Current Texas SIP-Approved Regulations
Current Texas SIP-Approved Regulations
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Chapter Outline
- Chapter 19 - Electronic Reporting
- Chapter 39 - Public Notice
- Chapter 55 - Requests for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearings; Public Comment
- Chapter 101 - General Air Quality Rules
- Chapter 106 - Permits by Rule
- Chapter 111 - Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
- Chapter 112 - Control of Air Pollution From Sulfur Compounds
- Chapter 113 - NOT IN SIP
- Chapter 114 - Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
- Chapter 115 - Control of Air Pollution From Volatile Organic Compounds
- Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
- Chapter 117 - Control of Air Pollution From Nitrogen Compounds
- Chapter 118 - Control Of Air Pollution Episodes
- Chapter 119 - Control of Air Pollution from Carbon Monoxide
- Chapter 122 (Reg 12) - Federal Operating Permits Program
End Chapter Outline
Chapter/Subchapter/Division Outlines
19 Chapter 19 -- Electronic Reporting
19A Subchapter A: General Provisions
19B Subchapter B: Electronic Reporting Requirements
39H Subchapter H: Applicability and General Provisions
39K Subchapter K: Public Notice of Air Quality Applications
55 Chapter 55 -- Requests for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearings; Public Comment
55E Subchapter E: Public Comment and Public Meetings
GA Subchapter A: General Rules
GB Subchapter B: Failure to Attain Fee
GF Subchapter F: Emissions Events and Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
GF1 Division 1: Emissions Events
GF2 Division 2: Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
GF3 Division 3: Operational Requirements, Demonstrations, and Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions
GF4 Division 4: Variances
GH Subchapter H: Emissions Banking and Trading
GH1 Division 1: Emission Credit Program
GH2 Division 2: Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances
GH3 Division 3: Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program
GH4 Division 4: Discrete Emission Credit Program
GH6 Division 6: Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Cap and Trade Program
GH7 Division 7: Clean Air Interstate Rule
PA Subchapter A: General Requirements
PB Subchapter B: Registration Fees for New Permits by Rule
1 Chapter 111 -- Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
1A Subchapter A: Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
1A1 Division 1: Visible Emissions
1A2 Division 2: Incineration
1A4 Division 4: Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots
1A5 Division 5: Emission Limits on Nonagricultural Processes
1A6 Division 6: Emission Limits on Agricultural Processes
1A7 Division 7: Exemptions for Portable or Transient Operations
1B Subchapter B: Outdoor Burning
4A Subchapter A: Definitions
4C Subchapter C: Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance; Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program; and Early Action Compact Counties
4C1 Division 1: Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
4C3 Division 3: Early Action Compact Counties
4D Subchapter D: Oxygen Requirements for Gasoline
4G Subchapter G: Transportation Planning
4H Subchapter H: Low Emission Fuels
4H1 Division 1: Gasoline Volatility
4H2 Division 2: Low Emission Diesel
4I Subchapter I: Non-Road Engines
4I3 Division 3: Non-Road Large Spark-Ignition Engines
4J Subchapter J: Operational Controls for Motor Vehicles
4J2 Division 2: Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations
4K Subchapter K: Mobile Source Incentive Programs
4K3 Division 3: Diesel Emissions Reduction Incentive Program for On-Road and Non-Road Vehicles
4K4 Division 4: Texas Clean School Bus Program
4K5 Division 5: Texas Clean Fleet Program
4K8 Division 8: Drayage Truck Incentive Program
TDOT Texas Department of Transportation Regulation: 31 TAC Chapter 17: Vehicle Titles and Registration
TDOT Section 17.80. Vehicle Emissions Verification System
TDPS Texas Department of Public Safety: 37 TAC Chapter 23: Vehicle Inspection
TDPS Section 23.93 Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements
5 Chapter 115 -- Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds
5A Subchapter A: Definitions
5B Subchapter B: General Volatile Organic Compound Sources
5B1 Division 1: Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds
5B2 Division 2: Vent Gas Control
5B3 Division 3: Water Separation
5B4 Division 4: Industrial Wastewater
5B5 Division 5: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
5B6 Division 6: Batch Processes
5C Subchapter C: Volatile Organic Compound Transfer Operations
5C1 Division 1: Loading and Unloading of Volatile Organic Compounds
5C2 Division 2: Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities
5C3 Division 3: Control of Volatile Organic Leaks from Transport Vessels
5C4 Division 4: Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions (Stage II) at Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities
5C5 Division 5: Control of Reid Vapor Pressure of Gasoline
5D Subchapter D: Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas Processing, and Petrochemical Processes
5D1 Division 1: Process Unit Turnaround and Vacuum-Producing Systems in Petroleum Refineries
5D2 Division 2: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refineries in Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties
5D3 Division 3: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
5E Subchapter E: Solvent-Using Processes
5E1 Division 1: Degreasing Processes
5E2 Division 2: Surface Coating Processes
5E3 Division 3: Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
5E4 Division 4: Offset Lithographic Printing
5E5 Division 5: Control Requirements for Surface Coating Processes
5E6 Division 6: Industrial Cleaning Solvents
5E7 Division 7: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives
5F Subchapter F: Miscellaneous Industrial Sources
5F1 Division 1: Cutback Asphalt
5F2 Division 2: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities
5F3 Division 3: Degassing or Cleaning of Stationary, Marine, and Transport Vessels
5F4 Division 4: Petroleum Dry Cleaning Systems
5G Subchapter G: Consumer-Related Sources
5G1 Division 1: Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid
5G2 Division 2: Portable Fuel Containers -- Error in CFR - Not in SIP effective April 11, 2011.
5H Subchapter H: Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
5H1 Division 1: Vent Gas Control
5H2 Division 2: Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems
5H3 Division 3: Fugitive Emissions
5J Subchapter J: Administrative Provisions
5J1 Division 1: Alternate Means of Control
5J2 Division 2: Early Reductions
5J3 Division 3: Compliance and Control Plan Requirements
5J4 Division 4: Emissions Trading
6 Chapter 116 -- Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
6A Subchapter A: Definitions
6B Subchapter B: New Source Review Permits
6B1 Division 1: Permit Application
6B4 Division 4: Permit Fees
6B5 Division 5: Nonattainment Review
6B6 Division 6: Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review
6B7 Division 7: Emission Reductions: Offsets
6B8 Division 8: Portable Facilities
6C Subchapter C: Plant-wide Applicability Limits
6C1 Division 1: Plant-wide Applicability Limits
6D Subchapter D: Permit Renewals
6F Subchapter F: Standard Permits
6G Subchapter G: Flexible Permits
6H Subchapter H: Permits for Grandfathered Facilities
6H1 Division 1: General Applicability
6H2 Division 2: Small Business Stationary Source Permits, Pipeline Facilities Permits, and Existing Facility Permits
6I Subchapter I: Electric Generating Facility Permits
6M Subchapter M: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)
7 Chapter 117 -- Control of Air Pollution from Nitrogen Compounds
7A Subchapter A: Definitions
7B Subchapter B: Combustion Control at Major Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7B1 Division 1: Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
7B3 Division 3: Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
7B4 Division 4: Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
7C Subchapter C: Combustion Control at Major Utility Electric Generation Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7C1 Division 1: Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
7C3 Division 3: Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
7C4 Division 4: Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
7D Subchapter D: Combustion Control at Minor Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7D1 Division 1: Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
7D2 Division 2: Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
7E Subchapter E: Multi-Region Combustion Control
7E1 Division 1: Utility Electric Generation in East and Central Texas
7E2 Division 2: Cement Kilns
7E3 Division 3: Water Heaters, Small Boilers, and Process Heaters
7E4 Division 4: East Texas Combustion
7F Subchapter F: Acid Manufacturing
7F1 Division 1: Adipic Acid Manufacturing
7F2 Division 2: Nitric Acid Manufacturing: Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7F3 Division 3: Nitric Acid Manufacturing: General
7G Subchapter G: General Monitoring and Testing Requirements
7G1 Division 1: Compliance Stack Testing and Report Requirements
7G2 Division 2: Emission Monitoring
7H Subchapter H: Administrative Provisions
7H1 Division 1: Compliance Schedules
7H2 Division 2: Compliance Flexibility
8 Chapter 118 -- Control of Air Pollution Episodes
9 Chapter 119 -- Control of Air Pollution from Carbon Monoxide
12 Chapter 122 -- Federal Operating Permits Program
12B Subchapter B: Permit Requirements
12B2 Division 2: Applicability
*****End Chapter/Subchapter/Division Outline*****
19 Chapter 19—Electronic Reporting
19A Subchapter A—General Provisions
State citation | Title/Subject | State approval/Submittal date | EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 19.1 | Definitions | 2/7/2007 | 7/23/2010, 75 FR 43062 | |
Section 19.3 | Applicability | 2/7/2007 | 7/23/2010, 75 FR 43062 |
19B Subchapter B - Electronic Reporting Requirements
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 19.10 | Use of Electronic Document Receiving System | 2/7/2007 | 7/23/2010, 75 FR 43062 | |
Section 19.12 | Authorized Electronic Signature | 2/7/2007 | 7/23/2010, 75 FR 43062 | |
Section 19.14 | Enforcement | 2/7/2007 | 7/23/2010, 75 FR 43062 |
Chapter 39 - Public Notice
Texas 30 TAC Chapter 39, Subchapter H, Applicability and General Provisions (Sections 39.402 - 39.420), as approved by EPA July 12, 2019 (84 FR 33172) SIP effective August 12, 2019 (TXd217).
Each section is in a separate document.
