including location, stack parameters and discharge reach, and is also available in EasyRSEI. Note that EPA program IDs for RCRA, NPDES/PCS are provided in a separate table.
RSEI Facility Table (Spreadsheet)(23 MB, December 2020)
RSEI Facility Table (Text Format)(34 MB, December 2020)
Facility Data |
Variable Name | Description |
FacilityID | Unique TRI identifier for facility (TRI Facility ID). |
FacilityNumber | Internal identifier unique to each facility. (key for table) |
FRSID | EPA's Facility Registry System (FRS) ID. |
Latitude | Final latitude of the facility in decimal degrees used for modeling. |
Longitude | Final longitude of the facility in decimal degrees used for modeling. |
GridCode | Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
X | Assigned grid value based on latitude. |
Y | Assigned grid value based on longitude. |
LatLongSource | Source of final lat/long found in Latitude and Longitude fields. |
LLYear | Year of lat/long data. |
LLNotes | Notes for facility location. |
RadialDistance | Distance from approximate center point of grid. |
FacilityName | TRI facility name. |
Street | Street address of facility. |
City | City where the TRI facility is located. |
County | County where the TRI facility is located. |
State | State in which the facility is located. |
ZIPCode | Five-digit facility ZIP code. |
ZIP9 | Nine-digit facility ZIP code, if reported. |
FIPS | FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code which identifies the county associated with the facility (5-digit). |
STFIPS | FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code which identifies the state associated with the facility (2-digit). |
DUNS | The 9-digit number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet for the facility or establishment within the facility. |
ParentDUNS | The 9-digit number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet for the US parent company. |
ParentName | Name of the corporation or other business entity located in the U.S. that directly owns at least 50 percent of the voting stock of the facility, as submitted by the TRI facility. |
StandardizedParentCompany | Name of parent company, checked for consistency so that records can be aggregated by parent company. |
Region | EPA region where facility is located. |
FederalFacilityFlag | Code describing federal status for purposes of Executive Order 12856. |
FederalAgencyName | Name of federal agency of which the federal facility is a part. |
PublicContactName | Name submitted by TRI facility as public contact. |
PublicContactPhone | Phone number submitted by TRI facility for public contact. |
PublicContactPhoneExtension | Extension number, if any, associated with public contact phone number. |
PublicContactEmail | Email address associated with public contact. |
StackHeight | Height of facility stack that is emitting the pollutant (m). |
StackVelocity | Rate at which the pollutant exits the stack (m/s). |
StackDiameter | Diameter of facility stack that is emitting the pollutant (m). |
StackTemperature | Temperature at which the pollutant exits the stack (degree Kelvin). |
StackHeightSource | Source of information on stack height. |
StackVelocitySource | Source of information on stack velocity. |
StackDiameterSource | Source of information on stack diameter. |
StackTemperatureSource | Source of information on stack temperature. |
StackHeightNEIYear | National Emissions Inventory (NEI) version year, if NEI data were used for stack height parameter. |
StackVelocityNEIYear | National Emissions Inventory (NEI) version year, if NEI data were used for stack velocity parameter. |
StackDiameterNEIYear | National Emissions Inventory (NEI) version year, if NEI data were used for stack diameter parameter. |
StackTemperatureNEIYear | National Emissions Inventory (NEI) version year, if NEI data were used for stack temperature parameter. |
ChromHexPercent | Percent of chromium released that is assumed to be hexavalent (the remainder is assumed to be trivalent with negligible toxicity and not modeled. |
ChromSource | Source for ChromHexPercent. |
NewIndustryFlag | True if the facility's primary NAICS was added to TRI in the TRI industry expansion beginning in reporting year 1998. |
ModeledNAICS | Six-digit NAICS used to assign facility paramters, based on NAICS1, but modified based on additional information as necessary. |
NAICSCode3Digit | First 3 digits of facility’s primary NAICS code. |
NAICSCode4Digit | First 4 digits of facility’s primary NAICS code. |
NAICSCode5Digit | First 5 digits of facility’s primary NAICS code. |
NAICS1 | Facility-level primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned by RSEI for modeling purposes (note that in TRI a facility can have a different NAICS code for each Form R). If more than one primary NAICS is reported by the facility, the most frequently reported primary NAICS for the most recent year is selected. Information on NAICS can be found at the Census website at |
NAICS2 | Facility’s most frequently reported non-primary 6-digit NAICS code. |
NAICS3 | Facility’s second most frequently reported non-primary 6-digit NAICS code. |
NAICS4 | Facility’s third most frequently reported non-primary 6-digit NAICS code. |
NAICS5 | Facility’s fourth most frequently reported non-primary 6-digit NAICS code. |
NAICS6 | Facility’s fifth most frequently reported non-primary 6-digit NAICS code. |
SIC1 | Facility-level SIC code that corresponds to the assigned facility-level NAICS code. |
FinalReach | NHDPlus reach identifier for final facility discharge reach. |
FinalCOMID | NHDPlus segment identifier for final facility discharge reach. |
ReachSource | Source for final discharge assignment. |
DistanceToReach | The distance between an off-site facility discharging to water and the reach of the receiving water body (m). |
HEM3ID | The ID assigned to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) observation station. |
DistanceToHEM3 | The distance between a facility and the nearest observation station. |
LLConfirmed | True if facility location has been confirmed via satellite images. |
WaterReleases | True if facility reports direct releases to water for any year since 1988. |
ModeledReleases | True if facility reported modeled releases or transfers since 1988 (fugitive or stack air releases, direct water releases, or transfers to off-site incineration or POTWs). |
ChromReleases | True if facility reports chromium modeled releases or transfers for any year since 1988. |