An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »



Learn about SmartWay Verified Technologies

Over the past decade, technologies have made unprecedented impacts on improving supply chain freight efficiency. The SmartWay Technology Program has verified numerous innovative technologies, which fleets are adopting because of their rapid return on investment.

EPA-verified technologies save fuel and reduce emissions for tractors, trailers, and locomotives. EPA verifies aerodynamic devices, idling reduction equipment, and new and retread low rolling resistance tires. EPA also designates tractors and trailers equipped with certain combinations of EPA-verified technologies as SmartWay Tractors and Trailers.

Fleet managers, technology manufacturers, and equipment dealers can all benefit from learning about SmartWay Verified Technologies.

Information for Fleet Managers

Fleet managers can purchase SmartWay Verified Technologies directly from manufacturers and dealers. These technologies are designed to improve fleet efficiency.

You can also purchase tractors or trailers pre-packaged with these technologies.

You do not have to be a SmartWay Partner to purchase SmartWay Verified Technologies. However, there are many benefits for fleets that join the SmartWay Transport Partnership.

Information for Technology Manufacturers and Dealers

Manufacturers of aerodynamic devices, idling reduction technologies for trucks and locomotives, and low rolling resistance tires and retread technologies can have their equipment verified by EPA.

Learn about the verification processes:

EPA encourages manufacturers and dealers to tell their customers about their SmartWay Verified Technologies.

If you manufacture, sell, or lease equipment that has been verified by SmartWay, EPA encourages you to promote your EPA-verified SmartWay technologies using specific guidelines.

For more details and explanation about SmartWay brand references for manufacturers of SmartWay verified technologies, download the SmartWay Verified Technologies Communication Guidelines.

Please note: manufacturers and dealers of SmartWay verified technologies cannot use the SmartWay logo.

EPA values the participation of technology manufacturers that provide high-performing equipment that helps SmartWay Partners meet freight sustainability goals. However, to ensure clarity for the public, EPA does not allow manufacturers to use the SmartWay mark on marketing materials as this may be perceived as an endorsement of the product. EPA verification only signifies that the equipment meets efficiency standards set by the Agency; it does not mean EPA promotes or endorses the product itself.