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Federally Promulgated Water Quality Standards for Specific States, Territories, and Tribes

Pursuant to Clean Water Act section 303(c)(4), EPA may promulgate federal water quality standards (WQS) for a particular state, authorized tribe, or territory (hereinafter referred to as “state”) under two scenarios:

  1. EPA disapproves specific state WQS as being inconsistent with Clean Water Act requirements, or
  2. The EPA Administrator makes a “determination” under section 303(c)(4)(B) of the Clean Water Act that a particular state WQS are not consistent with the Clean Water Act.

Federally promulgated WQS are located in 40 CFR 131 Subpart D-Federally Promulgated Water Quality Standards and in 40 CFR 132.6, Application of part 132 [Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System] requirements in Great Lakes States and Tribes. These federal promulgations are subject to federal rulemaking procedures.

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The federally promulgated WQS remain the applicable WQS for Clean Water Act purposes until the following occurs:

  • the state submits appropriate WQS to replace the federal WQS,
  • EPA approves those federal replacement WQS, and
  • EPA withdraws the corresponding federal WQS for the state.


  • the state adopts and EPA approves WQS more stringent than the federal replacement WQS.

Using the Table

The interactive table is organized by the affected regulation, date, type, citation, and title.  Selecting a column heading sorts the table by that column.  You can also search the table using the search box just above the table.  For example, you can try the following:

  • Type "Missouri" for regulations, etc. for Missouri.
  • Type "131.36" for 40 CFR 131.36 and the Federal Register Notices that have amended it.
  • Type "1-Reg" (a type* included in the table) for all the federal WQS regulations in the table.

The types for each table row are the following:

  • 1-Reg: Regulations.  These rows link to the current regulation as published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
  • 2-FR: Federal Register Notices.  These rows link to notices published in the Federal Register that have amended (or propose to amend) their respective CFR regulation.
  • 3-Det: Determinations.  These rows describe determinations that new or revised WQS are necessary.
  • 4-Web: Web Pages. These rows link to EPA web pages dedicated to their respective federal WQS or determination.
Affected Regulation Date
Type Citation Title
120.11 (former) 1980-02-14 2-FR 45 FR 9910 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of Alabama (PDF)(376 pp, 111 MB)
120.11 (former) 1982-11-26 2-FR 47 FR 53372 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; State of Alabama; Withdrawal of Regulation (PDF)(384 pp, 114 MB)
120.104 (former); later moved to 131.31 1976-06-22 2-FR 41 FR 25000 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of Arizona (PDF)(352 pp, 95 MB)
120.104 (former); later moved to 131.31 1976-11-05 2-FR 41 FR 48737 Final Rule, Correction: Water Quality Standards; Navigation (sic) Waters of the State of Arizona (PDF)(360 pp, 113 MB)
120.104 (former); later moved to 131.31 2003-11-06 2-FR 41 FR 62740 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Withdrawal of Federal Nutrient Standards for the State of Arizona (PDF)(286 pp, 2 MB)
120.34 (former); later moved to 130.33 1979-04-30 2-FR 44 FR 25223 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of Mississippi (PDF)(216 pp, 54 MB)
120.34 (former); later moved to 130.33 1986-04-04 2-FR 51 FR 11580 Removal of Rule: Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of Mississippi (PDF)(176 pp, 43 MB)
120.37 (former) 1978-06-06 2-FR 43 FR 24529 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of Nebraska (PDF)(156 pp, 43 MB)
120.37 (former) 1982-07-26 2-FR 47 FR 32128 Withdrawal of a Rule: Water Quality Standards; State of Nebraska; Withdrawal of Regulation (PDF)(320 pp, 95 MB)
120.43 (former) 1980-04-01 2-FR 45 FR 21246 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of North Carolina (PDF)(312 pp, 86 MB)
120.45 (former) 1980-11-28 2-FR 45 FR 79053 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Navigable Waters of the State of Ohio (PDF)(400 pp, 108 MB)
120.45 (former) 1982-07-07 2-FR 47 FR 29541 Final Rule: Ohio; Withdrawal of Regulation (PDF)(136 pp, 39 MB)
131.35 1988-07-15 2-FR 53 FR 26968 Proposed Rule: Water Quality Standards for the Colville Indian Reservation in the State of Washington (PDF)(45 pp, 11 MB)
131.35 1989-07-06 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.35