State citation |
Title/subject |
State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 39.402, TXd176 | Applicability to Air Quality Permits and Permit Amendments | 6/2/2010 | 10/6/2015, 80 FR 60296 | SIP includes 39.402 (a)(1)-(a)(6), (a)(8), (a)(11), and (a)(12). |
Section 39.405, TXd206 | General Notice Provisions | 12/9/2015 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | SIP includes 39.405(f)(3) and (g), (h)(2)-(h)(4), (h)(6), (h)(8)-(h)(11), (i) and (j) as adopted on 12/9/2015. SIP includes 39.405(h)(1)(A) as adopted on 6/2/2010. |
Section 39.407, TXd146 | Mailing Lists | 9/2/1999 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 39.409, TXd146 | Deadline for Public Comment, and Requests for Reconsideration, Contested Case Hearing, or Notice and Comment Hearing | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Text of Public Notice | 12/7/2016 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | SIP includes 39.411(a), 39.411(e)(1)-(4)(A)(i) and (iii), (4)(B), (e)(5)(A), (e)(5)(B), (e)(6)-(10), (e)(11)(A)(i), (e)(11)(A)(iii), (e)(11)(A)(iv), (e)(11)(B)-(F), (e)(13), (e)(15), (e)(16), (f)(1)-(8), (g), and (h). | |
Section 39.411, TXd217 | Text of Public Notice | 5/9/2018 | 7/12/2019, 84 FR 33172 | SIP includes 39.411(a), 39.411(e)(1)-(4)(A)(i) and (iii), (4)(B), (e)(5) introductory paragraph, (e)(5)(A), (e)(5)(B), (e)(6)-(9), (e)(10), (e)(11)(A)(i), (e)(11)(A)(iii)-(vi), (e)(11)(B)-(F), (e)(13), (e)(15), (e)(16), (f) introductory paragraph, (f)(1)-(8), (g), and (h). |
Section 39.412, TXd161 | Combined Notice for Certain Greenhouse Gases Permit Applications | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | |
Section 39.418, TXd146 | Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | SIP includes 39.418(a), (b)(2)(A), (b)(3) and (c). |
Section 39.419, TXd206 | Notice of Application and Preliminary Determination | 12/9/2015 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | SIP includes 39.419(e) (e)(1) and (e)(2). |
Section 39.420, TXd161 | Transmittal of the Executive Director's Response to Comments and Decisions | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | SIP includes 39.420(c)(1)(A)-(D)(i)(I) and (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (c)(2), and (d)-(e). |
Top of Page
39K Subchapter K - Public Notice of Air Quality Applications (Sections 39.601 - 39.605), as approved by EPA July 12, 2018 (84 FR 33172) SIP effective August 12, 2017 (TXd217).
Each section is in a separate document.
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 39.601, TXd146 | Applicability | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 39.602, TXd146, TXd206 | Mailed Notice | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | SIP does not include 39.602(c) adopted [by TCEQ] 12/9/2015. |
Section 39.603, TXd206 | Newspaper Notice | 12/7/2016 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | |
Section 39.603, TXd217 | Newspaper Notice | 5/9/2018 | 7/12/2019, 84 FR 33172 | |
Section 39.604, TXd146 | Sign-Posting | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 39.605, TXd146 | Notice to Affected Agencies | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 |
Chapter 55 - Requests for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearings; Public Comment
55E Chapter 55, Subchapter E, Public Comments and Public Meetings, as approved by EPA July 12, 2019 (84 FR 33172) SIP effective August 12, 2019 (TXd217)
Each section in the table below is in a separate document.
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 55.150, TXd146 | Applicability | 6/14/2006 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 55.152, TXd206 | Public Comment Period | 12/7/2016 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | SIP includes 55.152(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(6), (a)(7) and (b). |
Section 55.152, TXd217 | Public Comment Period | 5/9/2018 | 7/12/2019, 84 FR 33172 | SIP includes 55.152(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(7), (a)(8) and (b). |
Section 55.154, TXd146 | Public Meetings | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | SIP includes 55.154(a), (b), (c)(1)-(3) and (5), and (d)-(g). |
Section 55.156, TXd206 | Public Comment Processing | 12/9/2015 | 5/9/2018, 83 FR 21178 | SIP includes 55.156(a), (b), (c)(1), and (g). |
G Chapter 101 - General Air Quality Rules
GA Subchapter A - General Rules
Each section in the table below is in a separate document.
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.1 | Definitions | 7/28/2016 | 6/8/2017, 82 FR 26596 | |
Section 101.2 | Multiple air Contaminant Sources or Properties | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.3 | Circumvention | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.4 | Nuisance | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.5 | Traffic Hazard | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.8 | Sampling | 12/11/1973 | 1/27/1982, 47 FR 03767 | Ref 52.2299(c)(33). |
Section 101.9 | Sampling Ports | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.10 | Emissions Inventory Requirements | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | |
Section 101.13 | Use and Effect of Rules | 04/13/1973 | 06/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.14 | Sampling Procedures and Terminology | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.18 | Remedies Cumulative | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.19 | Severability | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). |
Section 101.20 | Compliance with Environmental Protection Agency Standards | 5/9/1975 7/26/1985 |
6/1/1977, 42 FR 27894 06/24/1992, 57 FR 28093 |
Rule 23 Ref, 52.2299(c)(10) Section 101.20(3), Ref 52.2299(c)(73). (1) and (2) NOT IN SIP. |
Section 101.21 | The National Primary and Secondary Air Quality Standards | 5/9/1975 | 6/1/1977, 42 FR 27894 | Ref 52.2299(c)(10). |
Section 101. Rule 16 | Invoking Jurisdiction | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules. |
Section 101. Rule 19 | Initiation of Review | 4/13/1973 | 6/22/1973, 38 FR 16568 | Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules. |
GB Chapter 101, Subchapter B - Failure to Attain Fee, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd221)
State citation | Title/subject | State approval/ effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.100 (TXd221) |
Definitions |
Adopted 5/22/2013 |
2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.101 (TXd221) |
Applicability |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.102 (TXd221) |
Equivalent Alternative Fee |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.104 (TXd221) |
Equivalent Alternative Fee Accounting |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.106 (TXd221) |
Baseline Amount Calculation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.107 (TXd221) |
Aggregated Baseline Amount |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.108 (TXd221) |
Alternative Baseline Amount |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.109 (TXd221) |
Adjustment of Baseline Amount |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.110 (TXd221) |
Baseline Amount for New Major Stationary Source, New Construction at a Major Stationary Source, or Major Stationary Sources with Less Than 24 Months of Operation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.113 (TXd221) |
Failure to Attain Fee Obligation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.116 (TXd221) |
Failure to Attain Fee Payment |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.117 (TXd221) |
Compliance Schedule |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.118(a)(1) and(a)(3) (TXd221) |
Cessation of Program |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
SIP does not include 101.118(a)(2) or 101.118(b) |
Section 101.120 (TXd221) |
Eligibility for Equivalent Alternative Obligation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.121 (TXd221) |
Equivalent Alternative Obligation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
Section 101.122 (TXd221) |
Using Supplemental Environmental Project to Fulfill an Equivalent Alternative Obligation |
5/22/2013 | 2/14/2020, 85 FR 08411 |
GF Chapter 101, Subchapter F - Emissions Events and Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
GF1 Division 1 - Emissions Events
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.201 | Emissions Event Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | 101.201(h) is not in the SIP. |
GF2 Division 2 - Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.211 | Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements | 1/23/2006 | 11/10/2010, 75 FR 68989 | 101.211(f) is not in the SIP. |
GF3 Division 3 - Operational Requirements, Demonstrations, and Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.221 | Operational Requirements | 1/23/2006 | 11/10/2010, 75 FR 68989 | |
Section 101.222 | Demonstrations | 1/23/2006 | 11/10/2010, 75 FR 68989 | The SIP does not include 101.222(h), 101.222 (i), and 101.222 (j). See section 52.2273(e). |
Section 101.223 | Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions | 1/23/2006 | 11/10/2010, 75 FR 68989 | |
Section 101.224 | Temporary Exemptions During Drought Conditions | 8/21/2002 | 3/30/2005, 70 FR 16129 |
GF4 Division 4 - Variances
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.231 | Petition for Variance | 8/21/2002 | 3/30/2005, 70 FR 16129 | |
Section 101.232 | Effect of Acceptance of Variance or Permit | 8/21/2002 | 3/30/2005, 70 FR 16129 | |
Section 101.233 | Variance Transfers | 8/21/2002 | 3/30/2005, 70 FR 16129 |
GH Chapter 101, Subchapter H - Emissions Banking and Trading
GH1 Division 1 - Emission Credit Banking and Trading, SIP effective July 10, 2017 (TXd195) to January 7, 2018
GH1 Division 1 - Emission Credit Program, SIP effective January 8, 2018 (TXd203) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.300 | Definitions |
9/20/2017 |
12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.301 | Purpose | 12/13/2002 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52698 | |
Section 101.302 | General Provisions | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.303 | Emission Reduction Credit General and Certification | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.304 | Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certfication | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.305 | Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States | 10/4/2006 | 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27647 | |
Section 101.306 | Emission Credit Use | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.309 | Emission Credit Banking and Trading | 12/13/2002 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52698 | |
Section 101.311 | Program Audits and Reports | 11/10/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52698 |
GH2 Division 2 - Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.330 | Definitions | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.331 | Applicability | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.332 | General Provisions | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.333 | Allocation of Allowances | 08/09/2000 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.334 | Allowance Deductions | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.335 | Allowance Banking and Trading | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.336 | Emission Monitoring, Compliance Demonstration, and Reporting | 12/16/1999 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.338 | Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States | 10/04/2006 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. | |
Section 101.339 | Program Audits and Reports | 10/04/2006 | 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16. |
GH3 Division 3 - Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.350 | Definitions | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.351 | Applicability | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.352 | General Provisions | 12/13/2002 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52664 | |
Section 101.353 | Allocation of Allowances | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.354 | Allowance Deductions | 7/25/2007 | 7/16/2009, 74 FR 34503 | |
Section 101.356 | Allowance Banking and Trading | 11/10/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52664 | |
Section 101.358 | Emission Monitoring and Compliance Demonstration | 12/06/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57252 | |
Section 101.359 | Reporting | 11/10/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52664 | |
Section 101.360 | Level of Activity Certification | 7/25/2007 | 7/16/2009, 74 FR 34503 | |
Section 101.363 | Program Audits and Reports | 09/26/2001 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57252 |
GH4 Division 4 - Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading, SIP effective July 10, 2017 (TXd195) to January 7, 2018.
