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Professional Certification

Professional certifications banner

WaterSense recognizes certification programs for irrigation professionals that meet the specification criteria. The specifications address certification programs in three categories:

  • Irrigation auditor: Applies to programs that certify irrigation professionals who assess the proper functioning of existing irrigation systems, perform water audits, and recommend watering schedules.
  • Irrigation installation and maintenance professional: Applies to programs that certify irrigation professionals who install new irrigation systems and/or repair and maintain existing irrigation systems.
  • Irrigation designer: Applies to programs that certify irrigation professionals who develop the design of new irrigation systems and/or modifications to existing irrigation systems.

In order to use the label, the certifying organization must have applied for and been accepted to use the label for its certification program(s) and have signed a partnership agreement with EPA. For more information on achieving the WaterSense label, see the eligibility requirements for professional certifying organizations.

Final Specification for Irrigation Certification Programs

On July 24, 2014, EPA released three revised WaterSense specifications (version 1.1) for professional certification programs. The specifications cover three areas: irrigation system design, installation and maintenance, and system auditing. Certification programs that meet the criteria outlined in one of the following specifications will be eligible for the WaterSense label.

For more information about the professional certification programs specification development process, including the draft specifications, the public response document, and EPA's response to the public comments, please visit the the Professional Certification Systems page and the Certification Programs for Irrigation Professionals Specifications Background Materials page.

For more information on certification programs for irrigation professionals, please see the list of professional certification programs that have earned the WaterSense label listed below.

Approved Professional Certification Programs

WaterSense labels certification programs for landscape irrigation professionals that advance water-efficient irrigation techniques and practices. An irrigation professional certified by a WaterSense labeled program can design, install, maintain, or audit your irrigation system to ensure it uses the right amount of water to maintain a healthy landscape while minimizing waste.

Learn more about the WaterSense labeled programs currently being offered.