Petroleum Refinery Sector Rule (Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards)
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Rule Summary
In December 2015, the EPA issued a final rule that will further control toxic air emissions from petroleum refineries and provide important information about refinery emissions to the public and neighboring communities. This rule will virtually eliminate smoking flare emissions and upset emission events, and will require refineries to monitor emissions at key emission sources within their facilities and around their fencelines. When fully implemented in 2018, this rule will result in a reduction of 5,200 tons per year of toxic air pollutants, and 50,000 tons per year of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
July 3, 2018 - EPA proposed to extend the compliance dates finalized in July 13, 2016, for maintenance vent standards that apply during periods of startup, shutdown, maintenance or inspection for sources constructed or reconstructed on or before June 30, 2014. The compliance date would change from August 1, 2017 to January 30, 2019. This proposed compliance date extension would provide petroleum refinery owners and operators with an additional 18 months to achieve compliance.
Rule History
10/26/2020 - Denial of Petition for Reconsideration
2/4/2020 - Final Rule
11/26/2018 - Final Amendments
7/10/2018 - Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments - Proposed Compliance Extension
3/19/2018 - Proposed Amendments
11/3/2016 - Notice of Public Hearing and Comment Extension for the Proposed Reconsideration
10/18/2016 - Proposed Reconsideration
07/13/2016 - Final Amendments
02/09/2016 - Proposed Amendments
12/01/2015 - Final Rule
06/30/2014 - Proposed Rule
Additional Resources
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet - Petroleum Refinery Sector Final Rule
Fact Sheet - Petroleum Refinery Sector Final Amendments
Fact Sheet - Petroleum Refinery Sector Proposed Amendments March 2018
Fact Sheet - Petroleum Refinery Sector Amendments July 2016
Revisión de tecnología y riesgos: refinerías de petróleo - Hoja informativa para las comunidades
Webinar Slides
Slides for Petroleum Refinery Fenceline Monitoring Data (June 2016)
Additional Documents
The Fenceline Monitoring Data Report(2 MB, 2/13/2020) should be submitted using EPA's Compliance and Emission Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI).
Final Residual Risk Assessment Report (PDF) (814pp, 15 MB)
Economic Impact Analysis (PDF) (103pp, 861k)
Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors for Populations Living Near Petroleum Refineries – Actual Emissions (PDF) (20pp, 118k)
Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors for Populations Living Near Petroleum Refineries – Post Control Scenario (PDF) (20pp, 118k)
Refinery Information Collection Request Data
Technical Information
Background Information for Final Rule - September 2015
Review & Peer Review of “Parameters for Properly Designed and Operated Flares” Documents
Flare Database(4 MB, 2012) (Excel) Free Microsoft Office Viewers
Emission Estimation – Document and spreadsheet with emission estimation protocols for petroleum refineries
Emission Factor Consent Decree
Related Rules
Petroleum Refineries: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Subpart CC)
Petroleum Refineries: New Source Performance Standards (Subparts J & Ja)
Petroleum Refinery Regulations for Flaring Events
December 2015 Refinery Sector Rule: Response Letters with Q&A
Applicability Determination Index (ADI). The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues. The database is searchable by Subpart.