Certification Systems
Product Certification System
EPA requires all products bearing the WaterSense label to be independently certified. The WaterSense Product Certification System outlines the process and procedures for the product certification to ensure that all WaterSense labeled products meet EPA's criteria for efficiency and performance.
WaterSense Product Certification System Version 2.1
As part of the ongoing effort to continually improve the WaterSense program and its independent third-party certification process, EPA released Version 2.1 of the WaterSense Product Certification System in January 2016. EPA has made minor revisions to the product certification system to clarify and ensure equitable interpretation and enforcement of program requirements.
Use the links below to learn more about the WaterSense Product Certification System, Version 2.1 including a summary of the revisions.
- WaterSense Product Certification System, Version 2.1 (PDF) (27 pp, 543 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense Product Certification System, Version 2.1 in Track Changes (PDF) (29 pp, 575 K, About PDF)
- Summary of Revisions to the WaterSense Product Certification System (PDF) (9 pp, 227 K, About PDF)
For background information on the development of and revisions to the WaterSense Product Certification System, please refer to the Product Certification System Archives.
Manufacturer Responsibilities
Manufacturers must obtain all WaterSense-related product certifications (the WaterSense label) from an EPA licensed certifying body that is accredited to provide certification services for WaterSense. EPA maintains a comprehensive list of certifying bodies that are licensed under the product certification system.
Certifying Body Responsibilities
Certifying bodies must be accredited to certify products for WaterSense in accordance with the requirements of the WaterSense Product Certification System, Version 2.1 (PDF) (27 pp, 543 K, About PDF) and the relevant WaterSense product specification. To begin the accreditation process, contact an EPA-approved accreditation body.
Upon accreditation, please contact the WaterSense Helpline for application procedures and to obtain a copy of the licensing agreement.
Licensed certifying bodies are required to submit WaterSense labeled product information directly to EPA using WaterSense product notification templates. Please report all certified products to EPA using the product notification templates below:
- Tank-Type Toilet Notification Template, Version 2.0, July 24, 2017 - ws-certification-template-toilets(1 pg, 588 K)
- Lavatory Faucets Notification Template, Version 2.0, July 24, 2017 - ws-certification-template-faucets(1 pg, 784 K)
- Flushing Urinals Notification Template , Version 2.0, July 24, 2017 - ws-certification-template-urinals(1 pg, 146 K)
- Showerheads Notification Template, Version 2.1, December 3, 2020 - ws-certification-template-showerheads_2020-12-03(503 K)
- Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers Notification Template, Version 2.2, August 31, 2018 - ws-certification-template-wbic(1000 K)
- Flushometer-Valve Toilets (Water Closets) Notification Template, Version 2.0, July 24, 2017 - ws-certification-template-flushometers(1 pg, 172 K)
- Spray Sprinkler Bodies Notification Template, Version 2.0, August 7, 2017 - ws-certification-template-ssb(1 pg, 115 K)
Please note that WaterSense ID numbers are required to complete these templates. If a certifying body wishes to provide product information to EPA using its own form, the information must conform to the requirements outlined in the relevant template above.
Accreditation Body Responsibilities
The application process is open to all U.S. domiciled accreditation bodies interested in providing accreditation services for WaterSense. Any accreditation bodies meeting the application and approval criteria outlined in the Product Certification System, Version 2.1 (PDF) (27 pp, 543 K, About PDF) may apply at any time. To apply, please submit an application letter to the WaterSense Helpline, as described in the product certification system.
Private Labeling Procedures
WaterSense has established simple procedures for private labeling, the practice of acquiring previously certified products with the intent of rebranding and selling them. These procedures do not require product recertification or independent listing with a licensed certifying body.
- WaterSense Product Certification System, Version 2.1 (PDF) (27 pp, 543 K, About PDF)
View previous versions of the WaterSense Product Certification System on the Certification System Background Page.
WaterSense Labeled Homes
The WaterSense Home Certification System outlines the process and procedures for the inspection and certification of WaterSense labeled homes. Builders interested in building homes to the WaterSense specification and obtaining the WaterSense label must first confirm their eligibility and become partners. Licensed Certification Providers interested in certifying homes under Version 1.2 of the WaterSense Homes Certification System must become WaterSense partners.
