- Education Webinar: Informational webinar related to improving performance as a SmartWay Partner or Affiliate.
- Freight Matters Webinar: Interviews and panel discussions with industry leaders and experts on broad topics related to freight transportation sustainability.
- Tool Demo Webinar: Demonstration of a SmartWay accounting and tracking tool.
- Tool Advanced Webinar: Advanced training on features and capabilities of SmartWay accounting and tracking tools.
- Recognition Webinar: Webinar to recognize award or challenge honorees.
- Live Workshop: In-person events focused on advancing freight transportation sustainability.
- SmartWay Conference Presentation: A conference or event where EPA staff present SmartWay.
Strategies for Saving Fuel, Money and the Environment Webinar
Thursday, November 19, 2020
11:00 AM (PT)/ 1:00 PM (CT)/ 2:00 PM (ET)
Click here to register! Exit
Join us as the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE), a SmartWay Affiliate, shares results from their Regional Run on Less real-time demonstration. NACFE proved how Class 8 tractors—both diesel and CNG—and trailers achieved the best fuel economy possible in differing regional haul applications. There were ten fleets, including six SmartWay Partners, using only commercially-available technology participating in the Run: C&S Wholesale Grocers, Hirschbach, Hogan Transportation, J.B. Hunt, Meijer, PepsiCo, Ploger Transportation, Schneider, Southeastern Freight Lines, and UPS.
This webinar offers well-grounded encouragement to the growing segment of regional operations, that 8.3 MPG is possible for regional Class 8 fleets. NACFE highlights the technologies and practices that make ultra-low fuel consumption in regional haul a reality.
Industry Engagement Director
Introduction to the 2021 SmartWay Truck Carrier Tool
Thursday, January 21, 2021
11:00 AM (PT)/ 1:00 PM (CT)/ 2:00 PM (ET)
This webinar provides an introductory overview of EPA SmartWay’s 2021 Truck Carrier Tool, including a live demonstration of the Tool. Participants will learn how they can calculate and report your company’s carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter emissions using your carrier specific activity data, allowing companies to benchmark themselves and track annual changes in performance across multiple efficiency metrics. Key takeaways from this webinar include:
- An introductory understanding of the 2021 Truck Carrier Tool
- Updates made to the 2021 Tool
- How to input data into the Tool
- How to submit your completed Tool to EPA SmartWay
- How to view your summary reports
- Key points to remember when filling out your Tool
This webinar is primarily intended for those who are new to the SmartWay Partnership, prospective partners looking for more information, or partners who are in need of a refresher.
Register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5521055113919932429
2021 SmartWay Truck Carrier Tool Advanced Class
Thursday, February 4, 2021
11 AM (PT)/ 1 PM (CT)/ 2 PM (ET)
SmartWay takes a deep dive into the Truck Carrier Tool to help truck carriers get the most out of their SmartWay Truck Carrier Tool and reports, including:
- How specific data entry choices yield more useful results
- How to read and understand SmartWay data reports
- SmartWay ranking: how we do it and why it's important
- How shippers use SmartWay data and ranking
- A more detailed understanding of the Truck Carrier Tool
This webinar is for: Partners familiar with the Truck Carrier Tool that have questions regarding how to maximize the Tool reports and Tool data.
Register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8966379198326632205Exit
2021 SmartWay Award Criteria Webinar
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
11 AM (PT)/ 1 PM (CT)/ 2 PM (ET)
SmartWay Partners! Join EPA to learn about the SmartWay Excellence Award. The following topics will be addressed: 1) the 2020 Award eligibility criteria for relevant partner categories (e.g. truck carriers, multimodal carriers, shippers and logistics companies); 2) Expectations for Freight Sustainability Leadership; 3) the Award recipient selection process and 4) the Award timeline.
This webinar is for:any Partner interested in understanding how Award candidates are selected.
Register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1537797166078415631EXIT
2020 SmartWay Carrier Awardees Share Effective Strategies
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
11:30 AM (PT)/ 1:30 PM (CT)/ 2:30 PM (ET)
Curious about how Partners attain environmental performance levels which warrant recognition by EPA SmartWay? Join EPA for a candid discussion with our Award-winning Carrier Partners where they readily share insights about freight efficiency strategies that garnered top performance for their companies!
Guest Panelists |
Photos |
Derek Leathers
Vice Chairman
President and CEO, Werner Enterprises
Brian Meents
Executive Vice President Sales Account Manager
Hub Group

Kenneth D. Weber
Director of Dedicated Fleets
KBX Logistics

Joann Jackson-Stephens
Brand Manager
U.S. EPA SmartWay

This Webinar is for: Truck carriers and others interested in freight sustainability for fleets.
Register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7409449839911334672Exit
2020 SmartWay Award Criteria Webinar
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
11:00 AM (PT)/ 1:00 PM (CT)/ 2:00 PM (ET)
Click here to register! Exit
SmartWay Partners! Join EPA to learn about the SmartWay Excellence Award. The following topics will be addressed: 1) the 2020 Award eligibility criteria for relevant partner categories (e.g. truck carriers, multimodal carriers, shippers and logistics companies); 2) the Award recipient selection process and 3) the Award timeline. Attendees will also have the opportunity to pose questions.
This webinar is for any Partner interested in understanding how Award candidates are selected.
Register for the webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3974522732805180171 Exit
Title Here
Wednesday, Month XX, 2020
11:00 AM (PT)/ 1:00 PM (CT)/ 2:00 PM (ET)
Click here to register! Exit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dignissim vel velit blandit pellentesque. Aenean a aliquet risus, quis lacinia nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam vel quam ut odio ultrices rhoncus vitae sed odio. Vestibulum erat odio, molestie vel arcu vestibulum, rhoncus dignissim enim. Nullam dictum felis ut laoreet vehicula. Cras vitae efficitur odio, sit amet dignissim ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris consequat felis sit amet imperdiet aliquam. Morbi rutrum purus diam, in mattis dui tincidunt eu. Vestibulum tincidunt felis velit, et vehicula erat ultrices vel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras facilisis urna eu lectus aliquam, vel porttitor mauris ornare. Nunc risus massa, viverra vulputate faucibus non, consectetur id metus. Praesent molestie posuere diam, non eleifend lorem fermentum in. Vivamus lobortis libero id lobortis imperdiet. Nulla congue dapibus velit, vel auctor nunc blandit nec.
- Lorem ipsum
- Lorem ipsum
- Lorem ipsum
Pellentesque mattis, leo et venenatis cursus, nisi tellus varius felis, id cursus sem sem sed ipsum. Mauris at enim congue, condimentum dui at, dapibus metus. Sed eu tellus ac libero facilisis posuere vitae sit amet arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam sed porta turpis, sit amet rutrum lectus.
This webinar is for: TYPE OF PARTNER