GH4 Division 4 - Discrete Emission Credit Program, SIP effective January 8, 2018 (TXd203) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.370 | Definitions | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.371 | Purpose | 12/13/2002 | 09/06/2006, 71 FR 52703 | |
Section 101.372 | General Provisions | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.373 | Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.374 | Mobile Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.375 | Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States | 10/4/2006 | 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644 | |
Section 101.376 | Discrete Emission Credit Use | 9/20/2017 | 12/7/2017, 82 FR 57677 | |
Section 101.378 | Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading | 10/4/2006 | 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644 | |
Section 101.379 | Program Audits and Reports | 12/13/2002 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52703 |
GH6 Division 6 - Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Cap and Trade Program
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.390 | Definitions | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.391 | Applicability | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.392 | Exemptions | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.393 | General Provisions | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.394 | Allocation of Allowances | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.396 | Allowance deductions | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | At the request of TCEQ EPA took no action on the revision to 101.396(b) submitted on 4/6/2010. Section 101.396(b) is the rule language submitted to EPA 12/1/2004 and approved by EPA 9/6/2006 (71 FR 52659). |
Section 101.399 | Allowance Banking and Trading | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.400 | Reporting | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.401 | Level of Activity Certification | 4/6/2010 | 1/2/2014, 79 FR 57 | |
Section 101.399 | Allowance Banking and Trading | 12/01/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52659 | |
Section 101.400 | Reporting | 12/01/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52659 | |
Section 101.401 | Level of activity certification | 2/01/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52659 | |
Section 101.403 | Program audits and reports | 12/01/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52659 |
GH7 Division 7 - Clean Air Interstate Rule
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 101.503 | Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Annual Trading Budget | 7/12/2006 | 7/30/2007, 72 FR 41453 | |
Section 101.504 | Timing Requirements for Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations | 7/12/2006 | 7/30/2007, 72 FR 41453 | Subsections 101.504(a)(2), 101.504(a)(3), 101.504(a)(4), 101.504(c), and 101.504(d) NOT IN SIP. |
Section 101.506 | Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations | 7/12/2006 | 7/30/2007, 72 FR 41453 | Subsections 101.506(a)(2), 101.506(b)(2), 101.506(b)(3), and 101.506(g) NOT IN SIP. |
Section 101.508 | Compliance Supplement Pool | 7/12/2006 | 7/30/2007, 72 FR 41453 |
P Chapter 106 - Permits by Rule
PA Subchapter A - General Requirements
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 106.1 | Purpose | 8/09/2000 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 106.2 | Applicability | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | |
Section 106.4 | Requirements for Permitting by Rule | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | The SIP approved provisions at 30 TAC Section 106.4(a)(1), (a)(3), and (a)(4) are those adopted by the State as of 4/20/2011. |
Section 106.6 | Registration of Emissions | 11/20/2002 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 106.8 | Recordkeeping | 10/10/2001 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 106.13 | References to Standard Exemptions and Exemptions from Permitting | 8/09/2000 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 |
PB Subchapter B - Registration Fees for New Permits by Rule
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 106.50 | Registration Fees for Permits by Rule | 9/25/2002 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. |
1 Chapter 111 - Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
1A Subchapter A: Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
1A1 Division 1: Visible Emissions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.111(a), (b) | Requirements for Specified Sources | 6/18/1993 | 5/8/1996, 61 FR 20732 | |
Section 111.111(c) | Requirements for Specified Sources | 10/25/1991 | 1/18/1994, 59 FR 2532 | |
Section 111.113 | Alternative Opacity Limitations | 6/16/1989 | 5/8/1996, 61 FR 20732 |
1A2 Division 2: Incineration
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.121 | Single-Chamber Incineration | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 |
1A3 Division 4: Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.141 | Geographic Areas of Application and Date of Compliance | 10/25/1991 | 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532 | |
Section 111.143 | Materials Handling | 6/16/1989 | 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532 | |
Section 111.145 | Construction and Demolition | 10/25/1991 | 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532 | |
Section 111.147 | Roads, Streets, and Alleys | 1/25/2012 | 12/14/2015, 80 FR 77254 | |
Section 111.149 | Parking Lots | 6/16/1989 | 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532 |
1A5 Division 5: Emission Limits on Nonagricultural Processes
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.151 | Allowable Emissions Limits | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.153 | Emission Limits for Steam Generators | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 |
1A6 Division 6: Emission Limits on Agricultural Processes
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.171 | Emission Limits Based on Process Weight Method | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.173 | Emissions Limits Based on Alternate Method | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.175 | Exemptions | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 |
1A7 Division 7: Exemptions for Portable or Transient Operations
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.181 | Exemption Policy | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.183 | Requirements for Exemptions | 6/16/1989 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 |
1B Subchapter B: Outdoor Burning
1B Texas 30 TAC Chapter 111, Subchapter B : Outdoor Burning, SIP effective March 21, 2017 (TXd193) to July 25, 2018.
1B Texas 30 TAC Chapter 111, Subchapter B : Outdoor Burning, SIP effective July 26, 2018 (TXd207)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 111.201, TXd103 | General Prohibitions | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.203, TXd207 | Definitions | 7/7/2017 | 4/27/2018, 83 FR 18429 | |
Section 111.205, TXd103 | Exceptions for Fire Training | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.207, TXd103 | Exceptions for Fires Used for Recreation, Ceremony, Cooking, and Warmth | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.209, TXd193 | Exception for Disposal Fires | 6/28/2006 | 1/11/2017, 82 FR 3172 | |
Section 111.211, TXd193 | Exception for Prescribed Burn | 1/15/2014 | 1/11/2017, 82 FR 3172 | |
Section 111.213, TXd103 | Exception for Hydrocarbon Burning | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.215, TXd103 | Executive Director Approval of Otherwise Prohibited Outdoor Burning | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.217, TXd207 | Requirements for Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Managers. | 7/7/2017 | 4/27/2018, 83 FR 18429 | |
Section 111.219, TXd103 | General Requirements for Allowable Outdoor Burning | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 | |
Section 111.221, TXd103 | Responsibility for Consequences of Outdoor Burning | 8/21/1996 | 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144 |
Chapter 112 - Control of Air Pollution From Sulfur Compounds
Each section is in a separate document.
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 112.1 | Definitions | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.2 | Compliance, Reporting, and Recordkeeping | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.3 | Net Ground Level Concentrations | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.4 | Net Ground Level Concentrations—Exemption Conditions | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.5 | Allowable Emission Rates—Sulfuric Acid Plant Burning Elemental Sulfur | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.6 | Allowable Emission Rates—Sulfuric Acid Plant | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.7 | Allowable Emission Rates—Sulfur Recovery Plant | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.8 | Allowable Emissions Rates from Solid Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators | 9/18/1992 | 2/18/1997, 62 FR 07163 | Ref 52.2299(c)(101). |
Section 112.9 | Allowable Emission Rates—Combustion of Liquid Fuel | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.14 | Allowable Emission Rates—Nonferrous Smelter Processes | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.15 | Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Filing Requirements | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.16 | Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Operating Requirements | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76). |
Section 112.17 | Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Notification Procedures | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76) |
Section 112.18 | Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Reporting Requirements | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76) |
Section 112.19 | Application for Area Control Plan | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76) |
Section 112.20 | Exemption Procedure | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76) |
Section 112.21 | Allowable Emission Rates Under Area Control Plan | 9/18/1992 | 8/30/1993, 58 FR 45456 | Ref 52.2299(c)(76) |
Section 112.41 to 112.47 | Control of Sulfuric Acid | none | NOT in SIP but is a part of the EPA approved Texas 111(d) Plan | |
Section 112.51 to 112.59 | Control of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) | none | NOT in SIP but is a part of the EPA approved Texas 111(d) Plan. |
4 Chapter 114 - Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
4A Subchapter A - Definitions
Each section is in a separate document
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.1 | Definitions | 2/12/2014 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.2 | Inspection and Maintenance Definitions | 4/29/2015 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.5 | Transportation Planning Definition | 5/3/2000 | 12/5/2002, 67 FR 72382 | |
Section 114.6 | Low Emission Fuel Definitions | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 |
4C Subchapter C - Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance; Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program; and Early Action Compact Counties
4C1 Division 1: Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance; SIP effective December 06, 2016 (TXd187) and July 14, 2017 (TXd196)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.50, TXd187, TXd196 | Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements | 2/12/2014 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.51, TXd157 | Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Gas Analyzers | 11/18/2010 | 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43264 | |
Section 114.53, TXd187 | Inspection and Maintenance Fees | 4/29/2015 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 |
4C3 Division 3: Early Action Compact Counties
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.80 | Applicability | 11/17/2004 | 8/8/2005, 70 FR 45542 | |
Section 114.81 | Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements | 11/17/2004 | 8/8/2005, 70 FR 45542 | |
Section 114.82 | Control Requirements | 2/12/2014 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.83 | Waivers and Extensions | 2/12/2014 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.84 | Prohibitions | 2/12/2014 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 | |
Section 114.85 | Equipment Evaluation Procedures for Vehicle Exhaust Gas Analyzers | 11/17/2004 | 8/8/2005, 70 FR 45542 | |
Section 114.86 | Low Income Repair Assistance Program (LIRAP) for Participating Early Action Compact Counties. Removed from Texas SIP September 25, 2019 (84 FR 50305) effective October 25, 2019 (TXd216) |
11/17/2004 | 8/8/2005, 70 FR 45542. Removed from Texas SIP 9/25/2019, 84 FR 50305 |
Section 114.87 | Inspection and Maintenance Fees | 4/29/2015 | 10/7/2016, 81 FR 69684 |
4D Subchapter D - Oxygen Requirements for Gasoline, SIP effective May 29, 2018 (TXd205)
Citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.100, TXd205 | Oxygenated Fuels | Adopted 12/7/2016 Submitted 1/20/2017 |
2/27/2013, 83 FR 8359 |
4G Subchapter G - Transportation Planning
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.260 | Transportation Conformity | 6/27/2007 | 11/12/2014, 79 FR 67071 | |
Section 114.270 | Transportation Control Measures | 6/27/2007 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 |
4H Subchapter H - Low Emission Fuels
4H1 Division 1: Gasoline Volatility, SIP effective September 18, 2015 (TXd173) to May 28, 2018
4H1 Division 1: Gasoline Volatility, SIP effective May 29, 2018 (TXd205)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.301, TXd18 | Control Requirements for Reid Vapor Pressure | Adopted 4/5/2000 Submitted 4/25/2000 |
4/26/2001, 66 FR 20931 | Paragraph 114.301(c) not in SIP. |
Section 114.305, TXd205 | Approved Test Methods | Adopted 12/7/2016 Submitted 1/20/2017 |
2/27/2018, 83 FR 8359 | |