Certifying Homes to the WaterSense Specification
WaterSense has established a system for certification and labeling of homes that meet the WaterSense homes specification. In response to changes in the building industry, EPA released Version 1.3 of the WaterSense Home Certification system. During 2020, versions 1.2 and 1.3 will be be available for use, as described on the Certification System Transition Period page.
- WaterSense Home Certification System (Version 1.3) (18 pp, 437 K, About PDF)
- Explanation of Revisions to the WaterSense Home Certification System (4 pp, 660 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense New Home Certification System (Version 1.2) (27 pp, 520 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense Program Guidelines (PDF) (32 pp, 568 K, About PDF)
Home certification organizations (HCOs) interested in certifying homes under Version 1.3 of the WaterSense Home Certification System must apply to be approved and sign a licensing agreement. Prospective HCOs should review the certification system to understand the requirements associated with the role.
- Approved HCOs:
- RESNET: Ryan Meres (ryan@resnet.org)
- Apply to become an HCO (DOC) if you are interested in certifying homes for the WaterSense program under Version 1.3 of the Certification System.
For a home to earn the WaterSense label under Version 1.3 of the Certification System, it must be inspected by a trained and approved WaterSense home verifier and certified by an EPA approved HCO. Verifiers are trained, evaluated, approved, and overseen by the EPA-approved HCOs to ensure they have the capability and competence to verify homes in accordance with the WaterSense Specification for Homes. Verifiers must be trained on the most current version of the WaterSense Home Specification in order to continue to offer certification and verification services for WaterSense.
- Find a Licensed Certification Provider to certify homes under Version 1.2 of the Certification System.
- Find a WaterSense home verifier (available in future)
Verifying Homes Built to Version 1.2 of the Homes Specification
In order to earn the WaterSense label, all homes must be inspected to ensure they meet EPA's criteria. The following documents provide detailed information on how the homes are tested and what information the builder is required to supply to the verifier.
- Inspection Checklists and Guides:
- Inspection and Verification Guidance for WaterSense Labeled New Homes (Version 1.2) (PDF) (20 pp, 487 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense Labeled New Homes Inspection Checklist (Version 1.2) (PDF) (4 pp, 221 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense Labeled New Homes—Additional Information for Single-Family New Homes Covered by a Sampling Protocol (Version 1.2) (PDF) (3 pp, 150 K, About PDF)
- WaterSense Labeled New Homes—Additional Information for Units in a Multi-Family Building Covered by a Sampling Protocol (Version 1.2) (PDF) (3 pp, 150 K, About PDF)
- Irrigation Audit Checklist and Guide (for new homes with an irrigation system installed):
Background Information
To find out more about the development of the WaterSense labeled home inspection and certification system, including the proposed drafts, public comments on the draft requirements, and EPA's response to the public comments, please see the Background Information on the Homes Specification page.
Professional Certification Programs
The WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System specifies the organizational requirements a professional certifying organization must meet in order to have professional certification program labeled under the one of the WaterSense professional specifications. EPA approved professional certifying organizations must also become WaterSense partners upon successful labeling of their first certification program.
EPA sets standard guidelines for any professional certifying organization (PCO) wishing to obtain the WaterSense label for a certification program. The WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System outlines the application process and requirements for program certification to ensure a base level of organizational competency among PCOs.
WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System Version 1.0
On July 24, 2014, EPA released the WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System (program labeling system).
- WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System (PDF) (16 pp, 397 K, About PDF)
- Response to Public Comments on the Draft WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System, Draft Revised Specifications, and Draft Applications (PDF) (12 pp, 300 K, About PDF)
For background information on the development of the program labeling system, please refer to the WaterSense Professional Certification Labeling System Archives.
The program labeling system defines the organizational requirements that PCOs must meet to earn the WaterSense label for their certification program(s). EPA labels irrigation certification programs based on the criteria outlined in the final specifications. The system distinguishes between two types of PCOs:
- EPA Approved PCOs: Apply directly to EPA for organizational approval and the WaterSense label for their professional certification program.
