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Health of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Report

About this Report

The Health of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Report is a collaboration between the EPA and Environment and Climate Change Canada to report to the public on the health of our shared ecosystem. Learn about the history of this report and how to use it.

Health of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Report

Executive Summary

Get an overview of what we're tracking and how it will help us identify priorities for action across the Salish Sea.

Watershed Map

Map of Salish Sea watershed.
Map courtesy of Western Washington University.

Salish Sea Ecosystem Indicators

Read summaries for each of the environmental measures - called indicators - that we're tracking. The icons indicate improving (green), declining (red), or neutral (yellow) trends for each indicator.

What are Ecosystem Indicators?

blood pressure gaugeJust like how your blood pressure is an indicator of your body's overall health, we can learn about an ecosystem's overall health by studying certain plants, animals, and other environmental measures.

Traditional Knowledge

Throughout this report you will see references to "sustainable perspectives" which are based on traditional ecological knowledge. This knowledge is built over generations as people learn from the land and the sea they depend on for their food, materials, and culture.