Indoor airPLUS Videos, Podcasts, Webinars and Interviews
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YouTube videos about Indoor airPLUS
Healthier Homes with Indoor airPLUS
The EPA’s Indoor airPLUS Program is a voluntary program for new home builders looking to construct homes with improved indoor air quality. This video highlights how the Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications address potential indoor air quality risks and offer comprehensive indoor air quality protections for homeowners.
Please note: The Indoor airPLUS videos listed below contain information based on the original Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications and may not reflect all requirements in Indoor airPLUS Version 1 (Revision 03), which was released October 2015.
Improving New Homes with Indoor airPLUS
EPA created Indoor airPLUS to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality. To earn the Indoor airPLUS label, the builder meets ENERGY STAR for New Homes requirements plus additional design and construction features to help protect homes from moisture and mold, radon, chemicals, combustion gases, pests and other airborne pollutants.
Building with Indoor airPLUS
Builders and verification professionals are incorporating Indoor airPLUS to help improve indoor air quality in new homes. To earn the Indoor airPLUS label, a home meets ENERGY STAR for New Homes requirements plus additional design and construction features to help protect homes from moisture and mold, radon, chemicals, combustion gases, pests and other indoor air pollutants.
Reporting Indoor airPLUS Qualified Homes
Indoor airPLUS builds on the foundation of EPA’s ENERGY STAR requirements for new homes and provides additional construction specifications to provide comprehensive indoor air quality protections in new homes. This video reviews the responsibilities of the builder, Rater, and Provider in the reporting of Indoor airPLUS Qualified Homes. Common mistakes and reporting misconceptions are also addressed.
Rater Perspective – Benefits of Earning the Indoor airPLUS Label with Ross Britton, US-Eco Logic | TexEnergy Solutions, and Nick Hurst, ICF
This podcast was recorded at the 2016 EEBA Conference and Expo in Frisco, Texas. Ross Britton is with US-Eco Logic | TexEnergy Solutions, an Indoor airPLUS Rater Partner. In this podcast, Ross and Nick discuss how to address perceived program barriers with builders and how to communicate to both builders and homebuyers the value of the Indoor airPLUS Program and homes with improved indoor air quality.
- More information about US-Eco Logic | TexEnergy Solutions Exit

Download transcript (7.47 KB)
- Transcript of Podcast with Ross Britton (3 pp, 82 K, About PDF)
Indoor Air Quality Metrics, Scores, and Emerging Technologies with Brett Singer, LBNL, and Nick Hurst, ICF
This podcast was recorded at the 2016 ASHRAE IAQ Conference in Alexandria, Virginia. Brett Singer is a Deputy Director of the Indoor Environment Group and co-leader of Indoor Air Quality research in the Residential Building Systems Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs. In this podcast, Brett and Nick discuss indoor air quality metrics, scores, and the emerging technology that will allow us to monitor and improve the quality of the air we breathe indoors.
- More information about Lawrence Berkeley National Labs Indoor Environment Group Exit
Meritage Homes: Selling the value of IAQ with Indoor airPLUS with CR Herro, Meritage Homes, and Nick Hurst, ICF International
This podcast was recorded at the 2015 Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA) Conference and Expo in Denver, Colorado. CR is the Vice President of Environmental Affairs for national builder Meritage Homes and travels around the country training Meritage’s sales agents and engaging with the high performance building industry. In this podcast, CR and Nick discuss Meritage’s approach to selling indoor air quality and how they educate their staff to effectively communicate about the importance of indoor air quality and the Indoor airPLUS Program.
- More information about Meritage Homes Exit

Indoor Air Quality Challenges and New Opportunities in Research with Iain Walker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Nick Hurst, ICF International
This podcast was recorded at the 2015 Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA) Conference and Expo in Denver, Colorado. Iain Walker is part of the Residential Buildings Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (LBNL) and discusses the challenges associated with indoor air quality and the research that he and his team are doing to better understand the indoor environment. Iain talks about the history of LBNL in the building industry and a variety of topics, from ventilation to formaldehyde, that affect indoor air quality.
- More information about Iain Walker and his work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Exit

