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Research Grants

STAR Measurements and Modeling for Quantifying Air Quality and Climatic Impacts of Residential Biomass or Coal Combustion for Cooking, Heating and Lighting Kick-off Meeting

Title: STAR Measurements and Modeling for Quantifying Air Quality and Climatic Impacts of Residential Biomass or Coal Combustion for Cooking, Heating and Lighting Kick-off Meeting
Date: February 25, 2015: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: EPA at Research Triangle Park, NC and Online Webinar

Please join us for a STAR research kickoff meeting on research projects on the impacts on air quality and climate from residential cooking, heating, or lighting.  STAR grantees and EPA scientists will discuss progress on their projects which aim to quantify the extent to which interventions for cleaner cooking, heating, or lighting can impact air quality and climate, which in turn affect human health and welfare.

For more details on the STAR grants, see: Measurements and Modeling for Quantifying Air Quality and Climatic Impacts of Residential Biomass or Coal Combustion for Cooking, Heating and Lighting


Michael Hiscock (; 703-347-0258

Additional Info and Presentations:

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