Section 114.306, TXd18, TXd173 | Recordkeeping Requirements |
Adopted 4/5/2000 Adopted 9/10/2014 |
4/26/2001, 66 FR 20927 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42732 |
Paragraph 114.306(c) not in SIP effective 9/8/2015 |
Section 114.307, TXd173 | Exemptions | Adopted 9/10/2014 | 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42732 | |
Section 114.309, TXd173 | Affected Counties | Adopted 9/10/2014 | 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42732 |
4H2 Division 2: Low Emission Diesel
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.312 | Low Emission Diesel Standards | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.313 | Designated Alternative Limits | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.314 | Registration of Diesel Producers and Importers | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.315 | Approved Test Methods | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.316 | Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.317 | Exemptions to Low Emission Diesel Requirements | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.318 | Alternative Emission Reduction Plan | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 | |
Section 114.319 | Affected Counties and Compliance Dates | 8/22/2012 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26255 |
4I Subchapter I - Non-Road Engines
4I3 Division 3 - Non-Road Large Spark-Ignition Engines
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.420 | Definitions | 4/19/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57222 | |
Section 114.421 | Emission Specifications | 12/06/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57222 | |
Section 114.422 | Control Requirements | 4/19/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57222 | |
Section 114.427 | Exemptions | 4/19/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57222 | |
Section 114.429 | Affected Counties and Compliance Schedules | 12/06/2000 | 11/14/2001, 66 FR 57222 |
4J Subchapter J - Operational Controls for Motor Vehicles
4J2 Division 2: Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.510 | Definitions | 11/17/2004 | 4/11/2005, 70 FR 18308 | |
Section 114.511 | Applicability | 11/17/2004 | 4/11/2005, 70 FR 18308 | |
Section 114.512 | Control Requirements for Motor Vehicle Idling | 7/20/2011 | 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43264 | |
Section 114.517 | Exemptions | 8/08/2012 | 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43264 |
4K Subchapter K - Mobile Source Incentive Programs
4K3 Division 3: Diesel Emission Reduction Incentive Program for On-road and Non-road Vehicles, SIP effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198) to January 1, 2019
4K3 Division 3: Diesel Emission Reduction Incentive Program for On-Road and Non-Road Vehicles, SIP effective January 2, 2019 (TXd210)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.620, TXd210 | Definitions | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.621, TXd063 | Applicability | 1/28/2004 | 8/19/2005, 70 FR 48647 | |
Section 114.622, TXd210 | Incentive Program Requirements | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.623, TXd210 | Small Business Incentives | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.624, TXd211 | Rebate Grant Process | 9/20/2006 | 4/9/2010, 75 FR 18061 | |
Section 114.626, TXd063 | Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 8/22/2001 | 8/19/2005, 70 FR 48647 | |
Section 114.629, TXd198 | Affected Counties and Implementation Schedule | 4/9/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 |
4K4 Division 4: Texas Clean School Bus Program, SIP effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.640, TXd198 | Definitions | 3/26/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 | |
Section 114.642, TXd198 | Applicability | 3/26/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 | |
Section 114.644, TXd198 | Clean School Bus Program Requirements | 3/26/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 | |
Section 114.646, TXd198 | Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 3/26/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 | |
Section 114.648, TXd198 | Implementation Schedule | 3/26/2014 | 6/9/2017, 82 FR 26754 |
4K5 Division 5: Texas Clean Fleet Program, SIP effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198) to January 1, 2019
4K5 Division 5: Texas Clean Fleet Program, SIP effective January 2, 2019 (TXd210)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.650, TXd210 | Definitions | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.651, TXd210 | Applicability | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.652, TXd210 | Qualifying Vehicles | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.653, TXd210 | Grant Eligibility | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.654, TXd149 | Usage and Disposition | 3/28/2012 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 | |
Section 114.655, TXd149 | Grant Restrictions | 2/24/2010 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 | |
Section 114.656, TXd149 | Eligible Grant Amounts | 2/24/2010 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 | |
Section 114.657, TXd149 | Reporting Requirements | 2/24/2010 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 | |
Section 114.658, TXd149 | Implementation Schedule | 2/24/2010 | 1/31/2014, 79 FR 5287 |
4K8 Division 8: Drayage Truck Incentive Program, SIP effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198) to January 1, 2019
4K8 Division 8: Seaport and Rail Yard Areas Emissions Reduction Program, SIP effective January 2, 2019 (TXd210)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 114.680, TXd210 | Definitions | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.681, TXd210 | Applicability | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 | |
Section 114.682, TXd210 | Eligible Vehicle Models | Adopted 4/4/2018 |
10/4/2018, 83 FR 50018 |
Texas Department of Transportation Regulation—31 TAC Chapter 17—Vehicle Titles and Registration
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 17.80 | Vehicle Emissions Verification System | 11/9/1993 | 8/22/1994, 59 FR 43046 | Ref 52.2299 (c)(87)(i)(F). |
Texas Department of Public Safety - 37 TAC Chapter 23 - Vehicle Inspection
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 23.93 | Vehicle Emissions Inspection Requirements | 10/26/2005 | 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43264 |
5 Chapter 115 (Reg 5) - Control of Air Pollution From Volatile Organic Compounds
5A Subchapter A - Definitions, SIP effective June 29, 2015 (TXd190) to January 21, 2018
5A Subchapter A - Definitions, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.10, TXd190 | Definitions, SIP effective June 29, 2015 (TXd190) to January 21, 2018 | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.10, TXd204 | Definitions, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Error in CFR: Section 115.10 title should be “Definitions” NOT “Covered Attainment Counties” |
5B Subchapter B - General Volatile Organic Compound Sources
5B1 Division 1: Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds, SIP effective November 11, 2014 (TXd160) to January 21, 2018
5B1 Division 1: Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds, SIP effective January 22 (TXd204) to May 29, 2019
5B1 Division 1: Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds, SIP effective May 30, 2019 (TXd215)
This table is updated with revisions effective May 30, 2019 (TXd215)
State citation | Title/subject | Current State submittal/effective date |
Current EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.110, TXd204 | Applicability and Definitions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 6/3/2015, NOT 6/15/2015. |
Section 115.111, TXd204 | Exemptions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 6/3/2015, NOT 6/15/2015. |
Section 115.112, TXd215 | Control Requirements | Adopted 12/15/2016 |
4/30/2019, 84 FR 18145 | |
Section 115.113, TXd160 | Alternate Control Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 |
9/9/2014, 79 FR 53299 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 12/7/2011, NOT 12/1/2011. |
Section 115.114, TXd215 | Inspection Requirements | Adopted 12/15/2016 |
4/30/2019, 84 FR 18145 | |
Section 115.115, TXd204 | Monitoring Requirements | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 6/3/2015, NOT 6/15/2015. |
Section 115.116, TXd160 | Testing Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 |
9/9/2014, 79 FR 53299 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 12/7/2011, NOT 12/1/2011. |
Section 115.117, TXd204 | Approved Test Methods | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be 6/3/2015, NOT 6/15/2015. |
Section 115.118, TXd215 | Recordkeeping Requirements | Adopted 12/15/2016 |
4/30/2019, 84 FR 18145 | |
Section 115.119, TXd215 | Compliance Schedules | Adopted 12/15/2016 |
4/30/2019, 84 FR 18145 |
5B2 Division 2: Vent Gas Control, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) to January 21, 2018
5B2 Division 2: Vent Gas Control, SIP effective to January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | Current State submittal/effective date |
Current EPA approval date |
Explanation |
Section 115.120, TXd89 | Vent Gas Definitions | 12/13/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.121, TXd204 | Emission Specifications | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.122, TXd204 | Control Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.123, TXd89 | Alternate Control Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.125, TXd204 | Testing Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.126, TXd204 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.127, TXd204 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 02/27/08, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.129, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5B3 Division 3: Water Separation, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) and January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.131, TXc105F | Emission Specifications | 5/04/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.132, TXd89 | Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.133, TXd89 | Alternate Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.135, TXc105F | Testing Requirements | 5/04/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.136, TXd89 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.137, TXd89 | Exemptions | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.139, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5B4 Division 4: Industrial Wastewater
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.140 | Industrial Wastewater Definitions | 04/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.142 | Control Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.143 | Alternate Control Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.144 | Inspection and Monitoring Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.145 | Approved Test Methods | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.146 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 10/27/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.147 | Exemptions | 12/13/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.148 | Training Requirements | 10/27/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.149 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 11/15/2006 | 7/17/2008, 73 FR 40972 |
5B5 Division 5: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.152 | Control Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.153 | Alternate Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.155 | Approved Test Methods | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.156 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.157 | Exemptions | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.159 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5B6 Division 6: Batch Processes
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.160 | Batch Process Definitions | 12/13/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.161 | Applicability | 12/13/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.162 | Control Requirements | 12/6/2000 | 07/16/2001, 66 FR 36913 | |
Section 115.163 | Alternate Control Requirements | 10/27/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.164 | Determination of Emissions and Flow Rates | 12/6/2000 | 07/16/2001, 66 FR 36913 | |
Section 115.165 | Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements | 12/6/2000 | 07/16/2001, 66 FR 36913 | |
Section 115.166 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.167 | Exemptions | 9/28/2005 | 7/10/2009, 74 FR 33146 | |
Section 115.169 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 9/28/2005 | 7/10/2009, 74 FR 33146 |
5C Subchapter C - Volatile Organic Compound Transfer Operations
5C1 Division 1: Loading and Unloading of Volatile Organic Compounds, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) to January 21, 2018
5C1 Division 1: Loading and Unloading of Volatile Organic Compounds, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.211, TXd73 | Emission Specifications | 12/13/2002 | 1/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 | |
Section 115.212, TXd21 | Control Requirements | 12/6/2000 | 7/16/2001, 66 FR 36913 | |
Section 115.213, TXd14 | Alternate Control Requirements | 6/30/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.214, TXd73 | Inspection Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 1/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 | |
Section 115.215, TXd204 | Approved Test Methods. | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.216, TXd73 | Monitoring and Record-keeping Requirements | 10/22/2003 | 1/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 | |
Section 115.217, TXd73 | Exemptions | 10/22/2003 | 1/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 | |
Section 115.219, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5C2 Division 2: Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities, SIP effective June 29, 2015 (TXd170) to January 21, 2018
