RSEI Data Dictionary: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Data
NAICS codes are collected by TRI.
NAICS Table (Spreadsheet)(63 K, December 2020)
NAICS Table (Text Format)(141 K, December 2020)
NAICS Data |
Variable | Description |
2017NAICSCode | Six-digit NAICS code, based on 2017 NAICS code list. |
LongName | Text description of code. |
Changed2017 | Description of change if code is new or revised with the 2017 NAICS. |
TRIIndustrySector | Industry sector with text description defined by 3- or 4-digit NAICS, as used by the TRI program for sector analyses (see TRI Supplemental Documentation under “Industry”). |
IndustrySubsector | 4-Digit NAICS code and text description. |
4DigitNAICS | 4-Digit NAICS. |
NewIndustry | '1' if industry was added during 1998 industry expansion. |