RSEI Data Dictionary: Submission Data
The submission table contains Form R information submitted to TRI.
The Submission, Elements and Release tables are too large for spreadsheet format.
RSEI Submission Table (Text Format, Zipped)(38 MB, December 2020)
Submission Data |
Variable | Description |
DCN | Unique identifier assigned by TRI to each facility submission (document control number). |
SubmissionNumber | Internal identifier assigned to each submission. |
FacilityNumber | Internal identifier unique to each facility (links to Facility table). |
FacilityID | Unique TRI Identifier for faiclity (TRI Facility ID). |
CAS | Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number, which identifies a unique chemical. For chemical categories, CAS Numbers begin with “N”, followed by three digits (no hyphens). |
ChemicalNumber | Internal identifier unique to each chemical (links to Chemical table). |
SubmissionYear | Year of facility release. |
MPOUse | Code describing how chemical is used in reporting facility, as reported on TRI Reporting Form R. |
MaxOnsite | Code describing the maximum amount of the chemical on-site at reporting facility, as reported in TRI Reporting Form R. |
Entire_Fac | '1' if “Entire” was checked on the Form R, indicating that the submitted Form R report is an entire report. |
One_Time_Release_Qty | Quantity of the chemical released into the environment in the current reporting year due to catastrophe or remedial action. |
One_Time_Release_Qty_NA | '1' if “NA” was entered for the one time release quantity on the Form R. |
Partial_Fac | '1' if “Partial” was checked on the Form R, indicating that the submitted Form R report is a partial report. |
Trade_Secret_Ind | '1' if Trade Secret “YES” was checked on the Form R, indicating that the reporting facility claims the identity of the chemical or chemical category as a trade secret. |