High Performance Homes and Indoor Air Quality with Gord Cooke, Construction Instruction and Nick Hurst, ICF International
This podcast was recorded prior to the 2015 National Association of Home Builders, International Builders Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Gord Cooke is a leading expert in the energy efficient residential building industry and discusses the importance of indoor air quality in high performance homes. Facilitated by Nick Hurst, of ICF International, Gord delves into the nexus of high performance homes and indoor air quality, as well as emerging building science technologies.
- For more information about Gord Cooke and his work with high performance homes Exit

Zero Energy Ready Home Program and Indoor airPLUS with Sam Rashkin, Department of Energy and Nick Hurst, ICF International
Sam Rashkin is the Chief Architect for the Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office and oversees the DOE's Zero Energy Ready Home Program. Facilitated by Nick Hurst, of ICF International, Sam discusses the Zero Energy Ready Home Program and its relationship with the Indoor airPLUS Program and indoor air quality. He also discusses strategies for builders to market their high performance homes and communicate their value effectively to consumers.

Industry Leaders Report on Current New Homes Trends and Forecast the Future of the Housing Market
With EEBA Board of Directors, Robert Broad and Gord Cooke of Building Knowledge Facilitated by David Price (formerly with EPA), share current and future perspectives in the home building industry with regards to indoor air quality, building and labeling practices and consumer awareness of healthier homes. Broad and Cooke walk listeners through how the industry has taken a proactive stance towards redefining and evaluating what is effective in labels and standards and what is not. In addition, they discuss how to move forward with these labels and standards so that consumers are engaged, educated and living healthier lives.

"Not So Big" Home Design Approach Combines Indoor Air Quality and Healthier Living with Sarah Susanka
Sarah Susanka, author of the "Not So Big House" series, discusses how finding and investing in a home that is built to last and healthy inside and out is about knowing how all the components of a home can affect overall quality of life. Educating contractors, architects, designers and homeowners on programs like the Indoor airPLUS program and green building is key to addressing this problem. Understanding the whole home picture and making informed choices in design can greatly reduce the risk of living in a home with poor indoor air quality.
- Find out more about "Not So Big House" Exit
- Read more about Sarah Susanka Exit

- Podcast with Sarah Susanka (MP3)(21:58, 7.5 MB)
- Transcript of Sarah Susanka Podcast (TXT)(22 K)
Building Healthier Homes for Families with Rebecca Morley, National Center for Healthy Housing
Ms. Morley discusses her work in helping to create healthy and safe homes for children and their families. She explains how earning an Indoor airPLUS label is a step in the right direction toward ensuring good indoor air quality in a home and reducing health risks for its occupants. Builders and verifiers will learn how building Indoor airPLUS qualified new homes can combat the environmental triggers that you may find in an unhealthy home.
- Read more about the National Center for Healthy Housing Exit

- Podcast with Rebecca Morley (MP3)(5:37, 2.5 MB)
- Transcript of Rebecca Morley Podcast (TXT)(6 K)
Constructing Improved Homes with Indoor airPLUS with Eric Werling and David Price
Eric Werling (U.S. Department of Energy) and Dave Price (formerly with EPA) discuss the construction features and building techniques of Indoor airPLUS qualified homes, how the program benefits homebuilders and why Indoor airPLUS qualified homes resonate with home buyers.

Homebuyers' Concerned with Living Healthy at Home with David Price
Dave Price (formerly with EPA) discusses the importance of good indoor air quality and how builders can address home buyers' concerns about the air quality in new homes with EPAs Indoor airPLUS program. Builders also will learn how building healthier and green homes can distinguish them in the housing market.