Colville Confederated Tribes Indian Reservation

WQS in Effect for CWA: Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation

131.35 1989-07-06 2-FR 54 FR 28622 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for the Colville Indian Reservation in the State of Washington (PDF)(35 pp, 9 MB)
131.36 1991-11-19 2-FR 56 FR 58419 Proposed Rule: Amendments to the Water Quality Standards Regulation To Establish the Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants Necessary to Bring All States Into Compliance With Section 303(c)(2)(B) (PDF) (62 pp, 18 MB)
131.36 1992-12-22 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.36

Toxics criteria for those states not complying with Clean Water Act section 303(c)(2)(B)

WQS in Effect for CWA (Applicable States): Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Kansas, Nevada, Vermont

131.36 1992-12-22 2-FR 57 FR 69847 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards; Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States’ Compliance (PDF) (111 pp, 29 MB)
131.36 1993-06-01 2-FR 58 FR 31177 Correction notice; final rule: Water Quality Standards; Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States’ Compliance (PDF) (6 pp, 2 MB)
131.37 1995-01-24 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.37


WQS in Effect for CWA: California

131.37 1995-01-24 2-FR 60 FR 4664 Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, and San Francisco Bay and Delta of the State of California
131.36 1995-05-04 2-FR 60 FR 22228 Stay of Federal Water Quality Criteria for Metals
131.36 1995-05-04 2-FR 60 FR 22229 Interim final rule, notice of data availability and request for comments. Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States' Compliance Revision of Metals Criteria
131.31 1996-05-07 2-FR 61 FR 20686 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters in Arizona
131.36 1996-11-29 2-FR 61 FR 60616 Withdrawal From Federal Regulations of Human Health Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Idaho
131.32 (former) 1996-12-09 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.32 (former) Federal Antidegradation Policy for all Waters of the United States Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (former)
131.32 (former) 1996-12-09 2-FR 61 FR 64816 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Pennsylvania
131.36 1996-12-11 2-FR 61 FR 65183 National Toxics Rule: Remand of Water Quality Criteria for Dioxin and Pentachlorophenol to EPA for Response to Comments
131.33 1997-07-31 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.33


WQS in Effect for CWA: Idaho

131.33 1997-07-31 2-FR 62 FR 41162 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Idaho
131.36 1997-10-09 2-FR 62 FR 52926 Final Rule :Withdrawal From Federal Regulations of Arsenic Human Health Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Idaho
131.36 1997-10-10 2-FR 62 FR 53212 Final Rule: Withdrawal From Federal Regulations of Nineteen Acute Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Alaska
131.36 1998-03-02 2-FR 63 FR 10140 Final Rule: Withdrawal From Federal Regulations of the Applicability to Alaska's Waters of Arsenic Human Health Criteria
131.36 1999-11-09 2-FR 64 FR 61182 Final Rule:  Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States' Compliance Revision of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Criteria
131.36 2000-04-12 2-FR 65 FR 19659 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Human Health and Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Rhode Island, Vermont, the District of Columbia, Kansas and Idaho
131.38 2000-05-18 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.38

Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California

WQS in Effect for CWA: California

131.38 2000-05-18 2-FR 65 FR 31681

Final Rule: Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants for the State of California

WQS in Effect for CWA: California

131.38 2001-02-13 2-FR 66 FR 09960 Correction notice; final rule: Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants for the State of California; Correction
131.33 2002-03-13 2-FR 67 FR 11247 Final Rule: Withdrawal of the Federal Designated Use for Shields Gulch in Idaho
131.36 2002-11-08 2-FR 67 FR 68039 Direct Final Rule: Withdrawal of Federal Human Health and Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants Applicable to Michigan
131.36 2002-12-03 2-FR 67 FR 71843 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Human Health and Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Vermont, the District of Columbia, Kansas and New Jersey
131.34 2003-07-07 2-FR 68 FR 40427 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Kansas
131.39 (proposed) 2003-10-10 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.39 (proposed) Oregon (proposed)
131.39 (proposed) 2003-10-10 2-FR 68 FR 58757 Proposed Rule: Water Quality Standards for Oregon
131.31 1996-05-07 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.31


WQS in Effect for CWA: Arizona

131.31 2003-11-06 2-FR 68 FR 62740 Final Rule: Withdrawal of Federal Nutrient Standards for the State of Arizona
131.38 2003-11-06 2-FR 68 FR 62744 Final Rule: Withdrawal of Federal Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Copper and Nickel Applicable to South San Francisco Bay, CA
131.40 2004-01-26 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.40

