Releases by Chemical and Industry
Use the interactive chart below to explore the 2019 TRI chemical releases by industry sector, chemical, or state/territory. Visit the full TRI National Analysis data visualization dashboard to explore even more information about releases of chemicals.
Releases by Chemical
Release quantities of 8 chemicals made up 74% of total releases.
Note: 1) In this figure, metals are combined with their metal compounds, although metals and compounds of the same metal are listed separately on the TRI list (e.g. lead is listed separately from lead compounds). 2) Percentages do not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Releases by Industry
The metal mining sector accounted for 44% of releases (1.49 billion pounds), which were primarily in the form of on-site land disposal. Learn more about this sector in the Metal Mining profile.
Note: Percentages do not sum to 100% due to rounding.
This page was published in January 2021 and uses the 2019 TRI National Analysis dataset made public in TRI Explorer in October 2020.