- Podcast with David Price (MP3)(7:29, 7.2 MB)
- Transcript of David Price Podcast(8 K)
Becoming an Indoor airPLUS Verifier with Justin Erickson of E3 Energy
Justin Erickson of E3 Energy and an Indoor airPLUS recognized leader, shares the benefits of incorporating Indoor airPLUS into new homes for verifier, builders and consumers. You will learn why E3 Energy began building healthier homes and how the company has expanded over the years by adding Indoor airPLUS features to its new homes. Erikson also discusses his role as a verifier in working with builders and promoting the ease and benefits of building Indoor airPLUS homes. Verifiers and builders will learn more about the process of building and verifying an Indoor airPLUS qualified home as well as how to become an Indoor airPLUS verifier. Erickson gives insight into the Indoor airPLUS program that only a seasoned verifier can provide.
E3 Energy is a recognized 2010-2016 Indoor airPLUS HERS Leader.

- Podcast with Justin Erickson (MP3)(16:49, 7.9 MB)
- Transcript of Justin Erickson Podcast (TXT)(15 K)
Taking the Home Verification Industry to a New Level with Kelly Parker of GWS Systems
Kelly Parker, President of Guaranteed Watt Saver Systems Incorporated, a leading Indoor airPLUS verifying organization, discusses how the Indoor airPLUS labeling program is advantageous for the home rating industry and a growing concern of customers. Verifiers and builders will learn how easy Indoor airPLUS is to implement and how it allows them to increase the services they offer and take building practices to a new level.
GWS Systems is a recognized 2010 Indoor airPLUS HERS Leader.

Improving Air Quality Through Indoor airPLUS with Gary Fries of ASERusa
Gary Fries of ASERusa discusses how verifiers and builders differentiate themselves by building and verifying EPA's Indoor airPLUS qualified homes especially in the mid-west. Verifiers will learn how the Indoor airPLUS label, which is the highest standard in indoor air quality construction, is a common sense approach to satisfying consumer demand for healthier homes.
ASERusa is a recognized 2010 through 2016 Indoor airPLUS HERS Leader.

- Podcast with Gary Fries (MP3)(3:22, 1.6 MB)
- Transcript of Gary Fries Podcast (TXT)(3 K)
Involving Your Business and Getting to Your Bottom line with Paul Kreisher of Lightly Treading
Anne Rancourt speaks with Paul Kreisher of Lightly Treading Incorporated on evolving your business and getting to your bottom line. Lightly Treading is the leader in rating Indoor airPLUS homes in Colorado.
Lightly Treading, Inc. is a recognized 2010 and 2011 Indoor airPLUS HERS Leader.