Puerto Rico

WQS in Effect for CWA: Puerto Rico

131.40 2004-01-26 2-FR 69 FR 03514 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Puerto Rico
131.36 2004-10-29 2-FR 69 FR 63079 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Alaska, Arkansas, and Puerto Rico
131.41 2004-11-16 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.41

Bacteriological criteria for those states not complying with Clean Water Act section 303(i)(1)(A)

WQS in Effect for CWA (Affected States and Territories): Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, U.S. Virgin Islands

131.41 2004-11-16 2-FR 69 FR 67217

Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Coastal and Great Lakes Recreation Waters

WQS in Effect for CWA (Affected States): Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin

131.[Subpart D] 2006-10-31 3-Det  

[See Determination that WQS are needed for 141 Water Body Segments in the State of Missouri ]

WQS in Effect for CWA: Missouri

131.[Subpart D] 2006-10-31 3-Det  

[See EPA’s Detailed Analysis of Whether New or Revised Water Quality Standards are Necessary for 141 Water Body Segments ]

WQS in Effect for CWA: Missouri

131.36 2007-07-09 2-FR 72 FR 37109 Direct final rule: Withdrawal of Federal Marine Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants Applicable to Washington State
131.42 2007-12-12 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.42

Antidegradation Implementation Methods for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

WQS in Effect for CWA: Puerto Rico

131.42 2007-12-12 2-FR 72 FR 70517 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for Puerto Rico
131.33 2008-08-19 2-FR 73 FR 48300 Direct Final Rule: Withdrawal of the Federal Water Quality Standards Use Designations for Soda Creek and Portions of Canyon Creek, South Fork Coeur d'Alene River, and Blackfoot River in Idaho
131.32 (former) 2008-09-15 2-FR 73 FR 53140 Direct Final Rule: Withdrawal of Federal Antidegradation Policy for All Waters of the United States Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
131.33 2008-11-05 2-FR 73 FR 65735 Final Rule; Withdrawal of direct final rule: Withdrawal of the Federal Water Quality Standards Use Designations for Soda Creek and Portions of Canyon Creek, South Fork Coeur d'Alene River, and Blackfoot River in Idaho
131.32 (former) 2008-11-14 2-FR 73 FR 67396 Withdrawal of direct final rule: Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule Removing the Federal Antidegradation Policy Applicable to Waters of the United States Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
131.[Subpart D] 2008-12-12 3-Det  

[See Determination that WQS are needed for Mississippi River segments upstream and downstream of St. Louis ]

WQS in Effect for CWA: Missouri

131.44 2009-01 3-Det   [See Fact Sheet: Determination that New or Revised Nutrient Water Quality Standards are Necessary for Florida ]
131.44 2009-01-14 3-Det   [See Determination that Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Criteria are Necessary to Meet CWA Requirements for the State of Florida (2009) ]
131.[Subpart D] 2009-10-29 3-Det  

[See Determination that WQS are needed for the Mississippi River segment near St. Louis ]

WQS in Effect for CWA: Missouri

131.32 (former) 2010-05-28 2-FR 75 FR 29899 Final Rule: Withdrawal of Federal Antidegradation Policy for all Waters of the United States Within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
131.43 (former) 2010-12-06 1-Reg 131.43 (former) 40 CFR §131.43  Florida (former)
131.43 (former) 2010-12-06 2-FR 75 FR 75761 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters
131.43 (former) 2012-03-07 2-FR 77 FR 13496 Final Rule; delay of effective date: Effective Date for the Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters
131.43 (former) 2012-07-06 2-FR 77 FR 39949 Final Rule; delay of effective date: Effective Date for the Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters
131.44 2012-08-03 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.44


WQS in Effect for CWA: Florida

131.44 2012-08-03 2-FR 77 FR 46298 Final Rule: Phosphorus Water Quality Standards for Florida Everglades
131.44 2012-11-30 3-Det   [See Amendment to the January 14, 2009 Determination that Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Criteria are Necessary to Meet CWA Requirements for the State of Florida ]
131.44 2012-08-03 4-Web   Phosphorus Water Quality Standards for the Florida Everglades
131.36 2013-04-04 2-FR 78 FR 02025 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to California, New Jersey and Puerto Rico
131.44 2013-06-28 3-Det   [See Second Amendment to the January 14, 2009 Determination that Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Criteria are Necessary to Meet CWA Requirements for the State of Florida ]
131.43 (former) 2014-09-25 2-FR 79 FR 57447 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters; Withdrawal
131.34 2015-10-20 2-FR 80 FR 51019 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards Regulatory Revisions
131.40 2015-10-20 2-FR 80 FR 51019 Final Rule: Water Quality Standards Regulatory Revisions
131.36 2016-07-15 2-FR 81 FR 46030 Proposed Rule: Establishment of Revised Numeric Criteria for Selenium for the San Francisco Bay and Delta, State of California
131.36 2016-07-15 4-Web   Establishment of Revised Numeric Criteria for Selenium for the San Francisco Bay and Delta
131.38 2016-07-15 2-FR 81 FR 46030 Proposed Rule: Establishment of Revised Numeric Criteria for Selenium for the San Francisco Bay and Delta, State of California
131.45 2016-11-28 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.45 Revision of certain Federal water quality criteria applicable to Washington

