GLI Criteria Calculation Spreadsheets
You can use these spreadsheets to help understand how the criteria have been calculated. The formulas and inputs are in the Technical Support Documents and in the 40 CFR Part 132. Spreadsheets include default settings as published in 40 CFR Part 132.
See also Before You Use the GLI Clearinghouse
Please note: States and Tribes may use different values and equations from what has been published by the EPA. See specific state and tribal regulatory languages to determine how values are calculated.
- Aquatic Life Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 3 MB)
- Human Health Cancer Value Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 28 K)
- Human Health Noncancer Value Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 29 K)
- Method 1- Baseline Bioaccumulation Factor (measured BAF derived from field study) Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 23 K)
- Method 3 - Baseline Bioaccumulation Factor (predicted BAF derived from BCF and FCM) Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 20 K)
- Method 4 - Baseline Bioaccumulation Factor (predicted BAF derived from Kow and FCM) Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 18 K)
- Wildlife Calculation (XLS)(1 pg, 25 K)