RSEI Data Dictionary: Population Data (US Decennial Census)
RSEI Census data are contained in three tables, Census 90 (data from the 1990 Census), Census 00 (data from the 2000 Census) and Census 10 (data from the 2010 Census). These three tables contain the Census data that has been transposed onto the RSEI model grid. Each Census table is over 600 MB in size. 1990 Census data have been provided by Geolytics, Inc.
Census data were last updated in 2012.
Census 90 Data |
Variable |
Description |
Grid Code |
Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
X |
Assigned grid cell value based on latitude. |
Y |
Assigned grid cell value based on longitude. |
Male0to9 through Female65andUp |
The number of people in the grid cell in each Census subpopulation group in the year 1990. |
PrimaryFIPS |
The FIPS code for the county within which most or all of the grid cell is contained. |
Census 00 Data |
Variable |
Description |
Grid Code |
Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
X |
Assigned grid cell value based on latitude. |
Y |
Assigned grid cell value based on longitude. |
Male0to9 through Female65andUp |
The number of people in the grid cell in each Census subpopulation group in the year 2000. |
PrimaryFIPS |
The FIPS code for the county within which most or all of the grid cell is contained. |
Census 10 Data |
Variable |
Description |
Grid Code |
Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
X |
Assigned grid cell value based on latitude. |
Y |
Assigned grid cell value based on longitude. |
Male0to9 through Female65andUp |
The number of people in the grid cell in each Census subpopulation group in the year 2010. |
PrimaryFIPS |
The FIPS code for the county within which most or all of the grid cell is contained. |