WQS in Effect for CWA: Washington

131.36 2016-11-28 2-FR 81 FR 85417 Final Rule: Revision of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Washington
131.45 2016-11-28 2-FR 81 FR 85417 Final Rule: Revision of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Washington
131.43 2016-12-19 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.43 Maine

WQS in Effect for CWA: Maine

131.43 2016-12-19 2-FR 81 FR 92466 Final Rule: Promulgation of Certain Federal Water Quality Standards Applicable to Maine
131.43 2020-12-21 2-FR 85 FR 82936 Final Rule: Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Maine
131.43 2016-12-19 4-Web   Promulgation of Certain Federal Water Quality Standards Applicable to Maine
131.45 2017-02-03 4-Web   Withdrawal of Certain Federal Human Health Criteria in Washington - Final Rule
131.46 2017-02-03 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.46 Aquatic life criterion for cadmium in Oregon

WQS in Effect for CWA: Oregon

131.46 2017-02-03 2-FR 82 FR 09166 Final Rule:  Aquatic Life Criteria for Cadmium in Oregon
131.46 2017-02-03 4-Web  

Final Rule - Cadmium Aquatic Life Criterion Applicable to Oregon Fresh Waters

131.47 (proposed) 2017-12-27 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.47 (proposed) Missouri (proposed)
131.47 (proposed) 2017-12-27 2-FR 82 FR 61213 Proposed Rule: Water Quality Standards for the State of Missouri's Lakes and Reservoirs
131.47 (proposed) 2017-12-27 4-Web   Proposed Nutrient Criteria for Missouri Lakes and Reservoirs
131.38 2018-10-16 2-FR 83 FR 52163 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to California: Lead, Chlorodibromomethane, and Dichlorobromomethane
131.38 2018-12-13 2-FR 83 FR 64059 Proposed Rule: Establishment of a Numeric Criterion for Selenium for the State of California
131.45 2020-05-13 2-FR 85 FR 28494 Final Rule:  Withdrawal of Certain Federal Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Washington
131.38 2016-07-15 4-Web  
131.[Subpart D] 2011-05-11 4-Web  

EPA Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS)

WQS in Effect for CWA: Illinois

131.[Subpart D] 2011-05-11 3-Det  

[See Determination that New or Revised Use Designations that Provide for Recreation are Necessary for Segments of the Chicago Area Waterway System ]

WQS in Effect for CWA: Illinois

131.34 2003-07-07 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.34


WQS in Effect for CWA: Kansas

131.47 2020-12-30 1-Reg 40 CFR 131.47 Aquatic life criteria for aluminum in Oregon (proposed)
131.47 2019-05-01 2-FR 84 FR 18454 Proposed Rule: Aquatic Life Criteria for Aluminum in Oregon
131.47 2020-12-30 4-Web   Aluminum Aquatic Life Criteria Applicable to Oregon Fresh Waters - Final Rule
132.6 2011-09-16 1-Reg 40 CFR 132.6

Application of part 132 requirements in Great Lakes States and Tribes [Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System].

WQS and Other Provisions in Effect for: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin
132.6 2000-08-04 2-FR 65 FR 47864 Final Rule: Identification of Approved and Disapproved Elements of the Great Lakes Guidance Submissions From the States of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and Final Rule
132.6 2000-10-06 2-FR 65 FR 59732 Final Rule: Identification of Approved and Disapproved Elements of the Great Lakes Guidance Submission From the State of New York, and Final Rule
132.6 2000-11-06 2-FR 65 FR 66502 Final Rule: Identification of Approved and Disapproved Elements of the Great Lakes Guidance Submission From the State of Wisconsin, and Final Rule
132.6 2011-09-16 2-FR 76 FR 57646 Final Rule: Final Withdrawal of Certain Federal Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria Applicable to Wisconsin
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