- Adopting PCOs: Apply to an EPA Approved PCO for approval to use that PCOs WaterSense labeled professional certification program.
EPA Approved PCO
PCOs seeking EPA approval must complete the following steps as described in the program labeling system:
- Submit an Application for PCO Approval (4 pp, 487 K, About PDF) to EPA:
- For organizational approval through WaterSense Accreditation, the PCO provides supporting documentation to EPA that demonstrates that the PCO meets eligibility requirements for institutional stability, subcontracting, independent oversight, management of certified professionals' eligibility requirements, and certification exams.
- For organizational approval through Third-Party Accreditation, the PCO follows a streamlined approach and provides EPA with a certificate of accreditation to a national standard.
- Submit an Application to Label a Professional Certification Program (3 pp, 412 K, About PDF) along with all documentation pertaining to the relevant WaterSense Irrigation Certification Program Specification.
- Complete and submit a PCO Partnership Agreement.
PCOs may submit application pieces separately in the order above or as one package, however, EPA will not sign a WaterSense partnership agreement until a certification program has been approved to bear the label.
Interested in applying?
Submit a notification of interest form to tell EPA that your organization intends to apply for the WaterSense label. WaterSense will contact you to learn more about your program and assist you with the application process.
Adopting PCO
PCOs seeking approval to use an existing WaterSense labeled certification program must apply to both the Parent PCO and EPA for approval and complete the following steps as described in the program labeling system(16 pp, 397 K, About PDF):
- Contact the Parent PCO to obtain, complete, and submit an application.
- The Parent PCO reviews the application and notifies the Adopting PCO when all requirements have been met.
- Complete and submit to EPA an Application for PCO Approval (4 pp, 487 K, About PDF).
- Complete and submit to EPA a PCO Partnership Agreement.
Interested in adopting a labeled program?
Learn more about the WaterSense labeled programs currently being offered.
WaterSense Professional Certification Labeling System Archives
On September 19, 2013, EPA released the Draft WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System, three draft revised specifications (version 1.1) for professional certification programs, and applications for professional certification programs to apply for the WaterSense label.
Draft Labeling System, Draft Specifications, and Supporting Documentation
The cover letter, draft labeling system, draft specifications, and applications (PDF)(46 pp, 1.1 MB, About PDF) are contained in one PDF. Each component document is listed below. Please review the bookmarks within the PDF to visit the relevant section.
- Cover Letter
- Draft WaterSense Professional Certification Program Labeling System
- Draft Specifications (Revised)
- WaterSense Specification for Irrigation System Installation and Maintenance Certification Programs
- WaterSense Specification for Irrigation System Designer Certification Programs
- WaterSense Specification for Irrigation System Auditor Certification Programs
- Applications
Interested parties had the opportunity to submit comments on the draft labeling system, draft revised specifications, and applications until November 19, 2013. In addition, on October 30, 2013, EPA held a teleconference and webinar with stakeholders to discuss the draft labeling system and revised specifications. For more information, please review:
- Comments: Draft Professional Certification Program Labeling System, Draft Specifications, and Applications (PDF) (16 pp, 844 K, About PDF)
- Meeting Summary (PDF) (5 pp, 121 K, About PDF)
- Meeting Presentation (PDF) (46 pp, 1.3 MB, About PDF)
Please contact the WaterSense Helpline at watersense@epa.gov or (866) WTR–SENS (987–7367) if you have any questions.
Notice of Intent
On October 11, 2012, EPA issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) (8 pp, 91 K, About PDF) outlining several important changes that WaterSense is considering that will revise both the Specifications for Certification Programs for Irrigation Professionals and the WaterSense irrigation professional partnership.
EPA held listening sessions on November 6, 2012, and November 8, 2012, for interested partners and stakeholders to learn more about the changes.
- Listening session presentation(37 pp, 1.3 MB, About PDF)
Visit the final specification web page for details and background on the current specifications for certification programs for irrigation professionals.