5C2 Division 2: Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities, SIP effective to January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.220, TXc48 | Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicles Fuel Dispensing Facilities in Bexar County -- See Section 220 NOTE TO READER in attached file. | 3/30/1979 | 11/10/1982, 47 FR 50866 | Ref 52.2299(c)(48). Section number 220 was created to avoid duplicate sections numbers in the SIP. There is no section 115.220 in the current Texas Chapter 115. |
Section 115.221, TXd170 | Emission Specifications | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.222, TXd170 | Control Requirements | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.223, TXd73 | Alternate Control Requirements | 3/23/2005 | 01/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 | |
Section 115.224, TXd170 | Inspection Requirements | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.225, TXd170 | Testing Requirements | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.226, TXd170 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.227, TXd170 | Exemptions | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 | |
Section 115.229, TXd240 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 9/10/2014 | 4/30/2015, 80 FR 24215 |
5C3 Division 3: Control of Volatile Organic Leaks from Transport Vessels, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) to January 21, 2018
5C3 Division 3: Control of Volatile Organic Leaks from Transport Vessels, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.234, TXd14 | Inspection Requirements | 6/30/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.235, TXd14 | Approved Test Methods | 6/30/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.236, TXd14 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/30/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.237, TXd14 | Exemptions | 6/30/1999 | 12/20/2000, 65 FR 79745 | |
Section 115.239, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60547 |
5C4 Division 4: Control of Vehicle Refueling Emissions (Stage II) at Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.240 | Stage II Vapor Recovery Definitions and List of California Air Resources Board Certified Stage II Equipment | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014, 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.241 | Emission Specifications | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014, 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.242 | Control Requirements | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014, 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.243 | Alternate Control Requirements | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014, 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.244 | Inspection Requirements | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014, 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.245 | Testing Requirements | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014 , 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.246 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 10/9/2013 | 3/17/2014 , 79 FR 14611 | |
Section 115.248 | Training Requirements | 3/23/2005 | 1/19/2006, 71 FR 3009 |
5C5 Division 5: Control of Reid Vapor Pressure of Gasoline, SIP effective March 29, 1999 (TXc105P) to present
citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.252, TXc104E | Control Requirements. 5-45 TXc104E | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.253, TXc105P | Alternate Control Requirements. 5-56 TXc105P | 10/9/2013 | 1/26/1999, 64 FR 03841 | |
Section 115.255, TXc104E | Approved Test Methods. 5-45 TXc104E | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section115.256, TXc105P | Recordkeeping Requirements. 5-56 TXc105P | 4/30/1997 | 1/26/1999, 64 FR 03841 | |
Section 115.257, TXc104E | Exemptions. 5-45 TXc104E | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.259, TXc104E | Counties and Compliance Schedules. 5-45 TXc104E | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 |
5D Subchapter D - Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas Processing, and Petrochemical Processes
5D1 Division 1: Process Unit Turnaround and Vacuum-Producing Systems in Petroleum Refineries
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.311 | Emission Specifications | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.312 | Control Requirements | 12/13/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.313 | Alternate Control Requirements | 04/26/2002 | 02/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.315 | Testing Requirements | 5/8/1992 | 3/7/1995, 60 FR 12438 | |
Section 115.316 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.317 | Exemptions | 5/8/1992 | 3/7/1995, 60 FR 12438 | |
Section 115.319 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 11/15/2006 | 7/17/2008, 73 FR 40972 |
5D2 Division 2: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refineries in Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.322 | Control Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.323 | Alternate Control Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.324 | Inspection Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.325 | Testing Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.326 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.327 | Exemptions | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.329 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 8/8/2001 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5D3 Division 3: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas, SIP effective April 27, 2015 (TXd166) to January 21, 2018
5D3 Division 3: Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.352, TXd166 | Control Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.353, TXd166 | Alternate Control Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.354, TXd166 | Monitoring and Inspection Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.355, TXd166 | Approved Test Methods | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.356, TXd166 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115. 357, TXd166 | Exemptions | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.358, TXd166 | Alternative Work Practice | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.359, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E Subchapter E - Solvent-Using Processes
5E1 Division 1: Degreasing Processes, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) to January 21, 2018
5E1 Division 1: Degreasing Processes, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.410, TXd204 | Applicability | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.411, TXd204 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.412, TXd52 | Control Requirements | 11/17/2004 | 3/29/2005, 70 FR 15769 |
Section 115.413, TXd52 | Alternate Control Requirements | 11/17/2004 | 3/29/2005, 70 FR 15769 |
Section 115.415, TXd204 | Testing Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.416, TXd204 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.419, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E2 Division 2: Surface Coating Processes, SIP effective April 27, 2015 (TXd168) to January 21, 2018
5E2 Division 2: Surface Coating Processes, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.420, TXd204 | Applicability and Definitions | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.421, TXd204 | Emission Specifications | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.422, TXd204 | Control Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.423, TXd204 | Alternate Control Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.424, TXd67 | Inspection Requirements | 6/29/2000 | 10/30/2001, 66 FR 54688 |
Section 115.425, TXd204 | Testing Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.426, TXd204 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.427, TXd204 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.429, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E3 Division 3: Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.430 | Applicability and Definitions | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.431 | Exemptions | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.432 | Control Requirements | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.433 | Alternate Control Requirements | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.435 | Testing Requirements | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.436 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
Section 115.439 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 1/17/2012 | 3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 |
5E4 Division 4: Offset Lithographic Printing, SIP effective September 3, 2014 (TXd159) to January 21, 2018
5E4 Division 4: Offset Lithographic Printing, SIP effective January 21, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State adopted date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.440, TXd204 | Applicability and Definitions | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.441, TXd204 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.442, TXd204 | Control Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.443, TXd159 | Alternate Control Requirements | 3/10/2010 | 8/4/2014, 79 FR 45106 |
Section 115.445, TXd159 | Approved Test Methods | 3/10/2010 | 8/4/2014, 79 FR 45106 |
Section 115.446, TXd204 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
Section 115.449, TXd204 | Compliance Schedules | 6/3/2015 | 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E5 Division 5: Control Requirements for Surface Coating Processes, SIP effective April 27, 2015 (TXd168) to January 21, 2018
5E5 Division 5: Control Requirements for Surface Coating Processes, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.450, TXd204 | Applicability and Definitions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.451, TXd204 | Exemptions |
Adopted |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.453, TXd204 | Control Requirements | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.454, TXd154 | Alternate Control Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.455, TXd154 | Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.458, TXd154 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.459, TXd204 | Compliance Schedules | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E6 Division 6: Industrial Cleaning Solvents, SIP effective April 27, 2015 (TXd168) to January 21, 2018
5E6 Division 6: Industrial Cleaning Solvents, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.460, TXd204 | Applicability and Definitions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.461, TXd204 | Exemptions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.463, TXd168 | Control Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.464, TXd168 | Alternate Control Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.465, TXd168 | Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.468, TXd168 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.469, TXd204 | Compliance Schedules | Adopted 6/3/201512 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5E7 Division 7: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, SIP effective April 27, 2015 (TXd168) to January 21, 2018
5E7 Division 7: Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.470, TXd168 | Applicability and Definitions | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.471, TXd204 | Exemptions | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.473, TXd204 | Control Requirements | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 | |
Section 115.474, TXd168 | Alternate Control Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.475, TXd168 | Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.478, TXd168 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | Adopted 12/7/2011 Submitted 1/17/2012 |
3/27/2015, 80 FR 16291 | |
Section 115.479, TXd204 | Compliance Schedules | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5F Subchapter F - Miscellaneous Industrial Sources
5F1 Division 1: Cutback Asphalt, SIP effective September 15, 2008 (TXd90) to January 21, 2018
5F1 Division 1: Cutback Asphalt, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204) to present
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.510, TXd05 | Cutback Asphalt Definitions |
Adopted |
12/22/1999, 64 FR 71670 | |
Section 115.512, TXd52 | Control Requirements | Adopted 11/17/2004 |
3/29/2005, 70 FR 15769 | |
Section 115.513, TXd05 | Alternative Control Requirements | Adopted 7/28/1999 Submitted 8/31/1999 |
12/22/1999, 64 FR 71670 | |
Section 115.515, TXd05 | Testing Requirements | Adopted 7/28/1999 Submitted 8/31/1999 |
12/22/1999, 64 FR 71670 | |
Section 115.516, TXd52 | Recordkeeping Requirements | Adopted 11/17/2004 |
3/29/2005, 70 FR 15769 | |
Section 115.517, TXd52 | Exemptions | Adopted 11/17/2004 |
3/29/2005, 70 FR 15769 | |
Section 115.519, TXd204 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | Adopted 6/3/2015 |
12/21/2017, 82 FR 60546 |
5F2 Division 2: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.531 | Emission Specifications | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.532 | Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.533 | Alternate Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.534 | Inspection Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.535 | Testing Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.536 | Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.537 | Exemptions | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.539 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 11/15/2006 | 7/17/2008, 73 FR 40972 |
5F3 Division 3: Degassing or Cleaning of Stationary, Marine, and Transport Vessels
