Lead at Superfund Sites: Related Links
The following references provide additional information related to lead and lead cleanup
On this page:
To access Superfund documents listed on this page, use the document search tool on the contaminants page or visit the Search Superfund Documents page. Documents are available in a searchable table that will generate a table of relevant results.
Note: Not all documents may be available at this time. EPA continues to update its website to enhance public access to Superfund-related information.
Links to EPA websites of interest
EPA lead website
Information on the Federal lead poisoning prevention program and EPA's efforts to address residential lead hazards. - EPA’s actions under Federal Lead Action Plan
Information about implementation status of EPA’s actions under the 2018 Federal Action Plan to reduce childhood lead exposures and associated health impacts.
EPA lead enforcement website
Information on EPA's activities to ensure compliance with lead laws and regulations. -
EPA Risk Assessment Forum - Papers Addressing Scientific Issues in the Risk Assessment of Metals
Papers developed in support of EPA efforts to develop an integrated framework for metals risk assessment. -
EPA Superfund Risk Assessment website
Includes documents related to risk assessment at Superfund sites. -
EPA/HUD Residential Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Program (Section 1018 of Title X)
Describes disclosure requirements for sales and leases of older homes. -
EPA Regional Office Lead Coordinators
Contact information for the EPA's Regional Offices that implement federal environmental programs around the country. Information on Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) projects and programs. -
Lead Abatement Program: Training and Certification Program for Lead-Based Paint Activities
Provides information on the federal training and certification program for lead-based paint professionals. -
Hazard Standards for Lead in Paint, Dust and Soil (TSCA Section 403)
Information for identifying residential lead-based paint hazards, including lead-contaminated household dust and soils. -
Best Management Practices for Lead at Outdoor Shooting Ranges Manual
Information on lead management at outdoor rifle, pistol, trap, skeet, and sporting clay ranges. -
Lead Hotline -- National Lead Information Center
How to contact the NLIC. -
Lead's Impact on Indoor Air Quality
Information on indoor air quality and indoor air pollution. -
Office of Land and Emergency Management
Agency-wide policy, guidance, and direction for the Agency's solid waste and emergency response programs. -
Toxics Release Inventory
Information on toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment. -
TechDirect, hosted by EPA's Technology Innovation Office, is an information service that highlights new publications and events of interest to site remediation and site assessment professionals. Each month, subscribers receive an e-mail message describing the availability of publications and events.
Links to non-EPA websites
Alliance for Healthy Homes EXIT
Information on protecting children from lead hazards in their homes. -
CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Information on screening children for lead and eliminating hazards. -
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Safety information on reducing the risk of injury or death from consumer products. -
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
Information on lead poisoning issues. -
EPA Adult Lead Soil Methodology for Industrial Workers Soil Risk Calculator
EPA Adult Lead Soil Methodology for Industrial Workers Soil Preliminary Remediation Goal Calculator
The Risk Assessment Information System Adult Lead Methodology calculators are used to estimate lead concentrations in soil and dust protective of an adult of child-bearing age. However, the EPA IEUBK Model is used to estimate soil and dust concentrations that would be protective of young children, which require much lower concentrations. -
MEDLINEPlus Health Information on Lead Poisoning
General overview of lead poisoning and information on clinical trials, prevention, screening, law, policy, and children's lead poisoning. Also provides lists of print publications. -
National Academy of Sciences Report on Investigative Strategies for Lead-Source Attribution at Superfund Sites Associated with Mining Activities (2017)Exit
The study recommends potential improvements in approaches used for assessing sources of lead contamination at or near Superfund sites, without recommending changes to the clean-up requirements or remediation activities at any designated site. Further, identifies important research needs. -
National Academy of Sciences Report on Superfund and Mining Megasites EXIT
The National Academy of Sciences Report on Superfund and Mining Megasites: Lessons from the Coeur d'Alene River Basin; Final Publication, December 2005. -
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Safety and Health Topic Lead Page
Health and safety information related to lead in the workplace. -
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Lead Poisoning Information Page
Information on lead poisoning as well as kids' pages on lead information. -
National Institute of Health Special Information Services (SIS) Enviro-Health Links - Lead and Human Health
Links to many other lead exposure resources. -
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Covers a range of topics on worker safety and health-related issues. -
The Arc's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Q & A's EXIT
Information on the prevention of childhood lead poisoning.
Recommended Reading
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
Validation Strategy for The Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (PDF) (30 pp, 229 K)
EPA 9285.7-21, December 1994
This document describes the considerations and methods for characterizing the confidence to be placed in the output from the IEUBK, version 0.99d. -
Federal Register Notice: Identification of Dangerous Levels of Lead; Final Rule; 40 CFR Part 745 (PDF) (36 pp, 496 K)
Provides new standards for identifying levels at which lead in paint, dust, or soil constitute a lead-based paint hazard. -
Publications on Lead Modeling and the IEUBK: Model Validation Concepts and Their Application to Lead Models
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)publications on IEUBK model validation. -
Chaney, R.L. et al. 1984. The potential for heavy metal exposure from urban gardens and soils, pp. 37-84. In: J.R. Preer ed. Proceedings of the symposium on heavy metals in urban gardens. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of the District of Columbia, Washington.
Cohen, J., Marcus, A. and R. Elias. 1990. Estimating Childhood Multi-Media Lead Exposure: Expanded Exposure/Uptake/Biokinetic Model. Presented at 83rd Annual Meeting, Air Water Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA. June 24-29, 1990.
Davis, S., Waller, P., Buschbom, M.A., et al. 1990. Quantitative estimates of soil ingestion in normal children between the ages of 2 and 7 years: Population-based estimates using aluminum, silicon, and titanium as soil tracer elements. Arch. Environ. Health 45(2), 112-122.
Harley, N.H., T.H. Kneip. 1985. An Integrated Metabolic Model for Lead in Humans of All Ages. Final report to USEPA, Contract B44899, New York University Department of Environmental Medicine.
Marcus, A.H. and J. Cohen. 1988. Modeling the blood lead-Soil lead relathionship. In Environmental Geochemistry and Health Monograph Series 4. Lead in Soiil: Issues and Guidelines (B.E. Davies and B.G. Wilson, Eds.), pp. 161-174. Science Reviews Limited, Northwood, England.
Marcus, A.H. 1985. Multicompartment kinetic model for lead. I. Bone diffusion models for long-term retention. Environ. Res. 36, 441-458.
Marcus, A.H. 1985. Multicompartment kinetic model for lead. II. Linear kinetics and variable absorption in humans without excessive lead exposure. Environ. Res. 36, 459-472.
Marcus, A.H. 1985. Multicompartment kinetic model for lead. III. Lead in blood plasma and erythrocytes. Environ. Res. 36, 473-489.