- Podcast with Paul Kreisher (MP3)(5:53, 2.7 MB)
- Transcript of Paul Kreisher Podcast (TXT)(6 K)
The Webinar presentations below will help you discover how Indoor airPLUS homes are designed to improve indoor air quality and increase energy efficiency, learn about the key design and construction features included in Indoor airPLUS homes and find out about the promotional materials provided to Indoor airPLUS partners.
January 30, 2018: Radon Protections in New Homes
Radon-resistant construction is becoming a focal point in the high performance building industry. Learn from seasoned radon expert, Bruce Snead, of the Kansas Radon Program about how to avoid common mistakes in design and installation of a passive system. Bruce is the Director of the Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, which provides technical assistance for EPA to promote public awareness and increased testing and mitigation for radon in homes, multifamily buildings, and schools. You'll also hear about new radon policy updates and exceptions in the Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications.
October 3, 2017: Success with Indoor airPLUS: Learning from the 2017 Leader Award Winners
Indoor air quality has become a focal point in the high-performance building industry and marketing indoor environments is often one of the biggest challenges builders face. How do you educate your homebuyers and sell homes with improved indoor air quality? Watch this video to hear how these accomplished partners have made the transition from ENERGY STAR to Indoor airPLUS and how some have now committed to building 100% of their homes with the Indoor airPLUS label. These 2017 Leader Award winning builders and Home Energy Raters offered up their experience about how they’ve capitalized on their Indoor airPLUS partnership through marketing and promotion. They also shared what their previous homebuyers are telling them about their personal experiences in Indoor airPLUS labeled homes.
January 25, 2017: Indoor airPLUS Sales Training Kit: Communicate the Value of Improved Indoor Air Quality
Looking to improve your sales agents’ ability to communicate the values of improved indoor air quality (IAQ)? The Indoor airPLUS team, along with CR Herro of Meritage Homes, discusses IAQ messaging and marketing the value of healthier indoor air. During this webinar we explore the Indoor airPLUS Sales Training Kit, a training resource to help teach your team how to tailor the conversation to specific clients, helping them understand the features and benefits that come with the Indoor airPLUS label. Available through your My ENERGY STAR Account, the Sales Training Kit includes both a Trainer’s and Participant’s Guide, as well as handouts and a customizable slide deck to help your team develop a unique value proposition and practice with interactive role-playing activities. Hear firsthand from an Indoor airPLUS builder and Indoor airPLUS representatives how to bring the value of healthier homes to your regular sales trainings.
August 16, 2016: Finding Indoor airPLUS Compliant Low-Emission Materials
With numerous low-VOC products and third-party labeling standards in the market, it’s really not as hard as it might seem to find Indoor airPLUS compliant materials. This webinar explains these Indoor airPLUS requirements for composite wood, carpet, and interior paints and finishes. We also explore the How to Find Indoor airPLUS Compliant Low-Emission Products document, which provides guidance on identifying compliant products including industry databases and examples of product labeling. We’ll cover all you need to know to get comfortable with low-emission materials and products that meet the requirements in the Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications.
March 29, 2016: You’re a Recent Indoor airPLUS Partner. Now What?
You’ve been building ENERGY STAR certified homes and you’re interested in going further in marketing healthier, high-performance homes. You may have even signed an Indoor airPLUS Partnership Agreement, but you’re not sure what’s next. This webinar provides a detailed walkthrough of what’s required to add the Indoor airPLUS label to the homes you build. From integrating the Revision 3 Construction Specifications into your regular building practices, to educating your homeowner about the values of improved indoor air quality--we’ve covered all you need to know to get comfortable with the program.
August 21, 2014: Ventilation and Filtration Strategies with Indoor airPLUS and Zero Energy Ready Homes
Presented by Nick Hurst, ICF, Inc., on behalf of EPA's Indoor airPLUS program. The Indoor airPLUS qualification, a prerequisite for DOE's Zero Energy Ready Homes, offers an important platform to improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) in high-performance homes. A critical aspect of improving both energy efficiency and IAQ is the proper design and installation of HVAC systems and their filtration components. Indoor airPLUS adds valuable features to Zero Energy Ready Homes that take into account source control, ventilation, and enhanced filtration, providing additional health protections for the home's occupants.
- Watch the webinar: Zero Energy Ready Homes Exit