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.540 | Applicability and Definitions | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.541 | Emission Specifications | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.542 | Control Requirements | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.543 | Alternate control Requirements | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.544 | Inspection, Monitoring, and Testing Requirements | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.545 | Approved Test Methods | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.546 | Recordkeeping and Notification Requirements | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.547 | Exemptions | 1/26/2011 | 9/23/2015, 80 FR 57304 | |
Section 115.549 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 5/23/2007 | 3/29/2010, 75 FR 15348 |
5F4 Division 4: Petroleum Dry Cleaning Systems
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.552 | Control Requirements | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.553 | Alternate Control Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.555 | Testing Methods and Procedures | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.556 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.557 | Exemptions | 5/4/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.559 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5G Subchapter G - Consumer-Related Sources
5G1 Division 1: Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.600 | Consumer Products Definitions | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.610 | Applicability | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.612 | Control Requirements | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.613 | Alternate Control Requirements | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.615 | Testing Requirements | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.616 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.617 | Exemptions | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 | |
Section 115.619 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 1/28/2004 | 2/10/2005, 70 FR 7041 |
5H Subchapter H - Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
5H1 Division 1: Vent Gas Control
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.720 | Applicability and Definitions | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.722 | Site-wide Cap and Control Requirements | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.725 | Monitoring and Testing Requirements | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.726 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.727 | Exemptions | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.729 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 |
5H2 Division 2: Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.760 | Applicability and Cooling Tower Heat Exchange System Definitions | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.761 | Site-wide Cap | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.764 | Monitoring and Testing Requirements | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.766 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.767 | Exemptions | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.769 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 |
5H3 Division 3: Fugitive Emissions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.780 | Applicability | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.781 | General Monitoring and Inspection Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.782 | Procedures and Schedule for Leak Repair and Follow-up | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.783 | Equipment Standards | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 | |
Section 115.784 | Alternate Control Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.786 | Recordkeeping Requirements | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.787 | Exemptions | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.788 | Audit Provisions | 6/2/2010 | 2/26/2015, 80 FR 10352 | |
Section 115.789 | Counties and Compliance Schedules | 12/1/2004 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52656 |
5J Subchapter J - Administrative Provisions
5J1 Division 1: Alternate Means of Control
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.901 | Insignificant Emissions | 7/13/1994 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 | |
Section 115.910 | Availability of Alternate Means of Control | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.911 | Criteria for Approval of Alternate Means of Control Plans | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.912 | Calculations for Determining Alternate Means of Control Reductions | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.913 | Procedures for Alternate Means of Control Plan Submittal | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.914 | Procedures for an Alternate Means of Control Plan Approval | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.915 | Public Notice Format | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.916 | Review of Approved Alternate Means of Control Plans and Termination of Alternate Means of Control Plans | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5J2 Division 2: Early Reductions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.920 | Applicability | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 | |
Section 115.923 | Documentation | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5J3 Division 3: Compliance and Control Plan Requirements
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 115.930 | Compliance Dates | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
Section 115.932 | Congtrol Plan Procedure | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
Section 115.934 | Control Plan Deviation | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
Section 115.936 | Reporting Procedure | 11/10/1993 | 5/22/1997, 62 FR 27964 |
Section 115.940 | Equivalency Determination | 4/26/2002 | 2/27/2008, 73 FR 10383 |
5J4 Division 4: Emissions Trading
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/ effective date |
Explanation | |
Section 115.950 | Use of Emissions Credits for Compliance | 12/6/2000 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52698 |
ERROR IN CFR: Section 115.950 should be in a separate table entitled Division 4, Emissions Trading, NOT in table for Division 3, Compliance and Control Plan Requirements.
6 Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
6A Subchapter A - Definitions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.10 | Definitions | 9/15/2010 | 9/9/2016, 81 FR 62385 | SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.10(5)(F) or 116.10(9)(F). |
Section 116.11 | Compliance History Definitions | 06/17/1998 | 09/18/2002, 67 FR 58709. | |
Section 116.12 | Nonattainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review Definitions | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | The SIP does NOT include the substantive revisions to the definitions of “major stationary source” at 30 TAC Section 116.12(19) or “major modification” at 30 TAC Section 116.12(20) pertaining to “Step 2” or “non-anyway” GHG sources. The SIP includes the TCEQ's letter dated 5/3/2012, which explains and clarifies the TCEQ's interpretation of the definition of “plant-wide applicability limit” in 30 TAC Section 116.12(24). |
Section 116.13 | Flexible Permit Definitions | 7/31/2014 | 7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.14 | Standard Permit Definitions | 6/17/98 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 116.17 | Qualified Facility Definitions | 9/15/2010 | 9/9/2016, 81 FR 62385 | |
Section 116.18 | Electric Generating Facility Permits Definitions | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.20 | Portable Facilities Definitions | 2/10/2010 | 10/6/2015, 80 FR 60296 |
Texas Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
6B Subchapter B - New Source Review Permits
6B1 Texas Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 1, Permit Application, SIP effective October 11, 2016 (TXd186) to March 15, 2020
6B1 Texas Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 1, Permit Application, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220) to November 12, 2020
6B1 Texas Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 1, Permit Application, SIP effective November 13, 2020 (TXd227)
This table is updated with revisions SIP effective November 13, 2020 (TXd227)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.110, TXd227 | Applicability |
Adopted |
10/14/2020, 85 FR 64966 |
SIP does not include 116.110(a)(5), 116.110(c), or 116.110(d). |
Section 116.111, TXd161 | General Application | Adopted 3/26/2014 |
11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 |
30 TAC Section 116.111(a)(2)(I) is SIP-approved as adopted by the State as of 8/21/2002. The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.111(a)(2)(K). |
Section 116.112, TXd71 | Distance Limitations | Adopted 1/14/2004 |
12/7/2005, 70 FR 72720 |
Section 116.114, TXd220 | Application Review Schedule | Adopted 10/31/2018 |
2/13/2020, 85 FR 8185 |
Section 116.115, TXd135 | General and Special Conditions | Adopted 2/9/2011 |
10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 |
Section 116.116, TXd227 | Changes to Facilities | Adopted 7/15/2020 |
10/14/2020, 85 FR 64966 |
SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.116(b)(3). |
Section 116.117, TXd186 | Documentation and Notification of Changes to Qualified Facilities | Adopted 9/15/2010 |
9/9/2016, 81 FR 62385 |
SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.117(a)(4)(B). |
Section 116.118, TXd227 | Construction While Permit Amendment Application Pending. |
Adopted 7/15/2020 |
10/14/2020, 85 FR 64966 |
Section 116.120, TXd110 | Voiding of Permits | Adopted 8/20/2003 |
4/2/2010, 75 FR 16671 |
Section 116.127, TXd135 | Actual to Projected Actual and Emission Exclusion Test for Emissions | Adopted 2/9/2011 |
10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 |
6B2 Texas 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 2, Compliance History, SIP effective October 18, 2002 (TXd34) to June 7, 2018 -- NOT in SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206)
6B3 Texas 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 3, Public Notice, SIP effective May 9, 2006 (TXd75) to June 7, 2018 -- NOT in SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206)
6B4 Division 4 - Permit Fees
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.140 | Applicability | 06/17/1998 | 09/18/2002, 67 FR 58709 | |
Section 116.141 | Determination of Fees | 9/25/2002 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. | |
Section 116.143 | Payment of Fees | 8/20/2003 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. |
6B5 Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 5, Nonattainment Review, SIP effective November 26, 2012 (TXd135)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.150, TXd135 | New Major Source or Major Modification in Ozone Nonattainment Area | 7/25/2012 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.151, TXd135 | New Major Source or Major Modification in Nonattainment Area Other than Ozone | 7/25/2012 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 |
6B6 Division 6 - Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review
6B6 Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 6, Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review, SIP effective November 10, 2014 (TXd161) to March 15, 2020
6B6 Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 6, Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.160, TXd220 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
The PSD SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.160(a) as adopted by the State as of 6/2/2010. [ document EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0620-0004 [TX110.04] Adobe page 96] The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated December 2, 2013, committing that Texas will follow a SIP amendment process to apply its PSD SIP to additional pollutants that are regulated in the future, including non-NAAQS pollutants. [ document EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0808-0009 [TX155.09]] The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated May 30, 2014, clarifying the judicial review process for the Texas PSD permit program. [ doument EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0808-0028 [TX155.28]] |
Section 116.161, TXd34 | Source Located in an Attainment Area with Greater than De Minimis Impact | Adopted 6/17/1998 |
09/18/2002, 67 FR 58709. |
Section 116.162, TXd46 | Evaluation of Air Quality Impacts | Adopted 10/10/2001 |
7/22/2004, 69 FR 43752. |
Section 116.163, TXd101 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit Fees | Adopted 9/25/2002 |
3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. |
Section 116.164, TXd220 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration Applicability for Greenhouse Gases Sources |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
The PSD SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Sections 116.164(b). |
Section 116.169, TXd161 | Greenhouse Gases Program Transitions | Adopted 3/26/2014 |
11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 |
The PSD SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.169(b). The PSD SIP includes a letter from the TCEQ dated January 13, 2014, regarding the TCEQ's authority to administer EPA-issued GHG PSD permits. [ document EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0808-0010 [TX155.10]] |
6B7 Division 7 - Emission Reductions: Offsets
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.170 | Applicability of Emission Reductions as Offsets | 8/20/2003 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. | |
Section 116.172 | Emissions Offsets from Rocket Engine Firing and Cleaning | 8/20/2003 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. | |
Section 116.174 | Determination by Executive Director to Authorize Reductions | 6/17/1998 | 11/2/2011, 76 FR 67600 | |
