Lead Releases Trend
This graph shows the trend in the pounds of lead and lead compounds disposed of or otherwise released by facilities in all TRI reporting industry sectors including metal mines, manufacturing facilities, hazardous waste management facilities and electric utilities.
From 2007 to 2019:
- Releases of lead and lead compounds rose and fell between 2007 and 2019, with an overall increase of 26%.
- The metal mining sector accounts for most of the lead and lead compounds disposed of on site to land, driving the overall trend. For 2019, for example, metal mines reported 94% of total lead and lead compounds disposed of to land on site.
From 2018 to 2019:
- Total releases of lead and lead compounds decreased by 26% (221 million pounds), driven by a 215-million-pound decrease in releases of lead compounds from the metal mining sector.
This graph shows the trend in lead and lead compounds disposed of or otherwise released, but excludes quantities reported by the metal mining sector.
From 2007 to 2019:
- Among sectors other than metal mining, releases of lead and lead compounds have decreased by 28% (19.7 million pounds).
- Among sectors other than metal mining, most releases of lead and lead compounds were from the primary metals and hazardous waste management sectors.
This page was published in January 2021 and uses the 2019 TRI National Analysis dataset made public in TRI Explorer in October 2020.