Administrator's Emphasis List
This is a list of Superfund sites from across the United States that Administrator Wheeler has targeted for immediate and intense attention. This list is in direct response to the Superfund Task Force Recommendations, issued July 25, 2017, calling for this list.
In developing this list, EPA considered sites that can benefit from Administrator Wheeler's direct engagement and have identifiable actions to protect human health and the environment. These are sites requiring timely resolution of specific issues to expedite cleanup and redevelopment efforts. The list is designed to spur action at sites where opportunities exist to act quickly and comprehensively. The Administrator will receive regular updates on each of these sites.
The list:
- Is intended to be dynamic. Sites will move on and off the list as appropriate. At times, there may be more or fewer sites based on where the Administrator’s attention and focus is most needed.
- There is no commitment of additional funding associated with a site’s inclusion on the list.
- Is presented in order by EPA region.
EPA remains dedicated to addressing risks at all Superfund sites, not just those on the list. The Task Force Recommendations are aimed at expediting cleanup at all Superfund sites and the Administrator has continued to set the expectation that there will be a renewed focus on accelerating work and progress at all Superfund sites across the country.
On related pages:
- See Administrator's Emphasis Summary Report 2017-2021
- See Questions and Answers for the Administrator's Emphasis List
- See Previous Versions of the Administrator's Emphasis List
As of January 2021, the list is:
Site/Project | EPA Region | City or County | State | NPL Status | Upcoming Milestone |
3 |
Dundalk |
Maryland |
Final |
Approve screening alternatives memo in Spring/Summer 2021 and approve the detailed analysis of alternatives for the Feasibility Study in Fall 2021 |
3 |
Spotsylvania |
Virginia |
Final |
Non time-critical removal action – Issue Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) for public comment in February 2020. EE/CA is a non time-critical removal action for creosote source material. [Completed] Removal Action Plan 5 – Finalize Revised Human Health Risk Assessment and Final Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment in calendar year 2020. [Partially Completed] |
5 |
DePue |
Illinois |
Final |
OU4 - Reach agreement with PRPs to perform the work for residential lead soil removal - UAO was issued January 23, 2020 and effective on February 3, 2020. [Completed] Complete consent decree negotiations for residential yard cleanup work to replace UAO by Summer 2021. OU2, 3 and 5 - Reach agreement with PRPs to conduct remaining remedial investigation and feasibility study work at OUs 2, 3, and 5 in calendar year 2020. [Completed] |
7 |
New Haven |
Missouri |
Final |
Issue for public comment a revised remedy to address vapor intrusion in a residence in 2021 |
7 |
North Kansas City |
Missouri |
Final |
Issue for public comment a proposed final remedy for groundwater in 2021 |
8 |
San Juan County |
Colorado |
Final |
Develop a Site Strategy and Site Management Plan in Summer/Fall 2020. |
8 |
Anaconda |
Montana |
Final |
Complete negotiations for implementation of early actions to address human health exposure, followed by site-wide work. |
9 |
Not on NPL |
Finalize the Federal Actions to Address Impacts of Uranium Contamination on the Navajo Nation Ten-Year Plan (“Ten-Year Plan” by end of fiscal year 2020. |
10 |
Portland |
Oregon |
Final |
Complete settlement agreement(s) to support cleanup. |
Proposed NPL Sites Project |
All |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Complete by end of 2020 review of sites that have been proposed for an extended period of time but never added to the NPL. |
* Administrator Andrew Wheeler is recused from these sites.
+ Peter Wright, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management, is recused from these sites.