Section 116.175 | Recordkeeping | 8/16/1993 | 11/2/2011, 76 FR 67600 | |
Section 116.176 | Use of Mass Cap Allowances for Offsets | 3/7/2001 | 9/6/2006, 71 FR 52664. |
6B8 Division 8 - Portable Facilities
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.178 | Relocations and Changes of Location of Portable Facilities | 2/10/2010 | 10/6/2015, 80 FR 60296 |
6C Subchapter C - Plant-wide Applicability Limits
6C1 Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter C, Division 1, Plant-wide Applicability Limits, SIP effective February 5, 2014 (TXd146) to March 15, 2020
6C1 Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter C, Division 1, Plant-wide Applicability Limits, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220)
The table below IS updated with revisions approved by EPA February 13, 2020 (85 FR 8185) SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220), document EPA-R06-OAR-2019-0043-0009
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.180 | Applicability | 7/25/2012 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.182 | Plant-Wide Applicability Limit Permit Application | 2/9/2011 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.184 | Application Review Schedule | 1/11/2006 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.186 | General and Specific Conditions | 7/25/2012 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | The SIP includes TCEQ's “Letter of explanation and interpretation of the Texas SIP for NSR Reform” dated 5/3/2012, which explains and clarifies TCEQ's interpretation of paragraphs (a), (b)(9) and (c)(2). |
Section 116.188 | Plant-Wide Applicability Limit | 2/9/2011 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.190 | Federal Nonattainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review | 2/9/2011 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.192 | Amendments and Alterations | 2/9/2011 | 10/25/2012, 77 FR 65119 | |
Section 116.194 | Public Notification and Comment | 6/2/2010 | 1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 116.196, TXd220 | Renewal of Plant-Wide Applicability Limit Permit |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
Section 116.198, TXd220 | Expiration and Voidance |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
6D Subchapter D - Permit Renewals
6D Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter D, Permit Renewals, SIP effective February 5, 2014 (TXd146) to March 15, 2020
6D Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter D, Permit Renewals, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.310, TXd220 |
Notification of Permit Holder |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
Section 116.311, TXd186 |
Permit Renewal Application | Adopted 8/21/2002 |
9/9/2016, 81 FR 62385 | SIP does not include 30 TAC Section 116.311(a)(6). |
Section 116.312, TXd146 |
Public Notification and Comment Procedures | Adopted 9/2/1999 |
1/6/2014, 79 FR 551 | |
Section 116.313, TXd101 |
Renewal Application Fees | Adopted 8/20/2003 |
3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. | |
Section 116.314, TXd130 |
Review Schedule | Adopted 6/17/1998 |
11/14/2011, 76 FR 70354 | |
Section 116.315, TXd108 |
Permit Renewal Submittal | Adopted 5/7/2008 |
3/11/2010, 75 FR 11464 |
6F Subchapter F - Standard Permits
6F Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter F, Standard Permits, SIP effective November 10, 2014 (TXd161) to March 15, 2020
6F Texas SIP: 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter F, Standard Permits, SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220)
This table is updated with revisions SIP effective March 16, 2020 (TXd220).
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.601 | Types of Standard Permits | 2/9/2011 | 4/1/2014, 79 FR 18183 | |
Section 116.602 | Issuance of Standard Permits | 12/16/1999 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 116.603 | Public Participation in Issuance of Standard Permits | 9/20/2006 | 9/17/2008, 73 FR 53716 | |
Section 116.604 | Duration and Renewal of Registrations to Use Standard Permits | 12/16/1999 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 116.605 | Standard Permit Amendment and Revocation | 12/16/1999 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 116.606 | Delegation | 12/16/1999 | 11/14/2003, 68 FR 64548 | |
Section 116.610 | Applicability | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014, 79 FR 66626 | 30 TAC Section 116.610(b) is SIP-approved as adopted by the State as of 11/20/2002. The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.610(d) |
Section 116.611 TXd220 |
Registration to Use a Standard Permit |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
30 TAC Section 116.611(b) is SIP-approved as adopted by the State as of 11/20/2002. The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 116.611(c)(3), (c)(3)(A), and (c)(3)(B). |
Section 116.614 | Standard Permit Fees | 9/25/2002 | 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851. | |
Section 116.615 TXd220 |
General Conditions |
Adopted |
2/13/2020, |
Section 116.617 | State Pollution Control Project Standard Permit | 1/11/2006 | 4/1/2014, 79 FR 18183 | |
Section 116.620 | Installation and/or Modification of Oil and Gas Facilities | 8/9/2000 | 2/14/2014, 79 FR 8861 |
The types of emission units that may be authorized by this section are the following:
Texas Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
6G Subchapter G: Flexible Permits, SIP effective August 19, 2015 (TXd172) to November 12, 2020
6G Subchapter G: Flexible Permits, SIP effective November 13, 2020 (TXd227)
This table is updated with revisions SIP effective November 13, 2020 (TXd227)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.710, TXd227 | Applicability | Adopted 7/15/2020 |
10/14/2020, 85 FR 64966 | |
Section 116.711, TXd172 | Flexible Permit Application | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | SIP includes 30 TAC 116.711(1), (2)(A), (B) and (C)(i) and (ii), (D)-(J), and (L)-(N) |
Section 116.714, TXd155 | Application Review Schedule | Adopted 6/17/1998 |
7/14/2014, 79 FR 40666 | |
Section 116.715, TXd172 | General and Special Conditions | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | SIP includes 30 TAC 116.715(a)-(e) and (f)(1) and (2)(B) |
Section 116.716, TXd172 | Emission Caps and Individual Emission Limitations | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.717, TXd172 | Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.718, TXd172 | Significant Emission Increase | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.720, TXd172 | Limitation on Physical and Operational Changes | Resubmitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.721, TXd227 | Amendments and Alterations | Adopted 7/15/2020 |
10/14/2020, 85 FR 64966 | |
Section 116.722, TXd155 | Distance Limitations | Adopted 8/9/2000 |
7/14/2014, 79 FR 40666 | |
Section 116.740, TXd172 | Public Notice and Comment | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.740(a). |
Section 116.750 | Flexible Permit Fee | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | |
Section 116.760, TXd155 | Flexible Permit Renewal | Adopted 11/16/1994 |
7/14/2014, 79 FR 40666 | |
Section 116.765, TXd172 | Compliance Schedule | Submitted 7/31/2014 |
7/20/2015, 80 FR 42729 | SIP includes 30 TAC Section 116.765(b) and (c). |
6H Subchapter H - Permits for Grandfathered Facilities
6H1 Division 1 - General Applicability
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.770 | Requirement to Apply | 1/28/2004 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.771 | Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.772 | Notice of Shutdown | 1/28/2004 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
6H2 Division 2 - Small Business Stationary Source Permits, Pipeline Facilities Permits, and Existing Facility Permits
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.774 | Eligibility for Small Business Stationary Source Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.775 | Eligibility for Pipeline Facilities Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.777 | Eligibility for Existing Facility Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.778 | Additional Requirements for Applications for Small Business Stationary Source Permits, Pipeline Facilities Permits, or Existing Facility Permits | 8/21/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.779 | Applications for Small Business Stationary Source Permits, Pipeline Facilities Permits, or Existing Facility Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
116.779(a)(10) is not in the SIP. |
Section 116.780 | Public Participation for Initial Issuance of Pipeline Facilities Permits and Existing Facility Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.781 | Notice and Comment Hearings for Initial Issuance of Pipeline Facilities Permits and Existing Facility Permits | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.783 | Notice of Final Action on Pipeline Facilities Permit Applications and Existing Facility Permit Applications | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.785 | Permit Fee | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.786 | General and Special Conditions | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
116.786(c)(2)(B)(ii)(I) is not in the SIP. |
Section 116.787 | Amendments and Alterations of Permits Issued Under this Division | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.788 | Renewal of Permits Issued Under this Division | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.790 | Delegation | 5/22/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
6I Subchapter I - Electric Generating Facility Permits
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.910 | Applicability | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.911 | Electric Generating Facility Permit | 5/22/2002 | 4/1/2014, 79 FR 18183 | Section 116.911(a)(2) is authorized for Minor NSR only. |
Section 116.912 | Electric Generating Facilities | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.913 | General and Special Conditions | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.914 | Emissions Monitoring and Reporting Requirements | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.916 | Permits for Grandfathered and Electing Generating Facilities in El Paso County | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.917 | Electric Generating Facility Permit Application for Certain Grandfathered Coal-Fired Electric Generating Facilities and Certain Facilities Located at Electric Generating Facility Sites | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.918 | Additional General Special Conditions for Grandfathered Coal-Fired Electric Generating Facilities and Certain Facilities Located at Electric Generating Facility Sites | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.919 | Additional Requirements for Grandfathered Electric Generating Facility Permit Applications | 8/21/2002 | 1/6/2014 79 FR 577 |
Section 116.920 | Applicability | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.921 | Notice and Comment Hearings for Initial Issuance | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.922 | Notice of Final Action | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.926 | Permit Fee | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.928 | Delegation | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.930 | Amendments and Alterations Issued Under this Subchapter | 5/22/2002 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 | |
Section 116.931 | Renewal | 12/16/1999 | 1/11/2011, 76 FR 1525 |
6M Subchapter M: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 116.1500 | Definitions | 2/25/2009 | 1/5/2016, 81 FR 350 | |
Section 116.1510 | Applicability and Exemption Requirements | 2/25/2009 | 1/5/2016, 81 FR 350 | 116.1510(d) is NOT part of the approved SIP. |
Section 116.1520 | Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Analysis | 2/25/2009 | 1/5/2016, 81 FR 350 | |
Section 116.1530 | Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Control Implementation | 2/25/2009 | 1/5/2016, 81 FR 350 | |
Section 116.1540 | Exemption from Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Control Implementation | 2/25/2009 | 1/5/2016, 81 FR 350 |
7 Chapter 117 - Control of Air Pollution From Nitrogen Compounds
7A Subchapter A - Definitions
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.10 | Definitions | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 |
7B Subchapter B - Combustion Control at Major Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7B1 Division 1 - Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.100 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.103 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.105 | Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.110 | Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.110(c) not in SIP. |
Section 117.115 | Alternative Plant-Wide Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.123 | Source Cap | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.130 | Operating Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.135 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.140 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 | |
Section 117.145 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 | |
Section 117.150 | Initial Control Plan Procedures | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.152 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.154 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.156 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7B3 Division 3 - Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.300 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.303 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.305 | Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.310 | Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.310(c) not in SIP. |