May 16, 2014: RESNET Webinar
Appraisal Institute's Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum.
- Watch the webinar: Appraisal Green Addendum Exit
June 25, 2013: Building on ENERGY STAR: Stepping Up to EPA's Indoor airPLUS Label
As the companion program to ENERGY STAR that provides comprehensive indoor air quality protections in new homes, Indoor airPLUS improves the comfort, quality and value of the homes you build, certify and sell. During this Webinar, experts described how Indoor airPLUS Revision 1, released February 2013, works with ENERGY STAR Version 3 to streamline and simplify the program's Construction Specifications and inspection requirements. The speakers also provided insight into marketing the indoor air quality protections and value of Indoor airPLUS homes.
- Watch the webinar: Stepping Up to EPA's Indoor airPLUS Label (SWF)(20 MB, June 25, 2013)
- Stepping Up to EPA's Indoor airPLUS Label Webinar Transcript
April 11, 2013: Tips and Tricks for Reporting ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS Homes
Providers are required to report ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS homes to EPA on a quarterly basis. This Webinar explained step-by-step how homes should be reported and tips for avoiding reporting headaches. Also covered were recent changes to the reporting process including no longer being able to report homes for non-partners.
- To obtain a copy of the Webinar recording and/or slides, send an email to ICF International (
March 28, 2013: Building on ENERGY STAR: Stepping up to EPA's Indoor airPLUS Label
Building ENERGY STAR certified homes is a great start to improving indoor air quality. Now, consider moving up to EPA's Indoor airPLUS label, which provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring healthy indoor air in your home. This Webinar provided recent program updates with Revision 1 and described how you can easily build on your ENERGY STAR partnership to earn the Indoor airPLUS label.
- To obtain a copy of the Webinar recording and/or slides, send an email to ICF International (
June 5, 2012: Benefits of Building a Healthier Home with Indoor airPLUS
EPA and RESNET sponsored a Webinar to learn the benefits of building a healthier home with Indoor airPLUS and gain a leading Rater's perspective. Ross Britton from TexEnergy Solutions shared his experience with the program and revealed valuable tips on how to effectively sell Indoor airPLUS to builders and consumers. Learn how the Indoor airPLUS program has helped TexEnergy Solutions as a Rating company so you too can leverage this business opportunity and advance indoor air quality practices in residential construction.
- Watch the webinar: Benefits of Building a Healthier Home with Indoor airPLUS Exit
- Benefits of Building a Healthier Home with Indoor airPLUS Webinar Slides
Talking to Consumers About Indoor airPLUS with Chris Conway
Chris Conway of Conway Construction discusses the importance and appeal of good indoor air quality and comfortable homes for potential homebuyers; how he has educated customers on benefits of the Indoor airPLUS program; and how the Indoor airPLUS program helps builders and raters build their business by giving them the tools to meet their customer's needs.
As the founder and president of Conway Construction, LLC, Chris is the exclusive EarthCraft House Virginia certifier in the greater Northern Virginia area. In partnership with EarthCraft, he has been the industry leader in encouraging implementation of comprehensive energy-efficiency and building performance initiatives for homeowners, building owners and developers.
Verifier Perspectives: Interview with Kelly Parker, Guaranteed Watt Saver Systems
Guaranteed Watts Savers verifies almost 7,000 homes per year in 35 states. Owner Kelly Parker discusses the advantages of Indoor airPLUS qualified homes to builders, raters and homeowners, including how being a Indoor airPLUS third-party verifier provides a business opportunity to raters and supports builders by ensuring they are meeting indoor air quality specifications to satisfy their customers.
- Video of Kelly Parker Interview (SWF)(21 MB)
- Transcript of Kelly Parker Interview (TXT)(2 K)
- Guaranteed Watt Saver Systems Exit (a 2010 HERS Leader award winner)
Verifier Perspectives: Interview with Mark MaGrann, MaGrann Associates
A veteran verifier, Mark MaGrann, President and CEO of MaGrann Associates, discusses the value of having a third party professional verifier ensure that a home is meeting the specifications for a nationally recognized indoor air quality standard, Indoor airPLUS. He also relays how Indoor airPLUS is becoming increasingly recognized by the home building industry and how it can help verifiers build their businesses.
Verifier Perspectives: Building Green Homes and Indoor airPLUS with Rob Salcido
Rob Salcido of Architectural Energy Corporation discusses how building green homes through the Indoor airPLUS program can result in a cleaner and more comfortable indoor environment as well as increase the value of homes.
- Video of Rob Salcido Interview (SWF)(20 MB)
- Transcript of Rob Salcido Interview (TXT)(2 K)
- Architectural Energy Corporation Exit (a 2010 HERS Leader award winner)