RSEI Data Dictionary: Off-site Data
The Off-site table contains the condensed list of quasi-unique off-site facilities to which TRI reporters transfer waste. Only incinerators and POTWs are modeled by RSEI, so verification of addresses and locations are focused on those off-site facilities.
RSEI Off-Site Table (Spreadsheet)(10 MB, December 2020)
RSEI Off-Site Table (Text Format)(14 MB, December 2020)
Off-Site Data |
Variable | Description |
OffsiteID | Unique internal identifier for each off-site facility (text format). |
FacilityNumber | Unique internal identifier for each off-site facility (integer format). [Note this is different from the FacilityNumber field in the Facility table] |
TRIFID | Unique identifier from TRI, if offsite facility also reports to TRI (note, this is used for incinerators, and should not be relied on for crosswalking offsite facilities and reporting facilities). |
DropIncinerator | True if off-site has been identified as a TRI reporter or a RCRA hazardous waste incinerator. |
POTW_Incin | Identifies off-site facilities for which releases are modeled: 1= POTW; 2=Incinerator; 3=POTW and Incinerator. |
Name | Name of off-site facility, from TRI reporting, FRS, or other sources. |
Street | Best submitted street address for off-site facility. |
City | Best submitted city for off-site facility. |
State | Best submitted state for off-site facility. |
ZIPCode | Best submitted ZIP code for offsite facility. |
ZIP9 | This variable is not yet implemented. |
Latitude | Geocoded latitude in decimal degrees for off-site facility. |
Longitude | Geocoded longitude in decimal degrees for off-site facility. |
GridCode | Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
Country | Null if off-site facility is located in the U.S.; otherwise country in which off-site facility is located. |
X | Assigned grid value based on latitude. |
Y | Assigned grid value based on longitude. |
Radial Distance | Distance from approximate center point of grid. |
StackHeight | Stack height used for modeling. |
StackVelocity | Stack velocity used for modeling. |
StackDiameter | Stack diameter used for modeling. |
StackParameterSource | Null if default stack parameters were used; otherwise source for stack parameters. |
FRSID | EPA's Facility Registry System (FRS) identifier. |
FRSYear | Year that the offsite facility was matched to the FRSID. |
HEM3ID | The ID assigned to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) observation station. |
DistanceToHEM3 | The distance between a facility and the nearest observation station. |
WBANID | The ID assigned to the Weather Bureau/Army/Navy WeatherStation nearest to the facility. |
DistanceToWBAN | The distance between a facility and the nearest WBAN weather station (m). |
WaterReleases | 1 if off-site facility receives transfers to POTW. |
OutfallLongitude | Latitude associated with end of the pipe used for off-site facility’s discharge to water. |
OutfallLatitude | Longitude associated with end of the pipe used for off-site facility’s discharge to water. |
NearReach | 14-digit NHDPlus reach identifier associated with the reach that is nearest to off-site facility. |
NearComID | ComID from NHDPlus dataset that uniquely identifies reach segment nearest facility. |
DistanceToReach | The distance between an off-site facility discharging to water and the reach of the receiving water body (m). |
AssignedReach | 14-digit NHDPlus reach identifier associated with reach assigned by EPA or determined through QA. |
AssignedComID | ComID from NHDPlus dataset that uniquely identifies reach segment for assigned reach. |
ReachSource | Data source linking stream reach to facility. |
ReachNotes | Notes pertaining to stream reach assignment. |
LatLongSource | Source used to determine off-site facility coordinates. NA identifies records with insufficient information to determine location. |
LatLongYear | Year lat/long was last updated. |
LockLL | True if location was confirmed as correct using satellite data. |
CentroidAdjustment | True if facility’s FRS coordinates were modified from front door or street to approximate center of facility. |
NotesOnCoordinates | Notes on how off-site facility coordinates were derived. |
AdditionalSourcesforLocation | Web site, if any, used to determine location. |
LocationConfidence | Code describing confidence in location assigned to off-site: 1 = Confirmed in satellite view on map. 2 = Substantial information supporting location, including physical features such as settling ponds (2a), or a match to a business entry in google maps (2b). 3 = Geocoded address looks plausible given type of facility. 4 = No information to support geocoded address. |
Foreign | 1 if off-site is located outside the U.S. |