Section 117.315 | Alternative Plant-Wide Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.320 | System Cap | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.323 | Source Cap | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.330 | Operating Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.335 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.340 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 | |
Section 117.345 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 | |
Section 117.350 | Initial Control Plan Procedures | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.352 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.354 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.356 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7B4 Division 4 - Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.400 | Applicability | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.403 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.405 | Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | 117.405(d) Not in SIP. |
Section 117.410 | Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | 117.410(d) Not in SIP. |
Section 117.423 | Source Cap | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.430 | Operating Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.435 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.440 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.445 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.450 | Initial Control Plan Procedures | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.452 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.454 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.456 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 |
7C Subchapter C - Combustion Control at Major Utility Electric Generation Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7C1 Division 1 - Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.1000 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1003 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1005 | Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1010 | Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.1010(b) not in SIP. |
Section 117.1015 | Alternative System-Wide Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1020 | System Cap | 4/6/2012 | 7/31/2014, 79 FR 44300 | |
Section 117.1035 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1040 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1045 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1052 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1054 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1056 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7C3 Division 3 - Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.1200 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1203 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1205 | Emission Specifications for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.1210 | Emission Specifications for Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | 117.1210(b) not in SIP. |
Section 117.1215 | Alternative System-Wide Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1220 | System Cap | 4/6/2012 | 7/31/14, 79 FR 44300 | |
Section 117.1235 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1240 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1245 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1252 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Reasonably Available Control Technology | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1254 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.1256 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7C4 Division 4 - Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.1303 | Exemptions | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.1310 | Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | 117.1310(b) Not in SIP. |
Section 117.1335 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.1340 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.1345 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750Plan | |
Section 117.1350 | Initial Control Plan Procedures | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.1354 | Final Control Plan Procedures for Attainment Demonstration Emission Specifications | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 |
7D Subchapter D - Combustion Control at Minor Sources in Ozone Nonattainment Areas
7D1 Division 1 - Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.2000 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.2003 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.2010 | Emission Specification | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.2010(i) not in SIP. |
Section 117.2030 | Operating Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.2035 | Monitoring and Testing Requirements | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 | |
Section 117.2045 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 2/11/2009 | 7/31/2009, 74 FR 38102 |
7D2 Division 2 - Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.2100 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.2103 | Exemptions | 5/8/2013 | 7/31/14, 79 FR 44300 | |
Section 117.2110 | Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration | 5/18/2011 | 5/6/2013, 78 FR 26251 | |
Section 117.2130 | Operating Requirements | 5/8/2013 | 7/31/2014, 79 FR 44300 | |
Section 117.2135 | Monitoring, Notification, and Testing Requirements | 5/8/2013 | 7/31/2014, 79 FR 44300 | |
Section 117.2145 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 5/8/2013 | 7/31/2014, 79 FR 44300 |
7E Subchapter E - Multi-Region Combustion Control
7E1 Division 1 - Utility Electric Generation in East and Central Texas
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.3000 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3003 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3005 | Gas-Fired Steam Generation | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3010 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.3010(2) not in SIP. |
Section 117.3020 | System Cap | 4/6/2012 | 7/31/2014, 79 FR 44302 | |
Section 117.3035 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3040 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3045 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3054 | Final Control Plan Procedures | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3056 | Revision of Final Control Plan | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7E2 Division 2 - Cement Kilns
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.3100 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 01/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3101 | Cement Kilns Definitions | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3103 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009 , 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3110 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3120 | Source Cap | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3123 | Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration Control Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | 117.3123(f) not in SIP. |
Section 117.3140 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3142 | Emission Testing and Monitoring for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.3145 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 |
7E3 Division 3 - Water Heaters, Small Boilers, and Process Heaters
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.3200 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3201 | Definitions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3203 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3205 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3210 | Certification requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3215 | Notification and Labeling Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7E4 Division 4 - East Texas Combustion
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.3300 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3303 | Exemptions | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3310 | Emission Specifications for Eight-Hour Attainment Demonstration | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | 117.3310(e) not in SIP. |
Section 117.3330 | Operating Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3335 | Monitoring, Notification, and Testing Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.3345 | Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7F Subchapter F - Acid Manufacturing
7F1 Division 1 - Adipic Acid Manufacturing
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.4000 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4005 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4025 | Alternative Case Specific Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4035 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4040 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4045 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4050 | Control Plan Procedures | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7F2 Division 2 - Nitric Acid Manufacturing - Ozone Nonattainment Areas
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.4100 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4105 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4125 | Alternative Case Specific Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4135 | Initial Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4140 | Continuous Demonstration of Compliance | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4145 | Notification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4150 | Control Plan Procedures | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7F3 Division 3 - Nitric Acid Manufacturing - General -- Error in CFR: should be Division 3, not Division 2
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.4200 | Applicability | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4205 | Emission Specifications | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.4210 | Applicability of Federal New Source Performance Standards | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7G Subchapter G - General Monitoring and Testing Requirements
7G1 Division 1 - Compliance Stack Testing and Report Requirements
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.8000 | Stack Testing Requirements | 6/3//2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.8010 | Compliance Stack Test Reports | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7G2 Division 2 - Emission Monitoring
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.8100 | Emission Monitoring System Requirements for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.8110 | Emission Monitoring System Requirements for Utility Electric Generation Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.8120 | Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitoring | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.8130 | Ammonia Monitoring | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.8140 | Emission Monitoring for Engines | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7H Subchapter H - Administrative Provisions
7H1 Division 1 - Compliance Schedules
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.9000 | Compliance Schedule for Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9020 | Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9030 | Compliance Schedule for Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Major Sources | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.9100 | Compliance Schedule for Beaumont-Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9120 | Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9130 | Compliance Schedule For Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Utility Electric Generation Sources | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.9200 | Compliance Schedule for Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9210 | Compliance Schedule for Dallas-Fort Worth Eight-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Minor Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9300 | Compliance Schedule for Utility Electric Generation in East and Central Texas | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9320 | Compliance Schedule for Cement Kilns | 5/30/2007 | 1/14/2009, 74 FR 1927 | |
Section 117.9340 | Compliance Schedule for East Texas Combustion | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 | |
Section 117.9500 | Compliance Schedule for Nitric Acid and Adipic Acid Manufacturing Sources | 5/30/2007 | 12/3/2008, 73 FR 73562 |
7H2 Division 2 - Compliance Flexibility
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 117.9800 | Use of Emission Credits For Compliance | 6/3/2015 | 4/13/2016, 81 FR 21750 | |
Section 117.9810 |
Use of Emission Reductions Generated from the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) |
6/3/2015 |
5/11/2017, 82 FR 21925 |
8 Chapter 118 - Control Of Air Pollution Episodes
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 118.1 | Generalized Air Pollution Episodes | 3/5/2000 | 7/26/2000 | |
Section 118.2 | Provisions Governing Generalized Episode Control | 3/5/2000 | 7/26/2000 | |
Section 118.3 | Localized Air Pollution Episodes | 3/5/2000 | 7/26/2000 | |
Section 118.4 | Hearings. | 3/5/2000 | 7/26/2000 | |
Section 118.5 | Emission Reduction Plan | 3/5/2000 | 7/26/2000 | |
Section 118.6 | Texas Air Pollution Episode Contingency Plan and Emergency Management Center | 3/5/2000 | 07/26/2000 |
9 Chapter 119 - Control of Air Pollution from Carbon Monoxide
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Chapter 119 | Control of Air Pollution From Carbon Monoxide | 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10895 |
12 Chapter 122 - Federal Operating Permits Program
Subchapter B - Permit Requirements
Division 2 - Applicability
State citation | Title/subject | State submittal/effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanation |
Section 122.122 | Potential to Emit | 3/26/2014 | 11/10/2014 79 FR 66626 |
The SIP does NOT include 30 TAC Section 122.122(e)(3), (e)(3)(A), or (e)(3)(B). |